Protein Streak Seeding
Atanas Georgiev and Prof. Peter K. Allen
in collaboration with Prof. John Hunt and his group from
the Dept. of Biological Sciences
and Ting Song and Prof. Andrew Laine from the Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Fig.1: Streak seeded crystals
The goal of the Protein Streak Seeding project is the creation of an
innovative high-throughput (HTP) microrobotic system for a protein
crystallography task called streak seeding. The system uses visual
feedback from a camera mounted on a microscope to control a
micromanipulator which has the mounting tool attached as its
end-effector. For use with our robotic system, we have developed
unique new tools, called
miscroshovels, which are designed to
address certain limitations of the traditionally used by
crystallographers whiskers, bristles, or other kinds of hair.
The motivation for this project, along with some background
information, is described
Task Description
Streak seeding is useful when the initial crystallization experiments
yield crystals which are too small (less than 40um in size) and/or of
low quality and can not be used for structure determination. To
obtain higher quality crystals, a new reaction is setup like the
original one, however, before incubation, small fragments of the
initially obtained crystals are transferred to the new protein-reagent
mixture to bootstrap the crystallization process. This crystal
fragment transfer process is called streak seeding.
The task of streak seeding consists of three steps (Fig.2). First,
the tool to be used is washed in clean water to remove any residue.
Second, the tool is used to touch and probe the existing crystals thus
breaking them up into fragments and picking some up. Third, the tool
is streaked through the fresh mixture, which deposits some of the
fragments in it. For this to work, the tool has to have the necessary
properties to be able to break up, retain and release crystal
fragments, thus the material it is made of is very important factor in
for the efficiency of the procedure. Traditionally, various types of hair,
bristles, whiskers or horse tail have been used.
CARESS: A Streak Seeding Robot
Based on earlier development efforts using our generic
micro-robotic system for protein
crystal manipulation, we have built a specialized streak seeding robot
called CARESS. CARESS --- an acronym for Columbia [University's] Automated
Robotic Environment for Streak Seeding, --- employs an innovative approach
to protein streak seeding which utilizes our own custom tools, called
microshovels, designed and
fabricated using MEMS technology.
CARESS uses visual feedback from a camera mounted on a
microscope to control a micromanipulator which has the mounting tool
attached as its end-effector. All sensors and actuators are
connected to a personal computer and controlled by an application
running on it. The software is responsible for processing
the visual stream from the camera using computer vision techniques to
pinpoint the location of the objects of interest in the workspace, and for
controlling the actuators accordingly. The user interacts with the
application via a graphical interface to set the system up, execute
tasks and view data.
The robot is designed to work with the hanging drop crystallization
method, seeding from source crystals on a 21mm square coverslip to
destination drops on a coversheet for a 96-well plate. The user sets
up the system by placing on the stage the coverslip with the protein
crystals, the coversheet of the 96-well plate with the target protein
droplets, and a microbridge with water used for cleaning the seeding
tool. Then the system is started and it performs the seeding
autonomously. At top speed, one 96-well plate can be seeded in 5-6
minutes. The video in the side panel shows CARESS in operation.
Automated Streak Seeding With Micromachined Silicon
Acta Crystallographica Section D, Vol.62, 2006, pp.1039-1045
(with Sergey Vorobiev, William Edstrom, Ting Song, Andrew Laine,
John Hunt and Peter K. Allen)
Streak Seeding Automation Using Silicon Tools
Technical Report CUCS-015-06,
Columbia University, Computer Science Deptartment, 2006
(with Sergey Vorobiev, William Edstrom, Ting Song, Andrew Laine,
John Hunt, and Peter Allen)
Microrobotic Streak Seeding For Protein Crystal
Robotics: Science and Systems Conference, Cambridge, MA, June 2005
(with Peter K. Allen, Ting Song, Andrew Laine, William Edstrom and John Hunt)
Robotic Protein Crystal Streak Seeding Using
Silicon Microtools
International Conference on Structural Genomics, Washington, DC,
November 2004 (poster).
(with Peter K. Allen, William Edstrom, John Hunt, Ting Song and Andrew Laine)