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- See publications from the Columbia Speech Lab here
- Preben Wik, Rebecca Hincks, Julia Hirschberg, "Responses to Ville: A virtual language teacher for Swedish," SLaTE 2009, Wroxall Abbey, UK.
- Jes Edlund, Mattias Heldner, Julia Hirschberg, "Pause and gap length in face-to-face interaction," In Proceedings of Interspeech 2009, Brighton, UK.
- Fadi Biadsy, Julia Hirschberg, "Using Prosody and Phonotactics in Arabic Dialect Identification," In Proceedings of Interspeech 2009, Brighton, UK.
- Agustin Gravano, Julia Hirschberg, "Backchannel-inviting cues in task-oriented dialogue," In Proceedings of SigDial 2009, pages 253-261. London, UK.
- Agustin Gravano, Julia Hirschberg, "Turn-yielding cues in task-oriented dialogue," In Proceedings of Interspeech 2009, Brighton, UK.
- Andrew Rosenberg, Julia Hirschberg, "Detecting Pitch Accents at the Word, Syllable, and Vowel Level," NAACL/HLT 2009, Boulder, CO.
- Fadi Biadsy, Nizar Habash, Julia Hirschberg, "Improving the Arabic pronunciation dictionary for phone and word recognition with linguistically-based pronunciation rules," NAACL/HLT 2009, Boulder, CO.
- Fadi Biadsy, Julia Hirschberg, Nizar Habash,"Spoken Arabic dialect identification using phonotactic modeling," NAACL/HLT 2009, Boulder, CO.
- Fadi Biadsy, Julia Hirschberg, and Elena Filatova, "An Unsupervised Approach to Biography Production using Wikipedia," ACL 2008, Columbus, Ohio.
- Fadi Biadsy, Andrew Rosenberg, Rolf Carlson, Julia Hirschberg, and Eva Strangert, "A Cross-Cultural Comparison of American, Palestinian, and Swedish Perception of Charismatic Speech," Speech Prosody 2008, Campinas.
- Stefan Benus, Agustin Gravano, and Julia Hirschberg, "The Prosody of Backchannels in American English," ICPhS 2007, Saarbruecken.
- Stefan Benus, Agustin Gravano, and Julia Hirschberg, "Prosody, emotions, and...‘whatever’," Interspeech 2007, Antwerp.
- Fadi Biadsy, Julia Hirschberg, Andrew Rosenberg, and
Wisam Dakka, "Comparing
American and Palestinian Perceptions of Charisma Using
Acoustic-Prosodic and Lexical Analysis,"
Interspeech 2007, Antwerp.
- Agustin Gravano, Stefan Benus, Hector Chavez, Julia Hirschberg, and Lauren Wilcox, "On the Role of Context and Prosody in the Interpretation of ‘okay’," ACL 2007, Prague.
- Andrew Rosenberg, Mehrbod Sharifi, and Julia Hirschberg, "Varying Input Segmentation for Story Boundary Detection in English, Arabic and Mandarin Broadcast News," Interspeech 2007, Antwerp.
- Andrew Rosenberg and Julia Hirschberg, "Detecting Pitch Accent Using Pitch-corrected Energy-based Predictors," Interspeech 2007, Antwerp.
- Andrew Rosenberg and Julia Hirschberg, "V-Measure: A conditional entropy-based external cluster evaluation measure," EMNLP 2007, Prague.
- Frank Enos, Elizabeth Shriberg, Martin Graciarena, Julia Hirschberg, and Andreas Stolcke, "Detecting Deception Using Critical Segments," Interspeech 2007, Antwerp.
- Julia Hirschberg, Agus Gravano, Ani Nenkova, Elisa
Sneed, and Gregory Ward "Intonational
Overload: Uses of the H* !H* L- L% contour in read and
spontaneous speech," Laboratory Phonology 9, ed.
J. Cole and J. Hualde,
pp. 455-482. -
- Whittaker, S. and J. Hirschberg, "Accessing Speech Data Using Strategic Fixation," Computer Speech and Language, 21(2):296–324.
