COMS W3261 CS Theory
Lecture 11: Properties of CFL's
1. Closure Properties of CFL's
- The context-free languages are closed under the following operations:
- substitution
- Let Σ be an alphabet and let La be a language
for each symbol a in Σ. These languages define
a substitution s on Σ.
- If w =
a1a2 ... an
is a string in Σ*, then s(w) =
{ x1x2 ... xn |
xi is a string in
for 1 ≤ i ≤ n }.
- If L is a language,
s(L) = { s(w) | w is in L }.
- If L is a CFL over Σ and s(a) is a CFL for each
a in Σ, then s(L) is a CFL.
- union
- concatenation
- Kleene star
- homomorphism
- reversal
- intersection with a regular set
- inverse homomorphism
2. Nonclosure Properties of CFL's
- The context-free languages are not closed under the following operations:
- intersection
- L1 =
{ anbnci | n, i ≥ 0 }
and L2 =
{ aibncn | n, i ≥ 0 }
are CFL's. But
L = L1 ∩ L2 =
{ anbncn | n ≥ 0 }
is not a CFL.
- complement
- Suppose comp(L) is context free if L is context free.
Since L1 ∩ L2 =
comp(comp(L1) ∪ comp(L2)),
this would imply the CFL's are closed under intersection.
- difference
- Suppose L1 – L2 is a context free if
L1 and L2 are context free.
If L is a CFL over Σ, then comp(L) = Σ* - L
would be context free.
3. Testing Emptiness of a CFG
- Problem: Given a CFG G, is L(G) empty?
- Emptiness problem is decidable: determine whether the
start symbol of G is generating.
- Naive algorithm has O(n2) time complexity where n
is the size of G
(sum of the lengths of the productions).
- With a more sophisticated list-processing algorithm, emptiness
problem can be solved in linear time. See HMU, p. 302.
4. Undecidable CFL Problems
- We say a problem that cannot be solved by any Turing machine is undecidable.
There is no algorithm that can solve an undecidable problem.
- We shall see that several fundamental questions about context-free grammars and languages
are undecidable, such as:
- Is a given CFG ambiguous?
- Given a CFG, is there another equivalent CFG that is unambiguous?
- Do two given CFG's generate the same language?
- Is the intersection of the languages generated by two CFG's empty?
- Given a CFG G = (V, T, P, S),
is L(G) = T*?
5. Practice Problems
- Prove the CFL's are closed under the operations in Section 1 above.
- Let min(L) =
{ w | w is in L but no proper prefix of w is in L }.
Are the CFL's closed under the min operation?
- Let max(L) =
{ w | w is in L but for no string x other
than ε is wx is in L }.
Are the CFL's closed under the max operation?
- Let init(L) =
{ w | wx is in L for some string x
(possibly the empty string) }.
Are the CFL's closed under the init operation?
- Let cycle(L) =
{ w | we can write w as xy where yx is in L }.
Are the CFL's closed under the cycle operation?
- Let half(L) = { w | there exists a string x such that
|w| = |x| and wx is in L }.
Are the CFL's closed under the half operation?
- Let L =
{ anbncn | n ≥ 1 }.
Show that the complement of L is context free.
- Let L = { ww | w is a strings of a's and b's }.
Show that the complement of L is context free.
6. Reading