COMS W4115
Programming Languages and Translators
Lecture 1: January 21, 2015
Introduction to PLT
1. Teaching Staff
- Professor Alfred V. Aho
- 513 Computer Science Building
- Office hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 1:00-2:00pm
- Course webpage:
- Courseworks website:
- Piazza bulletin board:
- Lectures on Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:40-3:55pm, 833 Mudd
- Livi Byer (team organizer)
- Office hours: Tuesdays 3:00-5:00
- TA Room: 122 Mudd
- Chae Jubb
- Office hours: Wednesdays 11:30-1:00 and Tuesdays 4:45-5:15
- TA Room: 122 Mudd
- Aquila Khanam
- Office hours: Fridays 10:00-12:00
- TA Room: 122 Mudd
- Daniel Park
- Office hours: Mondays 4:00-6:00
- TA Room: 122 Mudd
- Kevin Walters
- Office hours: Mondays 10:00-12:00
- TA Room: 122 Mudd
2. Course Objectives
- You will learn about the syntactic and semantic elements of modern programming languages.
- You will learn the important algorithms used by compilers to
translate high-level source languages into machine and other
target languages.
- You will learn about imperative, object-oriented, functional, logic, scripting languages, and parallel languages.
- A highlight of this course is a semester-long programming
project in which you will work in a small team to create
and implement an innovative little language of your own design.
- You will learn computational thinking and good software engineering practices.
- The concepts, techniques, and tools that you will learn in this
course have broad application to many areas of computer science
and software development outside of programming
languages and compilers.
3. Course Syllabus
- Computational thinking
- Kinds of programming languages
- Principles of compilers
- Lexical analysis
- Syntax analysis
- Tools for constructing compilers
- Syntax-directed translation
- Types and type-checking algorithms
- Semantic analysis
- Run-time organization
- Intermediate code generation
- Code generation
- Code optimization
- The lambda calculus
4. Textbooks and References
- The course text is
- Alfred V. Aho, Monica Lam, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman
- Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, Second Edition
- Pearson Addison-Wesley, 2007
- Other good references are
- Andrew W. Appel
- Modern Compiler Implementation in Java, second edition
- Cambridge University Press, 2002
- Keith D. Cooper and Linda Torczon
- Engineering a Compiler, Second Edition
- Morgan Kaufmann, 2012
- Steven S. Muchnick
- Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation
- Morgan Kaufmann, 1997
- Michael L. Scott
- Programming Language Pragmatics, Third Edition
- Morgan Kaufman, 2009
- Robert W. Sebesta
- Concepts of Programming Languages, Tenth Edition
- Pearson/Addison-Wesley, 2012
Also see Professor Stephen Edwards' PLT website. Well worth a look!
5. Course Requirements, Grading, and Late Policy
- Homeworks (10% of final grade)
- Midterm (20% of final grade): Wednesday, March 11, 2015
- Final (30% of final grade): Monday, May 4, 2015
- Course project (40% of final grade): project has team and individual components
- Final project report due on Courseworks, May 10, 2015
- Thirty-minute project demo: Monday-Wednesday, May 11-13, 2015
- Homeworks can be handed in one week after they are due for 50% credit.
6. Project Requirements
- Form a team of five. Teams should be formed by Wednesday, February 4, 2015.
- Design a new innovative little language
- Build a compiler or interpreter for it.
- Project deliverables and due dates:
- Feb 25: Language white paper due.
See Section 1.2 of
for a sample white paper on Java.
- Mar 25: Language tutorial and reference manual due.
- See Chapter 1 of K&R for a sample language tutorial.
- See Appendix A of K&R for a sample language reference manual.
- May 10: Final project report due on Courseworks
- May 11-13: Project demos given to teaching staff.
- Start to form project teams of five right away. Elect a
- Project manager
- Language guru
- System architect
- System integrator
- Verification and validation person
7. Programming Languages
- A programming language is a notation for specifying computational tasks that a
person can understand
and a computer can execute.
- Every programming language has a syntax and a semantics.
- The syntax specifies how a concept is expressed.
- The syntax is often defined using a (context-free) grammar.
- statement ->
while (
expression )
- The semantics specifies what the concept means or does.
- Semantics can be specified operationally, axiomatically or denotationally.
- Ambiguity
- "Time flies like an arrow."
- Domains of application
- Scientific
- Business
- Artificial intelligence
- Systems
- Web
- Why are there so many languages?
- One language cannot serve every application area well.
Each area tends to have specialized needs.
E.g., scientific computing needs floating point,
systems need real-time control.
- Also, programmers often have strongly held differing opinions on what
makes a good language and how programming should be done.
There is no universally accepted definition of a �good� language.
8. Kinds of Languages
- Imperative
- Specifies how a computation is to be done.
- Examples: C, C++, C#, Fortran, Java
- Declarative
- Specifies what computation is to be done.
- Examples: Haskell, ML, Prolog
- von Neumann
- One whose computational model is based on the von Neumann architecture.
- Basic means of computation is through the modification of variables (computing
via side effects).
- Statements influence subsequent computations by changing the value of memory.
- Examples: C, C++, C#, Fortran, Java
- Object-oriented
- Program consists of interacting objects.
- Each object has its own internal state and executable functions (methods)
to manage that state.
- Object-oriented programming is based on encapsulation, modularity,
polymorphism, and inheritance.
- Examples: C++, C#, Java, OCaml, Simula 67, Smalltalk
- Scripting
- A dynamically typed, interpreted language with high-level operators for
"gluing together" computations.
- Examples: AWK, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby
- Functional
- One whose computational model is based on the recursive definition of functions
(the lambda calculus).
- Examples: Haskell, Lisp, ML.
- Parallel
- One that allows a computation to run concurrently on multiple processors.
- Examples
- Libraries: POSIX threads, MPI
- Languages: Ada, Cilk, OpenCL, Chapel, X10
- Architecture: CUDA (parallel programming architecture for GPUs)
- Domain specific
- Many areas have special-purpose languages to facilitate the creation of applications.
- Examples
- YACC for creating parsers
- LEX for creating lexical analyzers
- MATLAB for numerical computations
- SQL for database applications
- Markup
- Not programming languages in the sense of being Turing complete, but widely used
for document preparation.
- Examples: HTML, XHTML, XML
9. Influential Languages
- 1950s: assembler, Cobol, Fortran, Lisp
- 1960s: Algol60, Basic, Simula67
- 1970s: C, ML, scripting languages, application-specific languages
- January 2015:
C, Java, Objective-C, C++, C#, PHP,
JavaScript, Python, Perl, PL/SQL
PYPL PopularitY of PL index: Java, PHP, Python, C#, C++, C,
JavaScript, Objective-C, Swift, Ruby
IEEE Spectrum Top 10 PLs, July 2014:
Java, C, C++, C#, Python,
JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, SQL, MATLAB
10. Language Design Issues
- Application domain
- Exploit domain restrictions for expressiveness and performance.
- Computational model
- Choose a model that encourages simplicity and ease of expression.
- Incorporate a few primitives that can be elegantly combined to
solve large classes of problems.
- Abstraction mechanisms
- Abstractions should foster reuse and be suggestive of solutions.
- Type system
- Type systems can help reliability and security of programs.
- Usability
- Language design should promote learnability, readability, writability,
maintainability, and efficiency.
11. To Do
- Start forming your project team immediately. Teams should be in place by Feb 4, 2015.
- Use
Piazza to publicize your interests.
- Contact Livi Byer ( after Jan 30 for help forming
or finding a team.
- Once your team has been formed, let Livi know who is on it.
- Give your team and language the same name.
12. Reading Assignment