Alexandr Andoni
Book Chapters / Surveys:
Approximate Nearest
Neighbor Search in High Dimensions (with Piotr Indyk and Ilya
Razenshteyn). Survey to appear in the proceedings of ICM'18
(accompanying the talk by P. Indyk). 2018.
"High-dimensional computational geometry".
Book chapter in Handbook on Big Data, Peter Buhlmann, Petros Drineas,
Michael Kane, Mark van der Laan (eds.), CRC Press, 2016.
"Nearest neighbors in high-dimensional spaces"
(joint wiht Piotr Indyk).
Book chapter in Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry (3rd
edition), Jacob E. Goodman, Joseph O'Rourke, and Csaba D. Toth (eds),
CRC Press LLC, to appear, 2016.
"Locality-sensitive hashing using stable
distributions" (with Mayur Datar, Nicole Immorlica, Piotr Indyk, and Vahab Mirrokni),
in "Nearest Neighbor Methods in Learning and Vision: Theory and
Practice", T. Darrell and P. Indyk and G. Shakhnarovich (eds.), MIT
Press, 2006. See also the Intro to that book.
download: [.pdf, .ps]
Faster Algorithms for Average-Case Orthogonal Vectors and Closest Pair Problems
(with Josh Alman, Hengjie Zhang).
In SOSA'25.
Statistical-Computational Trade-offs for Density Estimation
(with Anders Aamand, Justin Y. Chen, Piotr Indyk, Shyam Narayanan, Sandeep Silwal, Haike Xu
In NeurIPS'24.
Differentially Private Approximate Near Neighbor Counting in High Dimensions
(with Piotr Indyk, Sepideh Mahabadi, Shyam Narayanan).
In NeurIPS'23.
Sub-quadratic (1+epsilon)-approximate Euclidean Spanners, with Applications
(with Hengjie Zhang).
In FOCS'23.
Data Structures for Density Estimation
(with Anders Aamand, Justin Y. Chen, Piotr Indyk, Shyam Narayanan, Sandeep Silwal
In ICML'23.
Massively Parallel Tree Embeddings for High Dimensional Spaces
(with AmirMohsen Ahanchi, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, Marina
Knittel, Peilin Zhong).
In SPAA'23.
Complexity of Inner Product in Symmetric Normed Spaces
(with Arnold Filtser, Jarosław Błasiok).
In ITCS'23.
Estimating the Longest Increasing Subsequence in Nearly Optimal Time
(with Negev Shekel Nosatzki, Sandip Sinha, Clifford Stein).
In FOCS'22.
Learning to Hash Robustly, Guaranteed
(with Daniel Beaglehole).
In ICML'22.
Approximate Nearest Neighbors Beyond Space Partitions
(with Aleksandar Nikolov, Ilya P. Razenshteyn, Erik Waingarten).
In SODA'21.
Edit Distance in Near-Linear Time: it's a Constant Factor
(with Negev Shekel Nosatzki).
In FOCS'20.
Streaming Complexity of SVMs
(with Collin Burns, Yi Li, Sepideh Mahabadi, David P. Woodruff).
Parallel Approximate Undirected Shortest Paths Via Low Hop Emulators
(with Clifford Stein, Peilin Zhong).
In STOC'20.
Two Party Distribution Testing: Communication and Security
(with Tal Malkin and Negev Shekel Nosatzki).
In ICALP'19. Full version
at ePrint 2018/1086
and arXiv:1811.04065.
Log Diameter Rounds Algorithms for 2-Vertex
and 2-Edge Connectivity
(with Cliff Stein and
Peilin Zhong).
In ICALP'19.
Attribute-efficient learning of monomials over highly-correlated variables (with Rishabh Dudeja, Daniel Hsu, Kiran Vodrahalli).
In ALT'19.
On Solving Linear Systems
in Sublinear Time (with Robert Krauthgamer and Yosef Pogrow).
In ITCS'19.
