- 信徒 [しんと] /layman/believer/adherent/follower/laity/
- 内部 [ないぶ] /interior (a-no)/inside/internal/
- 縛り付ける [しばりつける] /to tie/
- 徹底的 [てっていてき] /thoroughness (an)/
- 搾り取る [しぼりとる] /to exploit、squeeze, extract/
- 使用料 [しようりょう] /rent/hire/
- 刺殺 [しさつ] /putting out (baseball) (vs)/stabbing to death/
- 相当 [そうとう] /suitable (an)/fair/tolerable/proper/
- 資産 [しさん] /property/fortune/means/assets/
- 保有 [ほゆう] /possession (vs)/retention/maintenance/
- ぞっと /shiver (vs)/
- 類似 [るいじ] /analogous/
- 救世主 [きゅうせいしゅ] /saviour/messiah/
- 自称 [じしょう] /self-styled (vs)/would-be/calling oneself/
- 被害妄想 [ひがいもうそう] /persecution complex/
- 共通 [きょうつう] /commonness (a-no)/community (vs)/
- 極端 [きょくたん] /extreme (an)/extremity/
- 禁欲 [きんよく] /abstinence/abnegation/
- 抑える [おさえる] /to check/to curb/to suppress/to control/to arrest/
- 求める [もとめる] /to seek/to request/to demand/to want/to wish for/to search for/to pursue (pleasure)/to hunt (a job)/to buy/
- 贅沢 [ぜいたく] /luxury (an)/extravagance/
- 目撃 [もくげき] /(eye)witness (vs)/
- 特異 [とくい] /unique/singular/
- 体制 [たいせい] /order/system/structure/set-up/organization/
- 逆らう [さからう] /to go against/to oppose/to disobey/to defy/
- 賭ける [かける] /to wager/to bet/to risk/to stake/to gamble/
- 賭け [かけ] /betting/gambling/a gamble/
- 戦国時代 [せんごくじだい] /the age of civil war/
- 反逆者 [はんぎゃくしゃ] /rebel/traitor/
- 反逆 [はんぎゃく] /treason/treachery/mutiny/
- 下剋上 [げこくじょう] /juniors dominating seniors/retainer supplanting his lord/
- 権力 [けんりょく] /(political) power/authority/influence/
- 座 [ざ] /seat/one's place/position/
- 刎ねる [はねる] /to decapitate/
- 異端者 [いたんしゃ] /heretic/
- 寛容 [かんよう] /forbearance/tolerance/generosity/
- 不寛容 [ふかんよう] /intolerance/
- 移住 [いじゅう] /migration/immigration/
- 異に [ことに] /difference (vs)/
- 隠遁 [いんとん] /retirement/seclusion/
- 常識 [じょうしき] /common sense/
- 大量殺人 [たいりょうさつじん] /Mass murderer/
- 結び付く [むすびつく] /to be connected or related/to join together/
- 疎外 [そがい] /estrangement/neglect/
- 実情 [じつじょう] /real condition/actual circumstances/actual state of affairs/
- 罠 [わな] /trap/snare/
- 嵌る [はまる] /(oK) to get into/to go into/to fit/to suit/to fall into/to plunge into/to be deceived/to be taken in/to fall into a trap/to be addicted to/to be deep into/
- 資金 [しきん] /funds/capital/
- 豊富 [ほうふ] /abundance (an)/wealth/plenty/bounty/
- 勧誘 [かんゆう] /invitation (vs)/solicitation/canvassing/inducement/persuasion/encouragement/
- 言わば [いわば] /so to speak/
- 姿勢 [しせい] /attitude/posture/
- 記憶 [きおく] /memory (vs)/recollection/remembrance/
- 薄れる [うすれる] /to fade/to become dim/
- 衝撃 [しょうげき] /shock/crash/impact/ballistic/
- 直後 [ちょくご] /immediately following/
- 受験地獄 [じゅけんじごく] /examination hell/
- 厳格 [げんかく] /severe (an)/rigid/strictness/rigor/austerity/
- 秩序 [ちつじょ] /order/regularity/system/method/
- 定める [さだめる] /to decide/to establish/to determine/
- 休憩 [きゅうけい] /rest (vs)/break/recess/intermission/
- 余裕 [よゆう] /surplus/composure/margin/room/time/allowance/scope/rope/
- 極める [きわめる] /to investigate thoroughly/to master/to carry to extremes/
- 費やす [ついやす] /to spend/to devote/to waste/
- 磨く [みがく] /to polish/to shine/to brush/to refine/to improve/
- 逮捕 [たいほ] /arrest (vs)/apprehension/capture/
- 一掃 [いっそう] /a clean sweep/wipe away/
- 唱える [となえる] /to recite/to chant/to call upon/advocate/
- 標的 [ひょうてき] /target/
- 高官 [こうかん] /high official/
- 付け加える [つけくわえる] /to add one thing to another/
- 予言 [よげん] /prediction/promise/prognostication/