をひいたふくよかな「唇」。 There is just white, transparent, dazzling skin. A smooth neck. Plump lips colored a light crimson. 何気ない表情やしぐさに女性の美しさを見出した日本画の巨匠た ち・・・。 With unconcerned expressions and gestures, the maestros of Japanese paintings find the beauty of women. 明治から昭和初期にかけて描かれた美人画およそ70点を集めた 展覧会が、京都で開かれています。 From the Meiji period to the start of the Showa period, the exhibition that has gathered about 70 percent of the beautiful women paintings has opened in Kyoto. 絵の前に立つとその時代を生きた女性たちの様々なドラマ、そして 匂い立つような色気を感じ取ることができます。 When you stand in front of the paintings you can feel the various dramas of the women that lived in that time, and almost smell romance. 今なお、キャンバスで生き続ける女性たちに逢ってみたいという方、 来月17日までに京都文化博物館を訪ねて下さい。 Furthermore, for the people that would like to meet the women that continue their existence on the canvas, please visit the Kyoto cultural museum by the 17th of next month. この「美人画名作展」は、京都市中京区の京都文化博物館で来月1 7日まで開かれています。 This "Beautiful Women Masterpiece Exhibition" is open in Kyoto's Chuukyou ward's Kyoto cultural museum until the 17th of next month. |