COMS W4162 Advanced Computer Graphics
Fall 2014, Columbia University
MW 2:40pm-3:55PM, 627 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Instructor: Changxi Zheng
Dingzeyu Li (Ph.D. TA,
date | topic | reading | assignments | |
3 | Sep | Introduction slides | ||
8 | Sep | Raytracing slides | Ray-box Intersection, Cook-Torrance Model, Rendering Concepts | |
10 | Sep | Radiometry slides | BRDF notes | |
15 | Sep | Monte Carlo integration slides | [Kajiya 86] | Paper list available |
17 | Sep | Importance Sampling slides | Multiple Importance Sampling | |
22 | Sep | Volume Scattering | ||
24 | Sep | Participating Media | PA-1 released | |
29 | Sep | Texture synthesis | Texture synthesis in production | |
1 | Oct | Paper discussion | ||
6 | Oct | Texture synthesis | [Wei and Levoy], [Lefebvre and Hoppe], state of the art review | |
8 | Oct | Mesh processing | ||
13 | Oct | Mesh simplification | [Hoppe 99] | |
15 | Oct | Surface reconstruction | state of the art survey, [Alexa et al. 03] | |
20 | Oct | --- No class --- | PA-2 released | |
22 | Oct | Introduction of FEM | FEM Tutorial | |
27 | Oct | Paper discussion | ||
29 | Oct | FEM and Poisson Equation | Final Project Proposal due | |
3 | Nov | --- Academic holiday --- | ||
5 | Nov | Basics of Continuum Mechanics | Infinitesimal strain | |
10 | Nov | Physics-based Deformable Simulation | ||
12 | Nov | Model Reduction | ||
17 | Nov | Modal Analysis for Sound Synthesis | Modal Analysis | PA-3 released |
19 | Nov | Sound synthesis | ||
24 | Nov | Paper discussion | ||
26 | Nov | SPH Fluids | SPH theory, SPH survey | |
1 | Dec | SPH Fluids | ||
3 | Dec | Fluids | ||
8 | Dec | Introduction of vortex method | a survey, [Weibmann and Pinkall] |
Projects and Work Load
There will be 3 programming projects during the semester and a final project. For the programming projects, you will be asked to implement some computer graphics algorithms. For the final project, you will propose a project which involves advanced graphics techniques and implement it. All projects will be submitted to courseworks.
In this semester, we will have three paper-presentation sessions (see the schedule). You will be read some research papers and present them in class.
Due: Saturday, 4th Oct. 2014 (11:59pm) for part 1
Due: Tuesday, 14th Oct. 2014 (11:59pm) for part 2
In this assignment, you will implement a few Monte Carlo rendering algorithms. To help you make progress, we split the whole assignment into two
parts. In part 1, the focus is the multiple importance sampling algorithm. In part 2, you will implement a simple volume rendering algorithm.
Task 1: Multiple Importance Sampling
Due: Saturday, 4th Oct. 2014 (11:59pm)
Starter code: download
In this task, you need to implement the multiple importance sampling as we discussed in class. A working rendering system has many components and details.
And it will be quite a challenge to implement the entier system. To ease your start, I have prepared a starter code, which has most of the parts implemented except
a few critical algorithms. The starter code is in Java. Once you downloaded it, you should be able to compile it. For example,
if you have Apache Ant installed, then just type
ant java -cp build/classes/ ray.ParaRayTracer scene/monkey.xmlto see a demo of Ambient occlusion renderer.
Code of Finish: There are three .java files which you need to fill in the code:
- ray.renderer.LuminairesIlluminator for a luminaire sampling algorithm.
- ray.renderer.KajiyaPathTracer for a Kajiya Path Tracer for global illumination that we discussed in class.
- ray.MultipleIlluminator for direction illumination but with multiple importance sampling.
Usage of Renderer: All the rendering algorithms are implmented as a plugin in the system. In a XML scene file (many example scene files are located in scene directory in the starter code), you can specify which algorithm to use as well as the geometry and camera parameters. You should look at the files in scene/ to understand how to configure a renderer. To run the renderer, you can use either of two java classes,
java -cp build/classes/ ray.RayTracer "scene file" java -cp build/classes/ ray.ParaRayTracer [-s N] "scene file"The former is a single-thread renderer to ease your debugging, and the latter is a multi-thread parallel renderer to shorten your rendering time. You use the "-s" option to specificy the number of rendering threads, and by default, it uses all available CPU cores on your machine.