Simpler Constant-Factor Approximation to Edit Distance Problems
Manuscript 2018. A bare-bones (simplest version) 3+eps approximation algorithm
is also distilled here.
Holder Homeomorphisms and Approximate
Nearest Neighbors (with Assaf Naor, Aleksandar Nikolov, Ilya P. Razenshteyn, Erik Waingarten).
In FOCS'18.
Parallel Graph Connectivity in Log Diameter Rounds (with Zhao
Song, Clifford Stein, Zhengyu Wang, Peilin Zhong).
In FOCS'18.
Subspace Embedding and
Linear Regression with Orlicz Norm (with Chengyu Lin, Ying
Sheng, Peilin Zhong, Ruiqi Zhong).
In ICML'18.
Data-dependent hashing via nonlinear
spectral gaps (with Assaf Naor, Aleksandar Nikolov, Ilya
P. Razenshteyn, Erik Waingarten).
In STOC'18.
Coding with asymmetric
prior knowledge (with Javad Ghaderi, Daniel Hsu, Dan Rubenstein,
and Omri Weinstein).
Correspondence retrieval (with Daniel Hsu, Kevin Shi, and Xiaorui Sun).
In COLT'17.
Approximate Near Neighbors
for General Symmetric Norms (with Huy L. Nguyen, Sasho Nikolov,
Ilya Razenshteyn, and Erik Waingarten).
In STOC'17. arXiv:1611.06222
High frequency moments via
In ICASSP, special session on Random Embeddings and Geometry-Preserving Dimensionality Reduction, 2017.
Optimal Hashing-based
Time-Space Trade-offs for Approximate Near Neighbors (with Thijs Laarhoven,
Ilya Razenshteyn, and Erik Waingarten).
In SODA'17. Invited to T.Alg. special issue. arXiv:1608.03580.
LSH Forest: Practical Algorithms Made Theoretical (with
Ilya Razenshteyn and Negev Shekel-Nosatzki).
In SODA'17.
Snowflake universality of
Wasserstein spaces (with Assaf Naor and Ofer Neiman).
In Annales scientifiques de l'ENS (Eng. Scientific Annals of
ENS). arXiv:1509.08677. A CS version appears in ICALP'16 (see below).
Impossibility of Sketching
of the 3D Transportation Metric with Quadratic Cost (with Assaf
Naor and Ofer Neiman).
In ICALP'16. This a CS version of the above journal paper (arXiv:1509.08677).
Tight Lower Bounds for Data-Dependent
Locality-Sensitive Hashing (with Ilya Razenshteyn).
In SoCG'16. arXiv:1507.04299.
On Sketching Quadratic
Forms (with Jiecao Chen, Robert Krauthgamer, Bo Qin, David
P. Woodruff, Qin Zhang).
In ITCS'16. Also in arXiv:1511.06099, and subsumes the earlier arXiv:1403.7058.
Practical and Optimal LSH
for Angular Distance (with Piotr Indyk, Thijs Laarhoven, Ilya
Razenshteyn and Ludwig Schmidt).
In NIPS'15. arXiv:1509.02897.
Sketching and Embedding are Equivalent for
Norms (with Robert Krauthgamer and Ilya Razenshteyn).
In STOC'15, and SICOMP special issue. Also arXiv:1411.2577.
Optimal Data-Dependent Hashing for
Approximate Near Neighbors (with Ilya
In STOC'15. arXiv:1501.01062.
Spectral Approaches to
Nearest Neighbor Search (with Amirali Abdullah, Ravi Kannan, and
Robert Krauthgamer).
In FOCS'14. arXiv:1408.0751. versions: arXiv:1408.0751,
conference version.
Learning Polynomials with Neural Networks (with Rina Panigrahy,
Gregory Valiant, and Li Zhang).
In ICML'14. The draft of a full version is available here.
Parallel Algorithms for Geometric Graph
Problems (with Aleksandar Nikolov, Krzysztof Onak, and Grigory
In STOC'14. versions: arXiv 1401.0042, local copy.