- Jennifer Venditti, Jackson Liscombe, and Julia Hirschberg, "Intonational Cues to Student Questions in Tutoring Dialogs," INTERSPEECH 2006, Pittsburgh.
- Jackson Liscombe, Jennifer Venditti, and Julia Hirschberg, "Detecting Question-Bearing Turns in Spoken Tutorial Dialogues," INTERSPEECH 2006, Pittsburgh. (Best Student Paper Award — one of 3).
- Sameer Maskey and Julia Hirschberg, "Soundbite Detection in Broadcast News Domain," INTER-SPEECH 2006, Pittsburgh.
- Frank Enos, Stefan Benus, Robin L. Cautin, Martin
Graciarena, Julia Hirschberg, and Elizabeth Shriberg, "Personality
Factors in Human Deception Detection: Comparing Human
to Machine Performance," INTERSPEECH 2006,
- Andrew Rosenberg and Julia Hirschberg, "On the Correlation between Energy and Pitch Accent in Read English Speech," INTERSPEECH 2006, Pittsburgh.
- Agustin Gravano and Julia Hirschberg "Effect of Genre, Speaker, and Word Class on the Realization of Given and New Information," INTERSPEECH 2006, Pittsburgh.
- Diane Litman, Julia Hirschberg, and Marc Swerts, "Characterizing and Predicting Corrections in Spoken Dialogue Systems," Computational Linguistics, 32 (3):417–438.
- Frank Enos and Julia Hirschberg, "A Framework for Eliciting Emotional Speech: Capitalizing on the Actor’s Process," LREC 2006, Genoa.
- Sameer Maskey and Julia Hirschberg, "Summarizing Speech Without Text Using Hidden Markov Models," HLT-NAACL 2006, New York, June.
- Andrew Rosenberg and Julia Hirschberg, "Story Segmentation of Broadcast News in English, Mandarin and Arabic," HLT-NAACL 2006, New York, June.
- Stefan Benus, Frank Enos, Julia Hirschberg and Elizabeth Shriberg, "Pauses in Deceptive Speech," Speech Prosody 2006, Dresden.
- Martin Graciarena, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas Stolcke, Frank Enos, Julia Hirschberg, and Sachin Kajarekar, "Combining Prosodic Lexical and Cepstral Systems for Deceptive Speech Detection," ICASSP- 2006.
- Sameer Maskey and Julia Hirschberg, "Comparing Lexical, Acoustic/Prosodic, Structural and Discourse Features for Speech Summarization," INTERSPEECH 2005, September.
- Jackson Liscombe, Jennifer Venditti, and Julia Hirschberg, "Detecting Certainness in Spoken Tutorial Dialogues," INTERSPEECH 2005, September.
- Julia Hirschberg, Stefan Benus, Jason M. Brenier,
Frank Enos, Sarah Friedman, Sarah Gilman, Cynthia
Girand, Martin Graciarena, Andreas Kathol, Laura
Michaelis, Bryan Pellom, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas
Stolcke, "Distinguishing
Deceptive from Non-Deceptive Speech," INTERSPEECH
2005, Lisbon,
September. - Andrew Rosenberg and Julia Hirschberg, "Acoustic/Prosodic and Lexical Correlates of Charismatic Speech," INTERSPEECH 2005, September.
- Kathleen McKeown, Rebecca Passonneau, David Elson, Ani Nenkova, Julia Hirschberg, "Do Summaries Help?" SIGIR 2005.
- Rolf Carlson, Julia Hirschberg, and Marc Swerts,
"Cues to upcoming Swedish prosodic boundaries:
subjective judgment studies and acoustic correlates,"
Speech Communication, 46 (2005):326–333.
- Julia Hirschberg, Diane Litman, and Marc Swerts, "Prosodic and Other Cues to Speech Recognition Failures," Speech Communication, 43(1-2):155–75.
