"What one fool can understand, another can." -- R.P. Feynman
Last updated December 9th, 2021.
Students will learn methods for counting as well as techniques to analyze recursions, sequences and computer algorithms. The methods taught in this course are often subtle - it took thousands of years to understand some of the ideas to be discussed. Most notably, this course will attempt to develop a different skill set than memorizing formulas or applying learned techniques. However, the ability to strengthen problem solving skills and think rigorously will aid in your understanding of computer science. While the topics and problem sets may be challenging, we will explore them in a collaborative and supportive environment.
Video Recordings
Reference Reading
Lecture Notes
Lecture 1
(Tues Sept 14)
Introduction, propositions, theorems and proofs
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
proof by contradiction and contrapositive
proved sqrt two and sqrt prime are irrational
1.1, 1.2
Rosen 1.1-1.7
Cummings 5.1-5.5
Grimaldi 2.1-2.5
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
(Tues Sept 16)
Logic, truth tables, quantifiers, sets
revisit proof by contradiction and contrapositive
Euclids proof for the infinitude of primes
divisors, sum of geometric series, the Cantor set
2.1, 2.2
Cummings 7.1-7.5
Grimaldi 3.1-3.3
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
(Tues Sept 21)
Open and closed sets, binary and ternary representations
geometric progressions and properties of the Cantor set
a new definition of functions, field axioms
Rosen 2.3-2.5
D'Angelo and West Ch 1Lecture 3
Lecture 4
(Thurs Sept 23)
Injections, surjections, bijections, function composition
cardinality, constructing a bijection from N to Z
the Stern-Brocot tree, properties and the rational numbers Q
binary matrix representation of the Stern-Brocot tree
Rosen 2.3-2.5
Graham & Knuth 4.5
D'Angelo Ch 4Lecture 4 Recitation 1
Logic, quantifiers, proofs, sets, series
Problems from Rosen:
1.1: 28, 31, 1.3: 4, 22, 1.4: 50
1.7: 3, 17, 1.8: 30, 2.2: 4, 2.4: 31
Lecture 5
(Tues Sept 28)
Stern's diatomic series and array for a bijection from N+ to Q+
rational approximations, the Archimedian property
proving the density of rational numbers
Cantor's diagonalization argument for uncountability of R
Rosen 2.3-2.5
Graham and Knuth 4.5
D'Angelo & West 4Lecture 5 Recitation 2
Injections, surjections, bijections, countability
Problems from Rosen:
2.3: 3, 7, 10, 21, 26, 44a
2.4: 35, 36 and 2.5: 3, 28Homework 1
Lecture 6
(Thurs Sept 30th)
Stating and proving the principle of induction
examples of proof by ordinary induction
covering any 2nx2n chessboard missing a square with L-shaped trominoes
Rosen Ch 5
Cummings Ch 4
D'Angelo & West 3Lecture 6
Lecture 7
(Tues Oct 5th)
The principle of strong induction
examples of proof by strong induction
Rosen Ch 5
Cummings Ch 4
D'Angelo & West 3Lecture 7
Lecture 8
(Thurs Oct 7th)
Proving the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Euclids Lemma, Gauss's Lemma, Bezouts Identity
The Well Ordering Principle
The Euclidean and Extended Euclidean Algorithms
Rosen Ch 4 Lecture 8 Recitation 3
Ordinary and Strong Induction
Problems from Rosen:
5.1: 4, 5, 7, 28, 32, 36
5.2: 12Practice Exam 1
Lecture 9
(Tues Oct 12th)
Review for Exam 1
Rosen 1, 2, 4, 5
Lecture 10
(Thurs Oct 14th)
Exam 1
Exam 1
Lecture 11
(Tues Oct 19th)
Relations, equivalence relations, congruence classes
directed graphs, Hasse diagrams, residues
11.1 , 11.2
Rosen Ch 9, 4.4 - 4.6 Lecture 11
Lecture 12
(Thurs Oct 21st)
Properties of relations, congruence classes, groups
modular inverses, a roadmap to solving linear congruences
12.1 , 12.2
Rosen Ch 9, 4.4 - 4.6 Lecture 12 Recitation 4
Relations, Equivalence Relations, Congruence ClassesHomework 2
SolutionLecture 13
(Tues Oct 26th)
Solving linear congruences, systems of linear congruences
Chinese Remainder Theorem
Fermat's Little Theorem, two proofs (direct and via counting necklaces)
Rosen 4.4 - 4.6 Lecture 13
Lecture 14
(Thurs Oct 28th)
Fermat Primality Test, pseudoprime numbers
Euler's Totient function, examples
Euler's generalization of Fermat's Theorem and proof sketch
Landau notation, the RSA Algorithm
Rosen Ch 3, 4.4 - 4.6 Lecture 14
Lecture 15
(Thurs Nov 4th)
RSA Algorithm example, Binomial Theorem, polynomial derivatives
Pascal's Triangle, Luca's Theorem and Pascal (mod p)
Wilson's Theorem and proof
15.1 , 15.2
Rosen Ch 3, 4.4 - 4.6 Lecture 15
Lecture 16
(Tues Nov 9th)
Review for Exam 2
16.1 , 16.2
Rosen Ch 3, 4.4 - 4.6 Recitation 5
Modular Arithmetic, CRT
Fermat's Theorem and Binomial Theorem examplesPractice Exam 2
SolutionExam 2
(Thurs Nov 11th)
Exam 2
Exam 2
SolutionLecture 17
(Tues Nov 16th)
Tower of Hanoi, recurrence relations
the characteristic equation and polynomial
solving linear homogeneous recurrence relations
Rosen Ch 8.1-8.2 Lecture 17
Lecture 18
(Thurs Nov 18th)
linear homogeneous recurrence relation examples
Gaussian elimination, non-homogeneous recurrence relations
divide and conquor recurrence relations
Rosen Ch 8 Lecture 18
Homework 3
SolutionLecture 19
(Tues Nov 23rd)
Divide and conquor recurrence relations
binary search, recursion trees, complexity
master theorem and proof sketch
using generating functions to solve recurrence relations
Inclusion-Exclusion principle, probability axioms
19.1 , 19.2
Rosen Ch 8, 7.1-7.2 Lecture 19 Recitation 6
Recurrence Relations
Problems from Rosen:
8.1: 8a, 8.2: 3d, 3g, 28
(Thurs Nov 25th)
Lecture 20
(Tues Nov 30th)
Probability Axioms
conditional, pairwise and mutual independence
Bernoulli trials and the Binomial distribution
random variables and probability mass functions
conditional, joint and marginal probabilities
sums of independent RVs, the central limit theorem
Gaussian integral and normal distribution, Bayes theorem
expectations, uniform, geometric and poisson distributions
Rosen Ch 7 Lecture 20
Homework 4
Lecture 21
(Thurs Dec 2nd)
Expectation and variance examples
negative binomial, poisson, geometric and hypergeometric distributions
calculating moments of negative binomial and poisson random variables
Rosen Ch 7 Lecture 21
Lecture 22
(Tues Dec 7th)
Review for Exam 3
Rosen Ch 7
Practice Exam 3
SolutionLecture 23
(Thurs Dec 9th)
Exam 3
Rosen Ch 7
Exam 3