Beyond Locality Sensitive
Hashing (with Piotr Indyk, Huy L. Nguyen, and Ilya
In SODA'14. versions: local
copy, arXiv:1306.1547
(1+epsilon)-Approximate Flow Sparsifiers (with Robert
Krauthgamer and Anupam Gupta).
In SODA'14. versions: conference version,
arXiv 1310.3252
Learning Sparse Polynomial Functions (with
Rina Panigrahy, Gregory Valiant, and Li Zhang).
In SODA'14.
"Tight Lower Bound for Linear Sketches of Moments" (joint with Huy
L. Nguyen, Yury Polyanskiy, and Yihong Wu).
In ICALP, 2013. See also arXiv version.
"Homomorphic Fingerprints under
Misalignments: Sketching Edit and Shift Distances" (joint with
Assaf Goldberger, Andrew McGregor, and Ely Porat).
In STOC'13.
"Shift Finding in Sub-linear Time" (joint with Haitham Hassanieh,
Piotr Indyk, and Dina Katabi). In SODA'13.
"Eigenvalues of a Matrix in the Streaming Model" (joint with Huy L. Nguyen). In SODA'13.
"Width of Points in the Streaming Model" (with
Huy L. Nguyen). Accepted to Transactions on Algorithms
special issue of SODA'12. Previously in SODA'12.
download: journal version.
"Near Linear Lower Bound for Dimension Reduction in L1" (with Moses
Charikar, Ofer Neiman, and Huy L. Nguyen). In FOCS'11.
download: conference version.
"Streaming Algorithms via Precision Sampling" (with Robert Krauthgamer
and Krzysztof Onak). In FOCS'11. Full version on arXiv:1011.1263.
download: arXiv version,
conference version.
"Polylogarithmic Approximation for Edit Distance and the Asymmetric
Query Complexity"
(with Robert Krauthgamer and Krzysztof Onak). In Proceedings of
Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'10),
2010. Invited to SICOMP special issue (declined).
download: arXiv
version, conference
"Global Alignment of Molecular Sequences via Ancestral State
Reconstruction" (with Constantinos
Daskalakis, Avinatan Hassidim, and Sebastien Roch).
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 122 (2012), pp. 3852--3874.
Extended abstract in Proceedings of the Symposium on Innovations in Computer Science (ICS'10), 2010.
download: [journal version]
"Lower bounds for Edit Distance and Product Metrics via Poincare-Type
(with T.S. Jayram
and Mihai Pătraşcu).
In Proceedings of
the Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'10), 2010.
download: [.pdf, .ps].
"Near-Optimal Sublinear Time Algorithms
for Ulam Distance"
(with Huy L. Nguyen).
In Proceedings of
the Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'10), 2010.
download: [.pdf, .ps].
"Efficient sketches for Earth-Mover Distance,
with applications" (with
Khanh Do Ba, Piotr Indyk, and David Woodruff).
In Proceedings of Symposium on
Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'09), 2009.
download: [.pdf, .ps].
"External Sampling" (with Piotr Indyk, Krzysztof Onak, and Ronitt
Rubinfeld). In Proceedings of International Colloquium on
Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'09), 2009.
download: [.pdf, .ps].
"Approximating Edit Distance in Near-Linear Time" (with Krzysztof
Onak). In
Proceedings of the Symposium on Theory of Computing
(STOC'09), 2009.
SIAM J. Comp. (SICOMP), special issue of
STOC'09. Previously in STOC'09, arXiv:1109.5635.
download: journal version
[.pdf, .ps],
arXiv version.
"Approximate Line Nearest Neighbor in High
(with Piotr
Indyk, Robert Krauthgamer, and Huy L. Nguyen).
In Proceedings of
the Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'09), 2009.
download: [.pdf, .ps].
"Overcoming the L1 Non-Embeddability Barrier: Algorithms for Product
Metrics" (with Piotr Indyk and Robert Krauthgamer). In Proceedings of
the Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'09), 2009.
download: [.pdf, .ps]. For temporary "full version", see
Chapter 5 in the PhD thesis.
