I am currently on the Assistant team at Google, where I work on semantic parsing. Previously, I did my PhD in Computer Science at Columbia University, working under Professor Kathleen McKeown on Natural Language Processing. My
thesis focused on discourse, argumentation, and persuasion.
Most of my projects can be found on GitHub or Bitbucket, including my work on
automatically labeling causal relations using parallel corpora and identifying the semantic types of argumentative components used in a persuasive discussion forum.
Some of my
class projects include detecting causal relations using recursive neural networks and
improving detection of sentiment in Twitter using discourse connectives.
I participated in the BeST project
for TAC KBP 2016 (detecting target-specific belief and sentiment), where I focused on
Spanish sentiment detection.
I am in charge of maintaining the Columbia NLP website.
In a previous life, I worked for the Department of Defense as a cryptanalytic developer.
Tuhin Chakrabarty, Christopher Hidey, Smaranda Muresan.
"ENTRUST: Argument Reframing with Language Models and Entailment."
In Proceedings of NAACL 2021.
[pdf and bibtex]
[code and data]
Christopher Hidey, Tuhin Chakrabarty, Tariq Alhindi, Siddharth Varia, Kriste Krstovski, Mona Diab and Smaranda Muresan.
"DeSePtion: Dual Sequence Prediction and Adversarial Examples for Improved Fact-Checking."
In Proceedings of ACL 2020.
[pdf, bibtex, data, and talk]
Tuhin Chakrabarty, Christopher Hidey, Smaranda Muresan, Kathleen McKeown, Alyssa Hwang.
"AMPERSAND: Argument Mining for PERSuAsive oNline Discussions."
In Proceedings of EMNLP 2019.
[pdf and bibtex]
Siddharth Varia, Christopher Hidey, and Tuhin Chakrabarty.
"Discourse Relation Prediction: Revisiting Word Pairs with Convolutional Networks."
In Proceedings of SIGDIAL 2019.
[pdf and bibtex]
Christopher Hidey and Kathleen McKeown.
"Fixed That for You: Generating Contrastive Claims with Semantic Edits."
In Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2019.
[pdf and bibtex]
Tuhin Chakrabarty, Christopher Hidey, and Kathleen McKeown.
"IMHO Fine-Tuning Improves Claim Detection."
In Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2019.
[pdf and bibtex]
Christopher Hidey and Kathleen McKeown.
"Persuasive Influence Detection: The Role of Argument Sequencing."
In Proceedings of AAAI 2018.
Christopher Hidey, Elena Musi, Alyssa Hwang, Smaranda Muresan, Kathleen McKeown.
"Analyzing the Semantic Types of Claims and Premises in an Online Persuasive Forum."
In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Argument Mining. EMNLP. 2017.
[pdf and bibtex]
Christopher Hidey and Kathleen McKeown.
"Identifying Causal Relations Using Parallel Wikipedia Articles."
In Proceedings of ACL 2016.
[pdf and bibtex]
Alyssa Hwang and Christopher Hidey.
"Confirming the Non-compositionality of Idioms for Sentiment Analysis."
In Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and WordNet (MWE-WN). 2019.
[pdf and bibtex]
Christopher Hidey and Mona Diab.
"Team SWEEPer: Joint Sentence Extraction and Fact Checking with Pointer Networks."
In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Fact Extraction and VERification (FEVER). 2018.
[pdf and bibtex]
Tao Yu, Christopher Hidey, Owen Rambow, and Kathleen McKeown.
"Leveraging Sparse and Dense Feature Combinations for Sentiment Classification."
arXiv. 2017.