- Michel Galley, Kathleen McKeown, Julia Hirschberg, and Elizabeth Shriberg, "Identifying Agreement and Disagreement in Conversational Speech: Use of Bayesian Networks to Model Pragmatic Dependencies," ACL 2004, Barcelona.
- Rolf Carlson, Julia Hirschberg, and Marc Swerts, "Prediction of upcoming Swedish prosodic boundaries by Swedish and American listeners," Proceedings of the International Conference on Speech Prosody 2004, Nara, March 23–26.
- Beckman, M. E., Hirschberg, J., and
Shattuck-Hufnagel, S., "The original ToBI system and the
evolution of the ToBI framework," S.-A. Jun, ed.,
Prosodic Typology: The Phonology of Intonation and
Phrasing. Oxford University Press, Chapter 2, pp. 9–54.
- Whittaker, S. and J. Hirschberg, "Look or Listen: Discovering Effective Techniques for Accessing Speech Data," in E. O’Neill, P.Palanque, and P. Johnson, eds., Proceedings of Human Computer Interaction, pp. 253–69.
- Sameer Maskey and Julia Hirschberg, "Automatic Summarization of Broadcast News using Structural Features," Proceedings of Eurospeech 2003, Geneva.
- Jackson Liscombe, Jennifer Venditti, and Julia Hirschberg "Classifying Subjective Ratings of Emotional Speech," Proceedings of Eurospeech 2003, Geneva.
- Julia Hirschberg, Jackson Liscombe and Jennifer Venditti, "Experiments in Emotional Speech," Proceedings of the ISCA and IEEE Workshop on Spontaneous Speech Processing and Recognition, Tokyo.
- Jennifer Venditti and Julia Hirschberg, "Intonation and Discourse Processing," Proceedings of ICPhS 2003, Barcelona.
- Shimei Pan, Kathleen McKeown, and Julia Hirschberg, "Exploring Features from Natural Language Generation for Prosody Modeling," Computer Speech and Language, 16 (3-4), pp. 457–90.
- Julia Hirschberg, "The Pragmatics of Intonational Meaning," in B. Bel & I. Marlien, eds., Proceedings of the Speech Prosody 2002 conference, Aix-en-Provence: Laboratoire Parole et Langage, April 11-13, pp. 65–68.
- Meredith Ringel and Julia Hirschberg, "Automated Message Prioritization: Making Voicemail Retrieval More Efficient," CHI 2002.
- Julia Hirschberg, "Communication and Prosody: Functional Aspects of Prosody," Speech Communication: Special Issue on Dialogue and Prosody: 36:31–43, ed. J. Terken and M. Swerts.
- S. Whittaker, J. Hirschberg, B. Amento, L. Stark, M.
Bacchiani, P. Isenhour, L. Stead, G. Zamchick, and A.
Rosenberg, "SCANMail:
a voicemail interface that makes speech browsable,
readable and searchable," Proceedings of CHI-02.
- Julia Hirschberg, Diane Litman, and Marc Swerts. "Detecting Misrecognitions and Corrections in Spoken Dialogue Systems from ‘Aware’ Sites," ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Prosody in Speech and Understanding, Red Bank, NJ, October.
- Julia Hirschberg, Michiel Bacchiani, Phil Isenhour, Aaron Rosenberg, Larry Stead, Steve Whittaker, Gary Zamchick "Audio Browsing and Search in the Voicemail Domain," Proceedings of NLPRS-2001, Tokyo.
- Steve Whittaker and Julia Hirschberg, "The Character, Value, and Management of Paper Archives," Transactions on Computer Human Interaction, 8:150–170.
- Diane Litman, Julia Hirschberg and Marc Swerts, "Predicting User Reactions to System Error," Proceedings of ACL 2001, Toulouse, pages 362–369.
- Julia Hirschberg, Diane Litman and Marc Swerts, "Identifying User Corrections Automatically in Spoken Dialogue Systems," Proceedings of NAACL 2001, Pittsburgh, pages 208–215.
- Julia Hirschberg, Marc Swerts, and Diane Litman, "Labeling Corrections and Aware Sites in Spoken Dialogue Systems," Proceedings of SIGDIAL 2001, Aalborg.
