

Alejandro Troccoli and Peter K. Allen, "Building illumination coherent 3D models of large-scale outdoor scenes", International Journal of Computer Vision, (in press)

K. Ross, J. Stoyanovich, "Schema Polynomials and Applications", International Conference on Extending Database Technology, (2008).


Alejandro Troccoli and Peter K. Allen, Shadow based texture registration for 3D modeling, Machine Vision and Applications, V. 18, No. 2, April 2007, pp. 65-72.

Paul S. Blaer and Peter K. Allen, Data Acquisition and View Planning for 3-D Modeling Tasks, IROS 2007, San Diego, Oct. 29- Nov. 2

Benko, H. and Feiner, S., "Balloon selection: A multi-finger technique for accurate low-fatigue 3D selection", Proc. 3DUI 2007 (Second IEEE Symp. on 3D User Interfaces)  (2007)

Benko, H. and Feiner, S., "Pointer warping in heterogeneous multi-monitor environments", Proc. Graphics Interface 2007 (2007).

J. Stoyanovich, S. Bedathur, K. Berberich, G. Weikum, EntityAuthority: Semantically Enriched Graph-Based Authority Propagation, Workshop on the Web and Databases, vol. , (2007).

K. Ross, A. Janevski, J. Stoyanovich, A Faceted Query Engine Applied to Archaeology, Internet Archeology, V. 21, 2007

Bell, B. and Feiner, S., "Representing and processing display screen space in augmented reality"  in Haller, M., Billinghurst, M., and Thomas, B., Emerging Technologies of Augmented Reality: Interfaces and Design, Idea Group, Hershey, PA, pp. 110-136. (2007).

H. Benko, User Interaction in Hybrid Multi-Display Environments, Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Computer Science, Columbia University, New York, NY, (2007).

E. Ishak, Content-Aware Interaction in User Interfaces, Ph.D Dissertation, Dept. of Computer Science, Columbia University, New York, NY, (2007).


A. Troccoli, New methods and tools for 3D-modeling of large scale outdoor scenes using range and color images, Ph.D Dissertation, Dept. of Computer Science, Columbia University, New York, NY, (2006).

Guven, S. and Feiner, S., "Interaction techniques for exploring historic sites through situated media", Proc. 3DUI 2006 (First IEEE Symp. on 3D User Interfaces) (2006).

Ishak, E. and Feiner, S., "Content-aware scrolling", Proc. UIST 2006 (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology) (2006).

Guven, S. and Feiner, S., "Visualizing and navigating complex situated hypermedia in augmented and virtual reality", Proc. ISMAR 2006 (IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality) (2006).

Guven, S. Feiner, S., and Oda, O. "Mobile augmented reality interaction techniques for authoring situated media on-site", Proc. ISMAR 2006 (IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality) (2006).

Paul Blaer and Peter K. Allen, View Planning for Automated Site Modeling, IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2006, Orlando, pp. 2621 - 2626.

Paul S. Blaer and Peter K. Allen, Two Stage View Planning for Large-Scale Site Modeling. Intl. Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, June 2006.

Alejandro Troccoli and Peter Allen, Illumination and texture factorization using ratio images of an object of known geometry. Intl. Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, June 2006.


K. Ross, A. Janevski, J. Stoyanovich, A Faceted Query Engine Applied to Archeology (Demo), International Conference on Very Large Databases, (2005)

Benko, H., Ishak, E., and Feiner, S., "Cross-dimensional gestural interaction techniques for hybrid immersive environments", Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality, Bonn, Germany, March 12-16 (2005)

Benko, H. and Feiner, S., "Multi-monitor mouse", ACM CHI 2005 Extended Abstracts (2005).

Jingren Zhou, John Cieslewicz, Kenneth A. Ross, Mihir Shah, Improving Database Performance on Simultaneous Multithreading Processors, International Conference on Very Large Databases, August, (2005).

Alejandro Troccoli and Peter K. Allen, Relighting Acquired Models of Outdoor Scenes 5th International Conference 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM), June 2005, Ottawa.

