Next: A Sample Test Scenario
Up: DyPERS: Dynamic Personal Enhanced
Previous: Hardware
This section briefly describes some applications of
DyPERS using the record-and-associate paradigm:
- Daily scheduling and to-do list can be stored
and associated with the user's watch or other personal trigger object.
- An important conversation can be recorded and associated with the
individual's business card.
- A teacher records names of objects in a foreign language and
associates them with the visual appearance of the object. A student
could then use the system to learn the foreign language.
- A story teller could read a picture book and associate each
picture with its text passage. A child could then enjoy hearing the
story by triggering the audio clips with different pages in the picture book.
- The system could be used for online instructions for an assembly
task. An expert associates the image of the fully
packaged item with animated instructions on how to open the box and lay out
the components. Subsequently, when the vision system detects the
components placed out as instructed, it triggers the subsequent assembly step.
- A person with poor vision could benefit by listening
to audio descriptions of objects in his field of view.
- The visual appearance of an object can be augmented with relevant
audio and video or messages. For instance, the contents of a
container could be virtually exposed after it is sealed.
Many of the listed scenarios are beyond the scope of this
paper. However, the list should convey to the reader the practical
usefulness of a system such as DyPERS. In the following we describe
one application in further depth and show test results.
Next: A Sample Test Scenario
Up: DyPERS: Dynamic Personal Enhanced
Previous: Hardware
Tony Jebara