- Julia Hirschberg, Michiel Bacchiani, Don Hindle, Phil Isenhour, Aaron Rosenberg, Litza Stark, Larry Stead, Gary Zamchick, and Steve Whittaker, "SCANMail: Browsing and Searching Speech Data by Content," Proceedings of Eurospeech 2001, Aalborg.
- A. Rosenberg, J. Hirschberg, M. Bacchiani, S. Parthasarathy, P. Isenhour and L. Stead, "Caller Identification for the SCANMail Voicemail Browser," Proceedings of Eurospeech 2001, Aalborg.
- Shimei Pan, Kathleen McKeown and Julia Hirschberg, "Semantic Abnormality and its Realization in Spoken Language," Proceedings of Eurospeech 2001, Aalborg.
- A. Rosenberg, J. Hirschberg, M. Bacchiani, S. Parthasarathy, P. Isenhour, L. Stead, "Caller Identification for the SCANMail Voicemail Browser," Proceedings of ICASSP 2001, Salt Lake City.
- J. Hirschberg and O. Rambow, "Learning Prosodic Features using a Tree Representation," Proceedings of Eurospeech 2001, Aalborg.
- M. Bacchiani, J. Hirschberg,A. Rosenberg, S. Whittaker, D. Hindle P. Isenhour, M. Jones, L. Stark and G. Zamchick, "SCANMail: Audio Navigation in the Voicemail Domain," HLT 2001, San Diego, March.
- A. K. Syrdal, J. Hirschberg, M. Beckman, and J. McGory, "Automatic ToBI prediction and alignment to speed manual labeling of prosody," Speech Communication: Special Issue on Speech Annotation and Corpus Tools, 33:1–2 (January).
- J. Hirschberg and C. Avesani, "Prosodic Disambiguation in English and Italian," in A. Botinis, ed., Intonation: Analysis, Modelling and Technology, Kluwer.
- J. Hirschberg, "A Corpus-Based Approach to the Study of Speaking Style," in Festschrift in Honor of Gosta Bruce, ed. M. Horne, Kluwer.
- S. Pan and J. Hirschberg, "Modeling Local Context for Pitch Accent Prediction," ACL-00, Hong Kong.
- L. Stark, S. Whittaker, and J. Hirschberg, "ASR Satisficing: The Effects of ASR Accuracy on Speech Retrieval," ICSLP-00, Beijing.
- A. Rosenberg, S. Parthasarathy, J. Hirschberg, and S. Whittaker, "Foldering Voicemail Messages by Caller Using Text Independent Speaker Recognition," ICSLP-00, Beijing.
- M. Swerts, D. Litman, and J. Hirschberg, "Corrections in Spoken Dialogue Systems," ICSLP-00, Beijing, pages 254–257.
- J. Hirschberg, D. Litman, and M. Swerts "Prosodic Prediction of Speech Recognition Errors," ICSLP-00, Beijing.
- R. Barzilay, M. Collins, J. Hirschberg, and S. Whittaker, "Identification of Speaker Role in Radio Broadcasts," AAAI-00, Austin.
- S.Whittaker and R. Davis and J. Hirschberg and U. Muller. "Jotmail: a voicemail interface that enables you to see what was said," Proceedings of CHI2000 Conference on Human Computer Interaction, pp. 89–96.
- P. Koehn, S. Abney, J. Hirschberg, and M. Collins,
"Improving Intonational Phrasing with Syntactic
Information," Proceedings of ICASSP-00, Istanbul.
2000. - D. J. Litman, J. B. Hirschberg, and M. Swerts, "Predicting Automatic Speech Recognition Performance Using Prosodic Cues," Proceedings of NAACL-00 (North American Association for Computational Linguistics), Seattle, May.
- J. Hirschberg, S.Whittaker, L. Stark, D. Hindle, F.
