COMS W3261 CS Theory
Lecture 1: Introduction to CS Theory
1. Course Objectives
- Learning computational thinking
- Understanding the fundamental models of computation that
underlie modern computer hardware, software, and programming languages.
- Discovering that there are problems no computer can
- Discovering that there are limits on how fast a computer
can solve a problem.
- Mastering the foundations of automata theory,
computability theory, complexity theory, pac learning, and the lambda calculus.
- Learning about applications of computer science theory to
algorithms, programming languages, compilers,
machine learning, operating systems, and software verification.
2. Course Syllabus
- Languages and decision problems
- The Chomsky hierarchy of families of languages
- Finite automata
- Regular expressions
- Properties of regular languages
- Context-free grammars
- Pushdown automata
- Properties of context-free languages
- Algorithms and Turing machines
- Introduction to computability theory
- Introduction to complexity theory
- Introduction to probably approximately correct learning
- Introduction to the lambda calculus
3. Textbooks and References
- The course text is
- John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, and Jeffrey D. Ullman
- Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation, Third Edition
- Pearson/Addison-Wesley, 2007, ISBN-10: 0321462254 | ISBN-13: 9780321462251
- Other good references are
- Michael Sipser
- Introduction to the Theory of Computation, Third Edition
- Cengage Learning, 2013
- Alfred V. Aho and Jeffrey D. Ullman
- Foundations of Computer Science, C Edition
- W. H. Freeman, 1995
- An online version of this book is available
- Scott Aaronson and Nancy Lynch
6.045J Automata, Computability, and Complexity, Spring 2011
- MIT OpenCourseWare
4. Course Requirements
- Homeworks — best four out of five homeworks will constitute 15% of final grade
- Midterm — 40% of final grade
- Final — 45% of final grade
5. Languages
- Precise definitions are very important in theory.
We start by giving definitions for some of the most fundamental concepts in
CS theory beginning with alphabets, strings, and languages.
- An alphabet Σ is a finite, nonempty set of symbols.
- Example alphabets: {0,1}, ASCII, Unicode
- A string is a finite sequence of symbols chosen from
some alphabet.
- Example strings: ε (the empty string), 0, 01, 011
- Common operations on strings: concatenation, reversal
- Terms associated with strings: prefix, suffix, substring, subsequence
- A language over Σ is a set of strings whose symbols are chosen from
Σ. Examples:
- the empty set, ∅
- {0,1}
- P = {10, 11, 101, 111, 1011, 1101, ... }
(the binary representations of the prime numbers)
- The set of all syntactically valid Java programs.
- The set of all valid English sentences?
- Operations on languages
- New languages can be created by applying operators of various kinds to languages.
- Example language operator: The Kleene closure of the language {0,1} is denoted (0,1}* and it is the language
{ε, 0, 1, 00, 01, 10, 11, 000, ... }, which consists
of all strings of 0s and 1s including the empty string.
- Question: How many strings are there in {0,1}*?
- A problem is the question of deciding whether a given
string is a member of some particular language.
- Example problem: Given a binary number x, is x in P?
6. Proofs
- What is a theorem?
- A theorem is a statement that has been proven true by a
convincing logical argument.
- What is a proof?
- A (deductive) proof is a sequence of statements each one of
which is a given fact or follows by a logical rule from some
previous statements in the proof.
- Types of proof
- By deduction
- By construction
- By induction
- By structural induction
- By contradiction
- Many others
7. Practice Problems
- How many strings over {0,1} are there?
- How many languages over {0,1} are there?
- How many (a) prefixes, (b) suffixes, (c) substrings, (d) subsequences are there in a
string of length n?
- What does it mean for a string to have balanced parentheses?
- Prove that the following recursive definition generates all and only
all strings of balanced parentheses.
Hint: Use induction on the length of a string to show that every balanced
string of length 2n is generated by the definition and use
induction on the number n of rules used to generate a string to
show that every string generated by the grammar is a string of
balanced parentheses.
- Rule 1 (basis): The empty string is a balanced string.
- Rule 2 (induction): If x and y are balanced strings,
then (x)y is a balanced string.
- See pp. 64-68 of Chapter 2 of
Aho and Ullman, Foundations of Computer Science
for an answer to this practice problem.
- Use contradiction to show that the square root of two is not a rational number.
- Research problem: If x is a string of length m and y
is a string of length n, then what is the maximum possible number of
longest common subsequences between x and y as a function
of m and n?
8. Reading Assignment