Multispectral Image Database

We present a database of multispectral images that were used to emulate the GAP camera. The images are of a wide variety of real-world materials and objects. We are making this database available to the research community. Details of the database can be found in the following publication:


"Generalized Assorted Pixel Camera: Post-Capture Control of Resolution, Dynamic Range and Spectrum,"
F. Yasuma, T. Mitsunaga, D. Iso, and S.K. Nayar,
Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, Columbia University CUCS-061-08,
Nov. 2008.
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Generalized Assorted Pixel Camera

Image Capture Information

CameraCooled CCD camera (Apogee Alta U260)
Resolution512 x 512 pixel
FilterVariSpec liquid crystal tunable filter
IlluminantCIE Standard Illuminant D65
Range of wevelength400nm - 700nm
Number of band31 band
Focal lengthf/1.4
FocusFixed (focused using 550nm image)
Image formatPNG (16bit)

NOTE: These multispectral images represent the reflectances of the materials in the scene. The reflectance spectrum at each pixel was computed from the measured multispectrum image using calibrated estimates of the illumination spectrum and camera spectral response. As a result, each multispectral image should be taken as a close approximation, rather than exact measurement, of the true reflectance of the scene.

Database Organization

The database consists of 32 scenes, divided into 5 sections. Each scene has an associated zip file. These zip files include full spectral resolution reflectance data from 400nm to 700nm at 10nm steps (31 bands total). Each band is stored as a 16-bit grayscale PNG image. Image filenames are of the format 'object_ms_01.png', where the '01' at the end signifies that this is the first image (captured at 400nm). Thus, '02' corresponds to 410nm, and so on, until '31' for 700nm.

Each scene also contains a single representative color image, displayed using sRGB values rendered under a neutral daylight illuminant (D65).

Access Instructions

The database of 32 scenes is divided into 5 sections, as below. It is also available as a single zip file [387 MB].


Skin and Hair


Food and Drinks

Real and Fake

Generalized Assorted Pixel Camera