Pereira, A. Singhal, "Speech Retrieval: Principles for
Designing and Evaluating UIs for Access to Spoken
Information," HCIC (Human Computer Interaction
- A. K. Syrdal, J. Hirschberg, and J. McGory, "Automatic ToBI prediction and alignment to speed manual labeling of prosody," ASA-99.
- J. Hirschberg, D. Litman, and M. Swerts, "Prosodic Cues to Recognition Errors," Proceedings of ASRU-99 (Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding), Keystone CO.
- S.Whittaker, J. Hirschberg, J. Choi, D. Hindle, F. Pereira, A. Singhal, "SCAN: Designing and Evaluating User Interfaces to Support Retrieval from Speech Archives," ACM SIGIR-99.
- J. Choi, D. Hindle, J. Hirschberg, F. Pereira, A. Singhal and S.Whittaker, "Spoken Content-Based Audio Navigation (SCAN)", in Proceedings of ICPhS-99 (International Congress of Phonetics Sciences), San Francisco, August.
- J. Hirschberg, S. Whittaker, D. Hindle, F. Pereira, and A. Singhal, "Finding Information in Audio: A New Paradigm for Audio Browsing and Retrieval", Accessing Information in Spoken Audio, ESCA ETRW Workshop, Cambridge, UK, April.
- A. Singhal, J. Choi, D. Hindle, J. Hirschberg, F. Pereira, S. Whittaker, "AT&T at TREC-7 SDR Track," in Proceedings of the Broadcast News Transcription and Understanding Workshop, (to appear).
- S. Whittaker, J. Choi, J. Hirschberg, and C. Nakatani, "What You See Is Almost What You Hear: Design principles for accessing speech archives," ICSLP-98, Sydney.
- J. Choi, D. Hindle, J. Hirschberg, I. Magrin-Chagnolleau, C. Nakatani, F. Pereira, A. Singhal, and S. Whittaker, "SCAN - Speech Content Based Audio Navigator: A Systems Overview", ICSLP-98, Sydney.
- J. Hirschberg and C. Nakatani, "Acoustic Indicators of Topic Segmentation,"ICSLP-98, Sydney.
- C. Nakatani, S. Whittaker, and J. Hirschberg, "Now You Hear It, Now You Don’t: Empirical Studies of Audio Browsing Behavior," ICSLP-98, Sydney.
- J. Choi, D. Hindle, J. Hirschberg, I. Magrin-Chagnolleau, C. Nakatani, F. Pereira, A. Singhal, S. Whittaker. "An Overview of the AT&T Spoken Document Retrieval System", in Proceedings of the 1998 DARPA Broadcast News Transcription and Understanding Workshop, Lansdowne, VA, pp. 182–190.
- S. Whittaker, J. Hirschberg and C. Nakatani, "Play it
again: a study of the factors underlying speech browsing
behavior," CHI-98, Los Angeles, 1998.
1998. - S. Whittaker, J. Hirschberg, and C. Nakatani, "All
talk and all action: strategies for managing voicemail
messages", CHI-98, Los Angeles, 1998.
- J. Hirschberg and C. Nakatani, "Using Machine Learning to Identify Intonational Segments," Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Applying Machine Learning to Discourse Processing, Palo Alto, March.
- J. Hirschberg and C. Avesani, "The Role of Prosody in
Disambiguating Potentially Ambiguous Utterances in
English and Italian," ESCA Tutorial and Research
Workshop on Intonation: Theory, Models and Applications,
Athens, September, pp. 189–92.
- J. Hirschberg and S. Whittaker, "Studying search and archiving in a real audio database," Working Notes of the AAAI-97 Spring Symposium on Intelligent Integration and Use of Text, Image, Video and Audio Corpora, March 24-26, Stanford, pp. 70–76.
- J. Hirschberg and C. Nakatani, "A Prosodic Analysis of Discourse Segments in Direction-Giving Monologues," Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Santa Cruz, June, pp. 286–293.
- J. Hirschberg and P. Prieto, "Training Intonational Phrasing Rules Automatically for English and Spanish Text-to-Speech", Speech Communication, 18:281–290.
