Building the century. At the beginning of the year 2000.
(Pass two.)
- 世紀 [せいき] /century/era/
- 築く [きずく] /to build/to pile up/to amass/
- 初頭 [しょとう] /beginning/
- 西暦 [せいれき] /Christian Era/anno domini (A.D.)/
- 紀元 [きげん] /era/A.D./
- 僧 [そう] /monk/priest/
- 降誕 [こうたん] /birth (vs)(regal)/nativity/
- 間違える [まちがえる] /to err/to make a mistake/
- 起算 [きさん] /starting to count/
- Summary: It is the year 2000. The Christian calendar is a
counting system created by the priests fleeing Rome in the 6th
century who made a small mistake in the actual date of Christ's
- 偶々 [たまたま] /casually/unexpectedly/accidentally/by chance/
- 切りが良い [きりがいい] /to be a good place to leave off/
- 暦 [れき] /calendar/
- 半端 [はんぱ] /remnant (an)/fragment/incomplete set/fraction/odd
- 異に [ことに] /difference (vs)/
- 数種 [] /types of numbers???/
- 紀年法 [きねんぽう] /Systems for counting years?/
- Summary: By chance, just because this happens to be a nice
round number, it does not mean that it is a big deal. For
example, by the Jewish calendar, it is 5960, and nothing more
than the odd year 1377 by the Islamic calendar. Throughout the
world, if you look at different cultures whose roots differ,
there are as many as 50 different ways of counting the years
- 他面 [ためん] /the other side/another direction/(on) the other
- 多種多様 [たしゅたよう] /a great variety of/diversity/
- 共存 [きょうぞん] /coexistence/
- 地球 [ちきゅう] /the earth (a-no)/
- 通用 [つうよう] /popular use (vs)/circulation/
- 人類 [じんるい] /mankind/humanity/
- 共通 [きょうつう] /commonness (a-no)/community (vs)/
- 記号 [きごう] /symbol/code/
- 新た [あらた] /new/fresh/novel (an)/
- 到来 [とうらい] /arrival/
- 模様 [もよう] /pattern/figure/design/
- 画像 [がぞう] /image/picture/portrait/
- 瞬時 [しゅんじ] /moment/instant/
- Summary: On the other hand, there are many, many different
types of cultures coexisting on this Earth, and currently it is a
reality that everybody knows the Christian calendar, and no
matter where you go it is common for humanity to use it. (The
Christian calendar has become a symbol.) Then,
the various countries that plan to celebrate the coming of the new
year can inform other countries instantaneously with television
The economy that Africa supports.
- 隔てる [へだてる] /to be shut out/
- 国家 [こっか] /state/country/nation/
- 壁 [かべ] /wall/
- 格段 [かくだん] /special/exceptional/remarkable/
- 画面 [がめん] /terminal screen/scene/picture/the field (in
- 眺める [ながめる] /to view/to gaze at/
- 過去 [かこ] /the past/bygone days/the previous/
- 振り返る [ふりかえる] /to turn head/to look over one's
shoulder/to turn around/to look back/
- 未来 [みらい] /future (life, tense)/
- 思いをはせる [おもいをはせる] /to think about/
- 自体 [じたい] /itself/
- 前進 [ぜんしん] /advance/drive/progress/
- Summary: If we look at the overall flow of history, we see that
the walls between cultures and isolated countries have become
especially low. The people of the world are all looking at the
same screen (tv/internet), and it is the age where at the same
time that we reflect on the past we are able to think about the
future. That in itself is something that should be called
great progress.
- 眼前 [がんまえ] /In front of our eyes?/
- 空前 [くうぜん] /unprecedented (a-no)/record-breaking/
- 景気 [けいき] /condition/state/business (condition)/
- 亨受 [きょうじゅ] /enjoy/
- 先進 [せんしん] /seniority/advance/leadership/
- 諸国 [しょこく] /various countries/
- 貧しい [まずしい] /poor/
- 格差 [かくさ] /qualitative difference/disparity/
- Summary: Even though we say that, on the other hand the truth
of the world before our eyes is that the world is severely
unbalanced. Many different advanced countries are starting to
enjoy an unprecedented good condition (state/quality of life)
while the economic gap between the poor countries that make up
the heart of Africa is starting to spread.
- 白書 [はくしょ] /white paper/
- 米誌 [べいし] /western magazine/
- 推計 [すいけい] /estimate (vs)/estimation/
- 資産 [しさん] /property/fortune/means/assets/
- 合計 [ごうけい] /sum total (vs)/total amount/
- 一兆 [いっちょう] /a trillion/
- 超える [こえる] /to cross over/to pass over (out of)/
- 年間 [ねんかん] /year/
- 所得 [しょとく] /income/earnings/
- 合計額 [ごうけいがく] /(perhaps total earning/amount)/
- 匹敵 [ひってき] /comparing with (vs)/match/rival/equal/
- Summary: According to Lester Brown's "World White Paper
1999-2000" the Western magazine "Forbes" estimated the assets of
the world's richest 250 people and it surpassed one trillion
dollars, which is about equal to the yearly earnings of half of
the world's population of poor.
