Mailing Address:
Columbia University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
500 W120th St, Room 220 Mudd Building
New York, NY 10027
Phone Numbers:
Office: 212-939-7090
Lab: 212-939-7104
Fax: 212-854-3304
Welcome to my home page! I received my Ph.D. at Columbia University, New York NY. I do robotics research in both the Computer Science (Prof. Peter Allen) and the Mechanical Engineering (Prof. Richard Longman) departments. My research focuses on visually servoed robotics. My interests include embedded microcontrollers, control systems design, digital data acquisition, electronics and programming.
You are visitor number: 03/09/02 03:16 AM
11/12/99: New look 03/14/00: MPEG Videos added in Research link 05/21/00: Ph.D. Convocation Pictures added. (Additional were photos added 06/14/00)
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09/06/00: Mech Lab 1 ABET-related Page added. Click here to view