Images to Submit:
In your submission, you should include at least 10 images:
- 3 of them are rendered using plates.xml with BRDF sampling, luminaire sampling, and multiple importance respectively,
- 3 of them are rendered using three-spheres.xml with the three sampling strategies,
- another 3 images are rendered using three-sphere-glossy.xml with the three sampling strategies,
- 1 images rendered using cbox.xml with ray.renderer.KajiyaPathTracer.
When you create your own scene files, you might need to create ".msh" file to describe a triangle mesh. To this end, I provide a simple python script to transform a ".obj" mesh file into a ".msh" file.
Task 2: Volume Rendering
Due: Tuesday, 14th Oct. 2014 (11:59pm)
Starter code: download
In this task, you need to implement a basic volume rendering algorithm as discussed in class. In particular, you need to finish the code in java files:
- ray.render.DirectOnlyMediumRenderer to implment the algorithm of volume rendering.
- ray.render.LuminairesIlluminator for the direct scattering using phase function and incident radiance from the light source.
Images to Submit: In this part of your submission, you should include at least 2 images:
- One image rendered using cbox-vol.xml
- One image rendered using cbox-shaft-vol.xml
Handing in
Submit a zip file containing your solution using Courseworks
You should include in your zip a few parts, including:
- A document discribing how you implment the algorithms, the mathematical formulas you are following, any reference you have used, and anything else you want us to know.
- A well-commented source code.
- A gallery of images that you generated (see details above).
Due: Wednesday, 29th Oct. 2014 (11:59pm)
In this assignment, you will implement a mesh simplification algorithm. The core algorithm is detailed in [Garland and Heckbert 97], which we also talked in class.
Code of Finish: There are two C++ files which you need to fill in the code (I have put a "TODO" in the functions where you need to add your code):
- EdgeCollapsibleTriMesh.hpp for collapsing an edge into a vertex in the half-edge data structure
- GarlandMeasurer.hpp to implment the quadrics and cost computation
Bonus Points: The full points is 100 for this assignment. In addition to that, there are 25 points for implmenting an advanced version, by considering attributes in the siimplification. The algorithm follows [Hoppe 99]. In particular, you need to finish the code in HoppeMeasurer.hpp. I have put a "TODO" in the functions where you need to add your code.
Starter code: download
In this task, I have prepared the starter code in C++. The main directory where you need to add your implementation is in src/remesh. After downloading it, you should be able to compile it using most C++ compiler. In particular, if you have CMake installed, you can type
mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make
Required External Libraries: The starter code uses two libraries: Boost and Eigen. You need to install them if you haven't had them. If you install Eigen in some directory (say DIR), then you specify them by replacing the command line above by
cmake -DEIGEN_ROOT=DIR ..After compiling the code successfully, an executable, mesh_simp is located in build/bin. And if you type "mesh_simp -h", it shows you how to use it
Usage: mesh_simp [options]The "-a" option is only used when you implement the advanced version for bonus points.Simplify mesh based on vibration modes Allowed options & arguments: -h [ --help ] display help message -s [ --mesh ] arg .obj file for the triangle mesh -a [ --attr ] arg file for the 3x1 attributes on each vertex -o [ --out ] arg output obj file name
Handing in
Submit a zip file containing your solution using Courseworks
You should include in your zip a few parts, including:
- A document discribing how you implment the algorithms, the mathematical formulas you are following, any reference you have used, and anything else you want us to know.
- A well-commented source code, and make sure we can compile your code. We are going to use clic machine in CS to compile it. So test the copmile before you handle in your code. If we fail to compile it, you will loose some points.
- Input and output .obj files. We will run your code on your input .obj files, but it's easier for us to get sense what your results look like before running your code.
Due: 27th Nov. 2014 (11:59pm) for part 1
Due: TBD for part 2
Task 1: Finite Element Solver of 2D Laplace Equations
Due: 27th Nov. 2014 (11:59pm)
Starter code: download
In this task, you need to implement a simple finite element solver of Laplace equations on 2D. The starter code has already provide you the functinality to create a triangle mesh using a polyline boundary, as well as a sparse linear system solver (using Intel's MKL). You need to implement the discretization of the Lapace operator as we discussed in class.