- 富裕 [ふゆう] /wealth/riches/opulence (an)/
- 国民総生産 [こくみんそうせいさん] /gross national
product/GNP/gross domestic product/GDP/
- 金額 [きんがく] /amount of money/
- 栄養 [えいよう] /nutrition/nourishment/
- Summary: Moreover, if you include the assets of just the three
richest people, the sum is greater than the gross national
products of the 48 poorest nations. There are also the numbers
that eight million, forty-one thousand people do not have
sufficient nutrition, and 20 million people do not have access
to safe drinking water.
- 豊か [ゆたか] /abundant (an)/wealthy/plentiful/rich/
- 活動 [かつどう] /action/activity/
- 資源 [しげん] /resources/
- 食糧 [しょくりょう] /provisions/rations/
- 調達 [ちょうたつ] /supply/provision/raising/
- 製品 [せいひん] /manufactured goods/finished goods/
- 輸出 [ゆしゅつ] /export (vs)/
- 成り立つ [なりたつ] /to conclude/to consist of/to be practical
(logical, feasible, viable)/to hold true/
- 各種 [かくしゅ] /every kind/all sorts/
- 合金 [ごうきん] /alloy/
- Summary: The type of economic activity that has made the
advanced nations so rich has been the
acquisition of resources and provisions from these sorts of poor
counties, refining them into finished goods and then exporting
the goods. Even if we only take the
supplies that are used in stainless chrome or all sorts of
alloyed cobalt as an example, (we see that) "Japan's economy is
supported by Africa."
- 絆 [きずな] /bonds/fetters/encumbrance/
- 元々 [もともと] /Originally/
- 繋ぐ [つなぐ] /to tie (uk)/to fasten/to connect/to transfer
(phone call)/
- 留める [とどめる] /to stop/to cease/to put an end to/
- 綱 [つな] /rope/
- 転じる [てんじる] /to turn/to shift/to alter/to distract/
- 断つ [たつ] /to sever/to cut off/to abstain/
- 開く [ひらく] /to open (e.g. a festival)/
- 形 [かたち] /form/shape/figure/type/
- Summary: There is the word "ties". Originally,
it was used to mean the rope that was fastened to horses and the
like to hold them in place, but it has changed to mean
"un-severable relationships between people". The recently
introduced form of this is the "Network."
- 結ぶ [むすぶ] /to tie/to bind/to link/
- 綱の目 [つなのめ] /net/network/
- 巡る [めぐる] /to go around/
- 恩恵 [おんけい] /grace/favor/blessing/benefit/
- 被る [こうむる] /to suffer/(receive benefit)/
- 専ら [もっぱら] /wholly/solely/entirely/
- 不均衡 [ふきんこう] /imbalance (an)/disparity/out of
- 送る [おくる] /to send/
- Summary: Economic globalization ties people and people,
counties and countries together, and the bonds go all around the
world, like a network (or fishnet). Currently however, the only ones who
enjoy the benefit are the advanced countries. To correct this
imbalance, until we can say that these people in poor countries
are able to live a stable life, we cannot really calls these
ties "relationships".
Societal support has grown strong.
- ひろがえって /on the other hand/
- 市民 [しみん] /citizen/townspeople/
- 相互 [そうご] /mutual/reciprocal/
- 各地 [かくち] /every place/various places/
- 盛ん [さかん] /popularity (an)/prosperous/
- 通じる [つうじる] /to run to/to lead to/to communicate/to
understand/to be well informed/
- Summary: On the other hand, let's think about the ties
in Japanese society. If you talk about the mutual ties between
townspeople, Non Profit Organization activity, and volunteerism
has become popular in a lot of places, and the ties of
communication through
things like the internet has also spread.
- 参加 [さんか] /participation (vs)/
- 語り合う [かたりあう] /to talk together/
- 仲間 [なかま] /group/circle of friends/partner/associate/
- 少数 [しょうすう] /minority/few/
- 派 [は] /clique/faction/school/
- 都会 [とかい] /city/
- 精々 [せいぜい] /at the most/at best/to the utmost/as much (far)
as possible/
- 配偶者 [はいぐうしゃ] /spouse/wife/husband/
- 親子 [おやこ] /parent and child/
- 閉ざす [とざす] /to shut/to close/to lock/to fasten/to plunge
(in grief)/
- 孤独 [こどく] /isolation (an)/loneliness/solitude/
- Summary: However, the groups of people that talk together in
this manner are still a small clique. Specifically in cities,
the number of isolated people who have closed off ties to only
people like their parents and children is not small.
