COMS W3261 CS Theory
Lecture 15: The Diagonalization Language
1. Reducing One Problem to Another
- Suppose we have an algorithm A to transform instances of one
problem P1
to instances of another problem P2 in such a way
that a string w is in P1 if and only if
the transformed string A(w) is in P2.
What this implies is that we can solve instances of problem P1
by converting them to instances of problem P2 and then
using the solution to problem P2 to answer the original question.
If we can do this, then we will say that A is a reduction of
P1 to P2.
- Note that a reduction from P1 to P2 must turn
every instance of P1 with a yes answer to an instance of
P2 with a yes answer, and every instance of P1
with a no answer to an instance of P2 with a no answer.
- We will frequently use this technique to show that problem P2
is as hard as problem P1.
- The direction of the reduction is important.
- For example, if there is a reduction from P1 to P2
and if P1 is not recursive, then P2
cannot be recursive. (Why?)
- Similarly, if there is a reduction from P1 to P2
and if P1 is not recursively enumerable, then P2
cannot be recursively enumerable. (Why?)
2. Enumerating the Binary Strings
- In many proofs involving Turing machines, we need to enumerate the binary strings and
encode Turing machines so that we can refer to the ith
binary string as wi
and the ith Turing machine as Mi.
- The binary strings are easy to enumerate. If w is a binary string, we shall
treat 1w as the binary integer i so we can call w the
ith string.
- Using this encoding, the empty string is the first string, 0 the second, 1 the third,
00 the fourth, 01 the fifth, and so on. Henceforth
we will refer to the ith string as wi.
3. Codes for Turing machines
- We will now define a binary code for all Turing machines with the input alphabet {0, 1}
so that each Turing machine can be represented by a binary string.
This will allow us to talk about the ith Turing machine
as Mi. We will adopt the following conventions:
- We assume the states are q1, q2, . . . ,
qr for some r. We assume q1
will always be the start state. We assume q2 will be the only
accepting state. We need only one accepting state if we assume the Turing machine
halts whenever it enters an accepting state.
- We assume the tape symbols are X1, X2, . . . ,
Xs for some s. We assume X1
is 0, X2 is 1, and X3 is the blank.
- We assign integers D1 and D2
to the tape head directions left and right.
- Now we can encode a transition rule
δ(qi, Xj) =
(qk, Xl, Dm)
as a binary string C of the form
- Suppose there are n transition rules.
The binary code for the entire Turing machine will be the concatenation of the
codes for all of the transitions (in some order) separated by pairs of 1's:
- Note that there can be many encodings for the same Turing machine.
- We can encode a pair (Mi, w) consisting of a Turing machine
and a string by appending 111 to the encoding of the Turing machine and then appending
the string w.
4. The Diagonalization Language Ld is not Recursively Enumerable
- We define Ld, the diagonalization language, as follows:
- Let w1, w2, w3, . . .
be an enumeration of all binary strings.
- Let M1, M2, M3, . . .
be an enumeration of all Turing machines.
- Let Ld = { wi |
wi is not in L(Mi) }.
- Theorem: Ld is not a recursively enumerable language.
- Suppose Ld = L(Mi) for some TM
- This gives rise to a contradiction. Consider what Mi
will do on an input string wi.
- If Mi accepts wi, then by definition
wi cannot be in Ld.
- If Mi does not accepts wi, then
by definition wi is in Ld.
- Since wi can neither be in Ld nor not be in
Ld, we must conclude there is no Turing machine that
can define Ld.
5. Complements of Recursive and Recursively Enumerable Languages
- A recursive language is one that is accepted by a TM that halts on all inputs.
- The complement of a recursive language is recursive.
- If a language L and its complement are RE, then L is recursive.
- A language can be RE but its complement need not be RE.
6. Practice Problems
- Prove that if there is a reduction from problem P1 to
problem P2
and if P1 is not recursive, then P2
is not recursive.
- Prove that if there is a reduction from P1 to P2
and if P1 is not recursively enumerable, then P2
is not recursively enumerable.
- Show that the language L =
{ wi | wi is not accepted by
M2i }
is not recursively enumerable.
- Show that the language L =
{ wi | w2i is not accepted by
Mi }
is not recursively enumerable.
7. Reading
- HMU: Sections 8.1.3, 9.1, 9.2.1, 9.2.2, 9.3.1