Code of Finish: THere is only one file that you need to finish, the fem/LaplacianOpt.hpp. Look for the "TODO" comments in that file for where to start coding. But again, you need to understand the code first.
You only need to implement the 1st-order Finite Element solver as we discussedin details in class.
Bonus Points: The full points is 100 for this assignment. In addition to that, there are 25 points for implmenting an advanced version. Instead of implmenting a 1st-order FEM solver, you can implement a 2nd-order solver. I already put some pieces of code in LaplacianOpt.hpp currently disabled by C++ macros "#ifdef LAPLACIAN_2ND". If you decide to accept the challenge and implement the 2nd-order solver, you are exempted from implementing the 1-st order solver.
Required External Libraries: The starter code uses two libraries: Boost and Eigen. You need to install them if you haven't had them. If you install Eigen in some directory (say DIR), then you specify them by replacing the command line above by
cmake -DEIGEN_ROOT=DIR ..There are many libraries for solving a sparse linear system. Even Eigen has the feature of solving a sparse linear system. In the starter code, it uses the Direct Sparse Solver (DSS) provided by Intel MKL. So you need to install it if you decided to use it (it's free for students). Otherwise, you can use other sparse solver, for which you need to modify the code in laplace_solver.cpp.
Handing in
Submit a zip file containing your solution using Courseworks
You should include in your zip a few parts, including:
- A document discribing how you implment the algorithms, the mathematical formulas you are following, any reference you have used, and anything else you want us to know.
- A well-commented source code, and make sure we can compile your code. We are going to use clic machine in CS to compile it. So test the copmile before you handle in your code. If we fail to compile it, you will loose some points. Note: we need to run your code when grading. Please make sure we can compile your code.
- Two output files from your code, containing respectively the printout from your code with the two test functions (TestFunc1 and TestFunc2).
There will be no exam in this course. Instead, there will be a final project and a presentation.
About COMS W4162
Grading: Your final grade will be a weighted average of the grades on the programming projects, final projects and paper presentation. Each programming project will account for 20% of the grade, the final project will account for 25%, and the paper presentation and discussion will account for 15%.
Questions, help, discussion: The instructors are available to answer questions, advise on projects, or just to discuss interesting topics related to the class at office hours and by appointment as needed. For electronic communication we are using Piazza (link also available at the top of this page). Please sign up for the Piazza page. When posting questions, please keep them organized by posting them to specific folders.
You're encouraged to read any published sources—books, articles, public web sites—that help you learn. If you find an idea in one of these sources that becomes part of your solution (or even gives you the whole solution), that's fine, but it is imperative that you explicitly cite the source on your homework or state it in a comment of your code. Otherwise you would be falsely claiming to have invented the idea yourself.
Academic integrity: We expect complete integrity from everyone. We assume the work you hand in is your own, and the results you hand in are generated by your program. You're welcome to read whatever you want to learn what you need to do the work, but we do expect you to build your own implementations of the methods we are studying. If you're ever in doubt, just include a citation in your code or report indicating where some idea came from, whether it be a classmate, a web site, another piece of software, or anything—this always maintains your honesty, whether the source was used in a good way or not. The principle is that an assignment is an academic document, like a journal article. When you turn it in, you are claiming that everything in it is your original idea (or is original to you and your partner, if you're handing in as a pair) unless you cite a source for it. it's never OK for you to see another student's homework writeup or another team's program code, and certainly never OK to copy parts of one person's or team's writeup, code, or results into another's, even if the general solution was worked out together.
School can be stressful, and your coursework and other factors can put you under a lot of pressure, but that is never a reason for dishonesty. If you feel you can't complete the work on your own, come talk to the professor or the TAs, or your advisor, and we can help you figure out what to do. Think before you hand in!
Clear-cut cases of dishonesty will result in failing the course.
For more information see Columbia Engineering's Code of Academic Integrity.
Open Door Policy: We hope the course to run smoothly and enjoyably. Feel free to let us know if you find the course helpful and interesting. Especially, let us know sooner about the reverse. Drop by our office hours, leave us a note, or send us an email.
- Collections of computer graphics papers
- ACM digital library
OpenGL "Red Book" --- *the* reference for OpenGL programming
- Nate Robbin's OpenGL "tutors" programs
- 3-D computer graphics: a mathematical introduction with OpenGL, Volume 385, By Samuel R. Buss