- A. Ljolje, J. van Santen, and J. Hirschberg "Automatic speech segmentation for concatenative inventory selection," In J. van Santen, R. Sproat, J. Olive and J. Hirschberg (eds.), Progress in Speech Synthesis, New York, Springer-Verlag, pp. 305–312.
- J. Hirschberg and G. Ward. "The Interpretation of the High-Rise Question Contour in English," in Journal of Pragmatics 24(5):407–412.
- J. Hirschberg and R. Sproat, "Pitch accent prediction from text analysis," in J. Cole, G. M. Green and J. L. Morgan, eds., Linguistics and Computation, CSLI, Stanford, pp. 281–296.
- C. Avesani, J. Hirschberg, and P. Prieto, "The Intonational Disambiguation of Potentially Ambiguous Utterances in English, Italian and Spanish," Proceedings of ICPhS-95, Stockholm, August, Vol. 1, pp. 174–177.
- J. Hirschberg, "Prosodic and Other Acoustic Cues to
Speaking Style in Spontaneous and Read Speech,"
Proceedings of ICPhS-95, Stockholm, August, Vol. 2, pp.
J. Hirschberg, C. Nakatani, and B. Grosz, "Conveying Discourse Structure through Intonation Variation," ESCA Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems, Visgo, Denmark, May/June, pp. 189–192. - C. Nakatani, B. Grosz, and J. Hirschberg, "Discourse Structure in Spoken Language: Studies on Speech Corpora," Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Empirical Methods in Discourse Interpretation and Generation, Stanford, March.
- P. Prieto, J. van Santen, and J. Hirschberg, "Tonal alignment patterns in Spanish," Journal of Phonetics, 23.
- J. Terken and J. Hirschberg, "Deaccentuation and Persistence of Grammatical Function and Surface Position," Language and Speech, 37-2:125–145.
- J. Hirschberg and P. Prieto, "Training intonational phrasing rules automatically for English and Spanish TTS," Proceedings of the Second ESCA/IEEE Workshop on Speech Synthesis, New Paltz, September, pp. 159–162.
- A. Ljolje, J. Hirschberg, and J. van Santen, "Automatic Speech Segmentation for Concatenative Inventory Selection," Proceedings of the Second ESCA/IEEE Workshop on Speech Synthesis, New Paltz, September, pp. 93–96.
- P. Prieto, J. van Santen, and J. Hirschberg, "Patterns of F0 Peak Placement in Mexican Spanish," Proceedings of the Second ESCA/IEEE Workshop on Speech Synthesis, New Paltz, September, pp. 33–36.
- J. P. H. van Santen and J. Hirschberg, "Segmental Effects on Timing and Height of Pitch Contours," Proceedings of ICSLP-94, Yokohama, September, pp. 719–722.
- J. Hirschberg and B. Grosz, "Intonation and Discourse Structure in Spontaneous and Read Directiongiving," Proceedings, International Symposium on Prosody, September 18, Yokohama, Japan, organized by Hiroya Fujisaki, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, No. 152 Committee on Intelligent Processing of Spoken and Writen Languages, pp. 103–109.
- J. Pitrelli, Mary Beckman, and J. Hirschberg, "Evaluation of Prosodic Transcription Labeling Reliability in the ToBI Framework," Proceedings of ICSLP-94, Yokohama, September, pp. 123–126.
- B. Grosz, J. Hirschberg, and C. Nakatani, "A Study of
Intonation and Discourse Structure in Directions,"
Proceedings of theWorkshop on the Integration of Natural
Language and Speech Processing, AAAI-94, August 1.
- J. Hirschberg and C. Nakatani, "Modeling Acoustic and Prosodic Characteristics of Repair Disfluencies for Speech Recognition," Journal of AVIOS, 15 (best paper award for 1994).
- C. Nakatani and J. Hirschberg, "A Corpus-based study
of repair cues in spontaneous speech," Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America, 95-3: 1603–1616.
- J. Hirschberg, "Studies of Intonation and Discourse," Proceedings of the ESCA Workshop on Prosody, Lund University, September.
