Running XSIS

This page provides information on running XSIS on your Linux, Windows, CS and ACIS machines. Make sure you have read the webpage on getting started with SIS 1.3 before proceeding on to the rest of this page.

Running XSIS on Linux machines

    XSIS is in included in the SIS 1.3 installation. If you have installed SIS 1.3 and set up the proper environment on your Linux machine for homework #1 already, you are all set to go.

    Note if you see the following error when you try to run XSIS:

     cannot open pty 
    You might have a version of Linux that is too new for the XSIS binary. In that case download the following updated version, and put it in your sis1.3/bin directory to replace the old one: Updated XSIS

Running XSIS on Windows machines

    Unfortunately there is no XSIS for Windows. If you want to run the tool from your Windows machine, you will need to log into a CS or ACIS machine and run the tool remotely. You will also need an X Windows client (e.g. X-win32, cygwin, etc.) for the tool to display properly.

Running XSIS on CS machines

    If you have a CS account, log in to a CLIC machine (i.e. ssh to, which are Linux machines. Add ~cs4861/bin to your PATH environment variable. For example, if you use bash shell, do
     export PATH=$PATH:~cs4861/bin
    You will need to specify to the tool where the sis binary is. You can do so by using the "-sis" option with xsis.
    	xsis -sis ~cs4861/bin/sis

Running XSIS on Acis (CUNIX) machines

    Download the executable binary (XSIS Solaris binary), and put it in the same directory where your SIS binary is. The script "xsis" from the untarred directory sets up the proper environment variables and calls the tool executable. Modify the paths in the script if necessary.


If you have a problem with installing/using XSIS, please contact Peggy McGee(