Installing Berkeley SIS 1.3

This document provides instructions on how to install SIS. Please refer to Homework #1 for instructions on how to execute and use SIS. More clarifications and details on SIS are given in the Documentation section below.

Installing SIS 1.3 on Acis (CUNIX) machines

Installing SIS 1.3 on Linux machines

  1. Download the compiled binaries. (SIS 1.3 Linux binaries)

  2. Make a separate directory, e.g. sis1.3, and unzip the tar file to that directory using the following commands.
     mkdir sis1.3 
     cd sis1.3
     tar xvf sis1.3-linux.tgz 
  3. Executables (including espresso) can be found in sis1.3/bin. Change the permission of espresso excutable to allow execution (x).

  4. Espresso example files can be found in sis1.3/espresso/ex and sis1.3/espresso/examples. You can also download example files in the Espresso examples section.

Installing SIS 1.2 on Windows machines

  1. Download the executable binaries. These programs can be executed in a "Command Prompt" window. (SIS 1.2 Windows binary, Espresso Windows binary)

  2. You also need to download the espresso example files. Please see the Espresso examples section below.


Espresso examples


If you have a problem with using or installing SIS 1.3 and Espresso programs, please contact Kshitij Bhardwaj (