L. Meskell, "Archaeological Ethnography: Conversations outside the Kruger", Archaeologies: Journal of the World Archaeology Congress, vol. 1, (2005).

James Conlon, "Nature, Heritage and Spatial Technologies of Fear", CTheory, vol. , (2005).

Peter Allen, Alejandro Troccoli and Paul Blaer, Automating the 3D Modeling Pipeline, Proceedings of International Symposium on the CREST Digital Archiving Project, March 8-9, Tokyo., (2005)in K. Ikeuchi, "CREST 3D Modeling Symposium, March 9-11, Tokyo

B. Bell and S. Feiner and T. Hoellerer, "Maintaining visibility constraints for view management in 3D user interfaces", (2005) in O. Stock and M. Zancanaro, "Multimodal Intelligent Information Presentation (Text, Speech and Language Technology, Vo. 27)

L. Meskell, "Living in the past: historic futures in double time" , bibl. Routledge: London, (2005). in N. Shepherd, M. Hall & N. Murray, "Desire Lines: Space Memory and Identity in the Postapartheid City"

L. Meskell, "Object orientations" , bibl. Blackwell: Oxford, (2005). in L. Meskell, "Archaeologies of Materiality"

L. Meskell, "Recognition, Restitution and the Potentials of Postcolonia Liberalism for South African Heritage", South African Archaeological Bulletin, (2005).


Kenneth A Ross, Julia Stoyanovich, Symmetric Relations and Cardinality-Bounded Multisets in Database Systems, VLDB Conference, (2004).

Benko, H., Ishak, E., and Feiner, S., "Collaborative mixed reality visualization of an archaeological excavation", Proc. ISMAR 2004 (IEEE and ACM Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Arlington, VA (2004).

A. Olwal and S. Feiner, "Unit: Modular development of distributed interaction techniques for highly interactive user interfaces", Proc. GRAPHITE 2004 (2004), pp. 131-138.

Ishak, E. and Feiner, S., "Interacting with hidden content using content-aware free-space transparency", Proc. UIST 2004 (ACM Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology), CHI Notes, vol. 6, no. 2 (2004).

P. Allen, S. Feiner, A. Troccoli, H. Benko, E. Ishak, and B. Smith, Seeing into the Past: Creating a 3D Modeling Pipeline for Archaeological Visualization 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission Symposium, Thessalonika, Greece, Sep. 6-9, 2004.

Allen, P., Feiner, S., Meskell, L., Ross, K., Troccoli, A., Smith, B., Benko, H., Ishak, E., Conlon, J., Digitally modeling, visualizing and preserving archaeological sites, Proc. JCDL 2004 (Joint Conference on Digital Libraries), (2004).

T. Hoellerer and S. Feiner, "Mobile Augmented Reality",  in H. Karimi and A. Hammad, Telegeoinformatics: Location-Based Computing and Services, Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, pp. 221-260 (2004).

Alejandro Troccoli and Peter Allen, "A shadow based method for image to model registration", (2004)"THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON IMAGE AND VIDEO REGISTRATION, CVPR 2004"

P. Allen, S. Feiner, L. Meskell, K. Ross, A. Troccoli, B. Smith, H. Benko,E. Ishak, J. Conlon, Digitally Modeling, Visualizing and Preserving Archaeological Sites, June 8, 2004, Tucson, AZ, (2004). poster, Joint Conference on Digital Libraries.


Peter K. Allen, Ioannis Stamos, Alejandro Troccoli, Benjamin Smith, M. Leordeanu and Stephen Murray, New Methods for Digital Modeling of Historic Sites, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Nov/Dec 2003, pp. 32-41.

S. Guven and S. Feiner, "Authoring 3D hypermedia for wearable augmented and virtual reality", Proc. ISWC 2003 (IEEE Seventh Int. Symp. on Wearable Computers (2003).

D. Hallaway, T. Hoellerer, and S. Feiner, "Coarse, inexpensive, infrared tracking for wearable computing", Proc. ISWC '03 (IEEE Seventh Int. Symp. on Wearable Computers) (2003).