- J. Hirschberg and C. Nakatani, ">A Speech-First Model for Repair Identification in Spoken Language Systems," Proceedings of EUROSPEECH-93, Berlin, September.
- J. Hirschberg and J. Terken, "Deaccentuation and Persistence of Grammatical Function and Surface Position," Proceedings of EUROSPEECH-93, Berlin, September.
- C. Nakatani and J. Hirschberg, "A Speech-First Model for Repair Detection and Correction," Proceedings of ACL-93, Columbus, June.
- C. Nakatani and J. Hirschberg, "A Speech-First Model for Repair Identification in Spoken Language Systems," Proceedings of the ARPA Workshop on Human Language Technology, Plainsboro, March.
- J. Hirschberg and D. Litman, "Empirical Studies on the Disambiguation of Cue Phrases," Computation Linguistics, 19-3:501–530.
- J. Hirschberg, "Pitch Accent in Context: Predicting Intonational Prominence from Text," Artificial Intelligence, 63(1-2), 1993.
- R. Sproat, J. Hirschberg, and D. Yarowsky, "A Corpus-Based Synthesizer," Proceedings of ICSLP-92, Banff, October, pp. 563–566.
- K. Silverman, M. Beckman, J. Pierrehumbert, M. Ostendorf, C. Wightman and J. Hirschberg, "TOBI: A Standard Scheme for Labeling Prosody," Proceedings of ICSLP-92, Banff, October, pp. 867–879.
- B. Grosz and J. Hirschberg, "Some Intonational Characteristics of Discourse Structure," Proceedings of ICSLP-92, Banff, October, pp. 429–432.
- J. Hirschberg and B. Grosz, "Intonational Features of Local and Global Discourse Structure,’ Proceedings of the DARPA Workshop on Spoken Language Systems, Arden House, February.
- J. Hirschberg and R. Sproat, "Pitch Accent Prediction from Text Analysis," Proceedings of the Conference on Linguistics and Computation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, CSLI Publications, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
- Michelle Wang and J. Hirschberg, "Automatic Classification of Intonational Phrase Boundaries", Computer Speech and Language, 6:175–196.
- J. Hirschberg and G. Ward, "The Influence of Pitch Range, Duration, Amplitude, and Spectral Features on the Interpretation of L*+H L H%," Journal of Phonetics, 20(2): 241–251.
- J. Hirschberg, "Using Discourse Context to Guide Pitch Accent Decisions in Synthetic Speech," in Talking Machines: Theories, Models and Applications, ed. G. Bailly and C. Benoit, Elsevier, pp.367–376.
- J. Hirschberg, "Using Text Analysis to Predict Intonational Boundaries," Proceedings of EUROSPEECH- 91, Genoa, September, pages 1275–1278.
- M. Wang and J. Hirschberg, "Predicting Intonational Phrasing from Text," Proceedings of ACL-91, Berkeley.
- Wang and J. Hirschberg, "Predicting Intonational Boundaries Automatically from Text: The ATIS Domain" Proceedings of the DARPA Workshop on Spoken Language Systems, February.
- M. Wang and J. Hirschberg, "Intonational Boundaries and Syntactic Structure," Conference Proceedings: Current Issues in Natural Language Processing, February 15-16, Center for Cognitive Science, University of Texas at Austin.
- J. Hirschberg. A Theory of Scalar Implicature. New York: Garland Press. (PhD thesis. Also available as MS-CIS-85-56 from the Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania.)
- J. Hirschberg and G. Ward, "Accent and Bound Anaphora," Cognitive Linguistics, 2-2:101–121.
- G. Ward and J. Hirschberg, "A Pragmatic Analysis of Tautological Utterances," Journal of Pragmatics, 15-6:507–520.
- J. Hirschberg, S. Riederer, J. Rowley, and A. Syrdal, "Voice Response Systems: Technologies and Applications," AT&T Technical Journal: Speech Technologies 69-5, September/October, pp. 42–51.
