Assignment #4

Due date: 10AM one week after the assignment was handed out.

Required Reading: Chapters 3,6,7 [IACU]


The main purposes for this assignment are to introduce you to:
  1. using makefile
  2. recursion
Try to keep your files organized. For example create a directory for this class, create a subdirectory for assignment 4.

Programming (100 points)

  1. Exercise (30 points)
  2. Exercise (40 points)



    The function sin(x) can be approximated for values of x which are close to zero. This is done by a Tailor expansion - an infinite sum:

    \begin{displaymath}\sin x=\sum_{n=1}^\infty {(-1)^{n-1}\over (2n-1)!}x^{2n-1}\end{displaymath}
    Write a function ,Sin_Approx(double angle, int M); that computes the Tailor expansion up to the Mth element (this means that the summation goes up until n = M, instead of infinity).
    Your function should use the recursive factorial function (n! studied in class) and the recursive function Power(x,n) from the previous exercise (you can use a or b). Note, however, that it is time consuming to compute a power of -1, so don't use the regular power function for that!
    In order to test your function, you should write a program that computes the sine of x using the sin(x) function from "math.h", and compares it to the approximated Sin_Approx function. The format of the output should be the following:
    Sin(0) is 0.00, Sin_Approx(0) is 0.00
    Your program should prompt the user for "x" (read and use as double) and "M" (integer >=0).

    What value should M have so that | Approx_Sin(0.333,M)-sin(0.333) | < 0.0000000001 ?
    Run your program to test it, and write the answer in the README file you submit.
    Write your main function in a file "p2.c".

  4. Exercise (30 points)

  5. Create a makefile that handles the following targets:

    % make p1 (creates an executable p1 for exercise #1)
    % make p2  (creates an executable p2 for exercise #2)
               (the last two should create appropriate object files)
    % make test1 (runs exercise #1 with "1.inp" as input file
                  and "1.out" as output file)
    % make clean (deletes the object files, the executables and 1.out)
    (Note, CVN students: this is a UNIX makefile, creating makefiles for compilers on PC is only an option)