E. Ishak and S. Feiner, "Free-space transparency: Exposing hidden content through unimportant screen space [poster]", UIST 2003 (ACM Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology) Conf. Supplement, vol. , (2003)

A. Olwal and S. Feiner, "Rubbing the fisheye: Precise touch-screen interaction with gestures and fisheye views [poster]", UIST 2003 (ACM Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology) Conf. Supplement, vol. , (2003).

S. Guven and S. Feiner, "A hypermedia authoring tool for augmented and virtual reality", New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, vol. 9, (2003).

E. Kaiser, A. Olwal, D. McGee, H. Benko, A. Corradini, X. Li, P. Cohen, and S. Feiner, "Mutual disambiguation of 3D multimodal interaction in augmented and virtual reality", Proc. ICMI 2003 (Fifth Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interfaces, vol. 2003.

Peter K. Allen, Ioannis Stamos, Alejandro Troccoli, Benjamin Smith, M. Leordeanu and Y. C. Hsu, 3D Modeling of Historic Sites using Range and Image Data, ICRA 2003, Sep. 14-19, 2003 Tapei, pp. 145-150.

Peter Allen, Alejandro Troccoli, Benjamin Smith and Stephen Murray,, The Beauvais Cathedral Project, in Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision in Archaeology, June 17, 2003, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR)

Kenneth Ross and Angel Janevski, Querying Faceted Databases , bibl. Columbia University Technical Report CUCS-013-03, (2003).

H. Benko, E. Ishak, and S. Feiner, "Collaborative visualization of an archaeological excavation", Tahoe City, CA, October 26-28, (2003). in "CVRV 2003 (NSF Lake Tahoe Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Reality and Visualization)"


B. Bell and S. Feiner and T. Hoellerer, "Information at a Glance", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 22, (2002).

Ioannis Stamos and Peter Allen, Geometry and Texture Recovery of Scenes of Large Scale Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 88, No. 2, Nov. 2002, pp. 94-118.

G. Blasko and S. Feiner, "A Menu Interface for Wearable Computing", Proc. ISWC '02 (IEEE Int. Symp. on Wearable Computers), Seattle WA, October 7-10 (2002)

B. Bell and T. Hoellerer and S. Feiner, "An annotated situation-awareness aid for augmented reality", Proc. UIST 2002 (ACM Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology), Paris, France, October 27-30 (CHI Letters, vol. 4, no. 2), 213-216., vol. 4, (2002).

Blaer, Paul and Peter K. Allen, Topological mobile robot localization using fast vision techniques, IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 11-15, 2002, Washington.

Georguiev, Atanas and Peter K. Allen Vision for Mobile Robot Localization in Urban Environments, Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Sytems (IROS 2002), Lausanne, Switzerland, Oct. 1-3, 2002, pp. 472-477.

S. Feiner, "Augmented reality: A new way of seeing", Scientific American, vol. 286, (2002)

Roelof Versteeg and Shan Wei, "Automated adaptive acquisition for optimum imaging" , bibl. Oct. 6-11, 2002 Salt Lake City, (2002). 2002 SEG Meeting


T. Hoellerer, S. Feiner, D. Hallaway, B. Bell, M. Lanzagorta, D. Brown, S. Julier, Y. Baillot, and L. Rosenblum, "User Interface Management Techniques for Collaborative Mobile Augmented Reality", Computers and Graphics, vol. 25, no. 5 (2001).

R. Azuma, Y. Baillot, R. Behringer, S. Feiner, S. Julier, and B. MacIntyre, "Recent advances in augmented reality", IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, vol. 21, (2001).

B. Bell and S. Feiner and T. Hoellerer, "View management for virtual and augmented reality", Proc. UIST 2001 (ACM Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology) Orlando, FL, November 11-14, 2001 (CHI Letters, vol. 3, no. 2) (2001), pp. 101-110.

Conlon, James, "Preliminary Thoughts on Site Display in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt" , bibl. 4: 1-3, (2001). US/ICOMOS Newsletter