By Angelos Keromytis (April 2010)
:By Yechiam Yemini (March 2010):
A thesis contribution is a technical result that is both substantially novel and creates significant new knowledge.
A technical result is a solution of a technical problem. There are four types of technical results:
- A theory consisting of a body of theorems and their proofs from first principles.
- An algorithm that computes certain output from a given input.
- A performance analysis describing quantifiable behaviors of a large class of mechanisms, or characterizing optimal selection of their control parameters.
- A design for a hardware, software or protocol mechanism capable of resolving a broad class of problems.
A result is substantially novel if it cannot be derived as a simple application or extension of known results. A result creates significant new knowledge if it is (a) not obvious; and (b) if it is sufficiently abstract to be applicable to a large class of problems.
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Last updated by Henning Schulzrinne