- 営業 [えいぎょう] /business/trade/management/
- 強盗 [ごうとう] /robbery/burglary/
- 奪う [うばう] /to snatch away/
- 宿直 [しゅくちょく] /night watch (vs)/night guard/
- 職員 [しょくいん] /staff member/personnel/
- 重傷 [じゅうしょう] /serious wound/injury/
- 仮眠 [かみん] /nap/
- 縛り上げる [しばりあげる] /to bind (tie) up/
- 事務所 [じむしょ] /office/
- 金庫 [きんこ] /safe/vault/treasury/
- 不審 [ふしん] /incomplete understanding (an)/doubt/question/distrust/suspicion/strangeness/infidelity/
- 全治 [ぜんじ] /complete recovery/
- 布 [ぬの] /cloth/
- 覆面 [ふくめん] /mask/veil/disguise/
- 片言 [かたこと] /a smattering/talk like a baby/speak haltingly/
- 税関 [ぜいかん] /customs house/
- 偽造 [ぎぞう] /forgery/falsification/fabrication/counterfeiting/
- 密輸 [みつゆ] /smuggling (vs)/contraband trade/
- 摘発 [てきはつ] /exposing (vs)/unmasking/laying bare/
- 停泊 [ていはく] /anchorage/moorings/
- 貨物 [かもつ] /cargo/freight/
- 発表 [はっぴょう] /announcement (vs)/publication/
- 信販会社 [しんぱんがいしゃ] /credit company/
- 上海 [しゃんはい] /Shanghai (China)/
- 入港 [にゅうこう] /entry into port (vs)/
- 検査 [けんさ] /inspection (e.g. customs, factory) (vs)/examination/
- 乗組員 [のりくみいん] /crew/
- 磁気 [じき] /magnetism/
- 入力 [にゅうりょく] /input (vs)/
- 押収 [おうしゅう] /seizure/confiscation/
- 資料 [しりょう] /materials/data/
- 分析 [ぶんせき] /analysis (vs)/
- 特定 [とくてい] /specific/special/particular (vs)/
- 透き通る [すきとおる] /to be(come) transparent/
- 眩い [まばゆい] /dazzling/
- 滑らか [なめらか] /smoothness (an)/glassiness/
- ふくよか /plump (an)/full/well-rounded/
- 何気ない [なにげない] /casual/unconcerned/
- 表情 [ひょうじょう] /facial expression/
- 巨匠 [きょしょう] /master/masterhand/maestro/
- 日本画 [にほんが] /Japanese paintings/
- 初期 [しょき] /early (days) (a-no)/initial stage/(computer) initial/
- 展覧会 [てんらんかい] /exhibition/
- 匂い [におい] /odour/scent/smell/stench/fragrance/aroma/perfume/
- 色気 [いろけ] /interest in the opposite sex/sex appeal/glamor/a shade of colour/colouring/sexual passion/romance/poetry/desire/seductiveness/charm/sensuality/
- 逢う [あう] /to meet (with drama or pathos)/
- 総理 [そうり] /president/leader/prime minister/
- 実績 [じっせき] /achievements/actual results/
- 当選 [とうせん] /being elected (vs)/winning the prize/
- 商工 [しょうこう] /commerce and industry/
- 記者会見 [きしゃかいけん] /press conference/
- 首相 [しゅしょう] /Prime Minister/
- 衆院 [しゅういん] /lower house of the Diet/
- 与野党 [よやとう] /(political) parties in and out of power/majority and minority parties/
- 国会議員 [こっかいぎいん] /member of National Diet/
- 世襲 [せしゅう] /heredity/heritage/
- 批判 [ひはん] /criticism/judgement/comment/
- 展開 [てんかい] /develop (vs)/expansion (opposite of compression)/
- 閣僚 [かくりょう] /cabinet ministers/
- 経験者 [けいけんしゃ] /experienced person/person who has had a particular experience/
- 混在 [こんざい] /mixture (vs)/
- 選挙 [せんきょ] /election (vs)/
Dave Evans
Last modified: Wed Jun 28 16:23:32 EDT 2000