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Charles Shen, PhD, EMBA
Research Scientist and Co-Director
Advanced ConsTruction and InfOrmation techNology (ACTION) Laboratory
Dr. Charles Shen is a Research Scientist in Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics and the Co-Director of Advanced ConsTruction and InfOrmaiton tehNology (ACTION) Laboratory at Columbia University. He is also a Senior Member of IEEE.
Prior to assuming his current role, he worked as a Senior Member of Technical Staff at AT&T. Before AT&T, he conducted research at Columbia University's Department of Computer Science, IBM Watson Research Center, Telcordia Technologies (now part of Ericsson), Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology and Singapore's Institute for InfoComm Research (A*STAR).
Dr. Shen's current research interest involves the application of advanced Information Technologies such as Deep Learning, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data in the sustainable urbanization domains. His past experience includes extensive research on mobile computer networks and applications, such as scalability of IP telecommunications networks, architecture, security and privacy of cloud-based mobile IoT services. His extended work in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction industry covers topics including integration of IoT with Building Information Modeling (BIM), social impact project finance and Public-Private-Partnership. His interdisciplinary research across electrical engineering, computer science and civil engineering has yielded eight awarded US patents, three IETF standardized RFCs, and dozens of peer-reviewed papers at journals and conference proceedings including by ACM, IEEE, IFIP, ASCE, Elsevier, Emerald, and Springer.
Dr. Shen received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Zhejiang University in 1997, M.Eng. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from National University of Singapore in 2001, and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University in 2010. He also earned an Executive MBA from Columbia Business School in 2017.
Blockchain For Cities - A Systematic Literature Review, C. Shen and F. Pena-Mora, IEEE Access, Nov. 2018