- J. Hirschberg, "Using Discourse Context to Guide Pitch Accent Decisions in Synthetic Speech", Proceedings of the European Speech Communication Association Workshop on Speech Synthesis, Autrans, France, September.
- D. Litman and J. Hirschberg, "Disambiguating Cue Phrases in Text and Speech," Proceedings of COLING-90, Helsinki, August.
- J. Hirschberg, "Accent and Discourse Context: Assigning Pitch Accent in Synthetic Speech," Proceedings of AAAI-90, Boston, July.
- J. Hirschberg, "Distinguishing Questions by Contour in Speech Recognition Tasks," Proceedings of the DARPA Workshop on Spoken Language Systems, October.
- J. Hirschberg and G. Ward, "On the Role of Accent in the Interpretation of Bound Anaphora," Northwestern University Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 2, Spring.
- J. Hirschberg and G. Ward, "Intonation and
Propositional Attitude: The Pragmatics of L*+H L H%," in
Proceedings of the Fifth Eastern States Conference on
Linguistics, Philadelphia, September.
- J. Davis and J. Hirschberg, "Assigning Intonational Features in Synthesized Spoken Directions," Proceedings of ACL-88, Buffalo, June, pp. 187–193.
- G. Ward and J. Hirschberg, "The Pragmatics of Tautology," in Birner, B. et al., eds. Working Papers in Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, Northwestern University, Vol. I, May.
- J. Hirschberg, B. Ballard, and D. Hindle, "Natural Language Processing," AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal: Artificial Intelligence 67-1, January/February.
- J. Hirschberg, D. Litman, J. Pierrehumbert, and G. Ward, "Intonation and the Intentional Structure of Discourse," Proceedings of IJCAI-87, Milan, August.
- J. Hirschberg and D. Litman, "Now Let’s Talk about Now," Proceedings of ACL-87, Stanford, July.
- J. Hirschberg and J. Pierrehumbert, "The Intonational Structuring of Discourse," Proceedings of ACL-86, New York, pp. 136–144.
- G. Ward and J. Hirschberg, "Implicating Uncertainty: The Pragmatics of Fall-Rise Intonation," Language, 64-1:747–776.
- J. Hirschberg and G. Ward, "Fall-Rise Intonation and the Place of Intonational ‘Meaning’ in Linguistic Theory," Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February.
- J. Hirschberg, "Anticipating False Implicatures: Cooperative Responses in Question-Answer Systems," Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Expert Database Systems, ed. L. Kerschberg, Kiawah Island, S.C., October, pp. 456–66.
- J. Hirschberg, "Toward a Redefinition of Yes/No Questions," Proceedings of COLING-84, Stanford, July.
- J. Hirschberg, "Scalar Implicature and Indirect Responses to Yes/No Questions," Proceedings of CSCSI-84, London, Ontario, May (a longer version appears as University of Pennsylvania Technical Report MS-CIS-84-9, April).
- J. Hirschberg and G. Ward, "A Semantico-Pragmatic Analysis of Fall-Rise Intonation," Chicago Linguistic Society, Papers from the Twentieth Regional Meeting, April.
- J. Hirschberg and G. Ward, "In from the Periphery:
Fall-Rise Intonation and the Intonational Autonomy
Hypothesis," Penn Review of Linguistics, February.
- M. Pollack, J. Hirschberg, and B. Webber, "User Participation in the Reasoning Processes of Expert Systems," Proceedings of AAAI-82, Pittsburgh, pp. 358–361. (A longer version appears as University of Pennsylvania Technical Report MS CIS-82-9, June).
- O. P. Buneman, J. Hirschberg and D. Root, "Exploiting the Type Systems of High Level Languages for Database Applications," Proceedings of the British National Conference on Databases, July.
Julia Hirschberg
Percy K. and Vida L. W. Hudson Professor of Computer Science
Columbia University
Department of Computer Science
1214 Amsterdam Avenue
M/C 0401
450 CS Building
New York, NY 10027
email: julia@cs.columbia.edu
phone: (212) 853-8464