"Hardness of Nearest Neighbor under
L-infinity" (with Dorian Croitoru and Mihai
In Proceedings of Symposium on
Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'08), 2008.
download: [.pdf, .ps].
"The Smoothed Complexity of Edit Distance" (with Robert
Krauthgamer). In TALG. Previously in Proceedings of International Colloquium on
Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'08), 2008.
download: [journal version, conference version].
"Near-Optimal Hashing Algorithms for Approximate Nearest Neighbor in
High Dimensions" (with Piotr Indyk).
Communications of the ACM, vol. 51, no. 1, 2008, pp. 117-122.
download: local .ps copy, or
directly from
CACM (for free). CACM disclaimer.
"Earth Mover
Distance over High-Dimensional Spaces" (with Piotr Indyk and
Robert Krauthgamer). In Proceedings of the Symposium on Discrete
Algorithms(SODA'08), 2008. Previously ECCC TR07-048.
download: [.pdf, .ps]
"The Computational Hardness of
Estimating Edit Distance" (with Robert Krauthgamer).
SIAM J. on Computing (FOCS'07 special issue), vol.39,
no.6, 2010. Extended abstract in
Proceedings of Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
(FOCS'07), 2007.
download: journal version [.pdf, .ps]
"Testing k-wise and Almost k-wise independence"
(with Noga Alon, Tali Kaufman, Kevin Matulef, Ronitt
Rubinfeld, and Ning Xie). In
Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
(STOC'07), 2007. Full version in preparation.
download: [.pdf, .ps]
"Near-Optimal Hashing Algorithms for Approximate
Nearest Neighbor in High Dimensions" (with Piotr Indyk). In Proceedings of the
Symposium on
Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'06), 2006.
download: [.pdf, .ps]. For current "full version", see Chapter 3
in the PhD thesis.
"On the
Optimality of the Dimensionality Reduction Method" (with Mihai
Pătraşcu and Piotr Indyk). In
Proceedings of the Symposium on
Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'06), 2006.
download: [.pdf, .ps]
"Efficient Algorithms
for Substring Near Neighbor
Problem" (with Piotr Indyk). In Proceedings of the Symposium on Discrete
Algorithyms (SODA'06), 2006. For a full version, see my Master's thesis
download: [.pdf, .ps, .ppt talk]
"Graceful Service Degradation (or, How to Know
Your Payment Is Late)" (with Jessica Staddon). Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Electronic
Commerce (EC'05) , Vancouver, June 2005.
download: [.pdf, .ps, .ppt talk]
"An evaluation of exhaustive testing for data structures"
(with Darko Marinov, Dumitru Daniliuc, Sarfraz Khurshid, and
Martin Rinard). Technical Report MIT-LCS-TR-921, MIT CSAIL, Cambridge, MA, September 2003.
download: [.pdf, .ps]
"Lower Bounds for Embedding of Edit Distance into Normed Spaces"
(with Michel Deza, Anupam Gupta, Piotr Indyk, and Sofya Raskhodnikova).
Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
(SODA'03) ,
download: [.pdf, .ps, .ppt talk]
Disclaimer: on majority of these publications, the copyright belongs to
the corresponding publishers. These online copies are to be used for
non-commercial and personal purposes only.
"Nearest Neighbor Search: the Old, the New, and the
Impossible". PhD thesis. Adviser: Piotr Indyk. Readers: Robert
Krauthgamer and Ronitt Rubinfeld. September, 2009.
download: [.pdf, .ps]
"Approximate Nearest Neighbor Problem in High Dimensions". M.Eng. thesis.
Adviser: Prof. Piotr Indyk. June, 2005.
(This is a "full version" of the SODA'06 paper.)
download: [.pdf, .ps]
An undergrad project paper:
"Dynamic Pattern Matching: The World
of Tries and Range Queries?" (with Cristian Cadar). Final Project for
6.854 (Fall'03, taught by Prof. David Karger and Prof. Erik Demaine).
[Last updated on or after September 17, 2009]