- 核家族 [かくかぞく] /nuclear family/
- 変動 [へんどう] /change (vs)/fluctuation/
- 急激 [きゅうげき] /sudden/precipitous/radical/
- 進む [すすむ] /to make progress (vi)/to advance/to improve/
- 結果 [けっか] /result/consequence/
- 親族 [しんぞく] /relatives/
- 共同体 [きょうどうたい] /cooperative body/cooperative system/
- 支援 [しえん] /support (vs)/backing/aid/
- 仕組み [しくみ] /devising
- 崩れる [くずれる] /to collapse/to crumble/
- 労働運動 [ろうどううんどう] /labour movement/
- 低迷 [ていめい] /hanging low (over)/hovering around (price
level)/low hanging (e.g. clouds)/sluggish (e.g. economy) (vs)/
- 組織 [そしき] /organization (vs)/system/construction/
- 側面 [そくめん] /side/flank/sidelight/lateral/
- 弱まる [よわまる] /to abate/to weaken (vi)/to be emaciated/to be
dejected/to be perplexed/
- Summary: The society from the results of things like the sudden
urbanization and the nuclearization of families, in a country
like this where the system of support from people close to you
and the local cooperative body (society/group) has almost
completely crumbled away
now. The labour movement is also not popular, the systems that
used to support individuals from the side (lateral support from
groups etc, not the family), like corporation groups, and
support groups within the society, has also become weak.
- もつれ /entanglement/
- 児 [じ] /child/
- 殺す [ころす] /to kill/
- 事件 [じけん] /event/affair/incident/case/plot/trouble/scandal/
- 相次ぐ [あいつぐ] /to follow in succession/
- 児童 [じどう] /children/juvenile/
- 虐待 [ぎゃくたい] /ill-treatment (vs)/oppression/
- 裏 [うら] /reverse side/wrong
last half (of an inning)/
- 診断 [しんだん] /diagnosis (vs)/
- 奇妙 [きみょう] /strange (an)/queer/curious/
- 完教
- 吸い寄せられる [すいよせられる] /attracted/
- 風景 [ふうけい] /scenery/
- 寒寒 [さむざむ] /desolate/wintry/
- 状況 [じょうきょう] /circumstances/situation/
- 映す [うつす] /to film/to transcribe/to duplicate/to
reproduce/to trace/to describe/to picture/to photograph/to
imitate/to project/to reflect/
- Summary: From small entanglements in human relationships, a
mother kills her two year old son, there are repeated instances
of child abuse in various areas and so on. Furthermore, as the
Aum Cult incident and the sellings of back of the foot
medical exams (a while ago, some strange group that made you pay
a lot of money to avert bad things that they say in a reading of
your foot) reflect, in the current climate many people are
attracted to strange religious groups, which shows the desolate
situation of the mutual support from our hearts. (IE, not much
- 継ぐ [つぐ] /to succeed/
- 世代 [せだい] /generation/the world/the age/
- 暮らし [くらし] /living/livelihood/subsistence/circumstances/
- 満ちる [みちる] /to be full/to rise (tide)/to mature/to expire/
- Summary: If we move our eyes from the bonds on our sides to the
bonds above, the life of the generation that follows us will
also be extremely full of uncertainty. (here there is the
metaphor of the bonds to the previous, current, and next
generations, where the societal bonds are viewed as lateral
within a generation.)
- ざっと /roughly/in round numbers/
- Summary: The world's population that was 16 million
people at the start of the 20th century is now about 60 million
people. In the middle of the twenty first century this could
surpass 100 million people.
- 畜産 [ちくさん] /animal husbandry/
- 食生活 [しょくせいかつ] /eating habits/
- 穀物 [こくもつ] /grain/cereal/corn/
- 生産 [せいさん] /production (vs)/manufacture/
- 計算 [けいさん] /calculation (vs)/reckoning/
- 石油 [せきゆ] /oil/petroleum/kerosene/
- 使用量 [しようりょう] /amount used/
- 達する [たっする] /to reach/to get to/
- 消費量 [しょうひりょう] /amount of consumption/
- 生産 [せいさん] /production (vs)/manufacture/
- 森林 [しんりん] /forest/woods/
- 減少 [げんしょう] /decrease/reduction/decline/
- 破壊 [はかい] /destruction (vs)/
- 温暖化現象 [おんだんかげんしょう] /greenhouse effect/
- 気象 [きしょう] /weather/climate/
- 環境 [かんきょう] /environment/circumstance/
- 物質 [ぶっしつ] /material/substance/
- 内分泌 [ないぶんぴ] /internal secretion/
- かく乱 [かくらん] /disturb/
- 遺伝子組み換え [いでんしくみかえ] /genetically engineered/
- 食品 [しょくひん] /commodity/foodstuff/
- 生存 [せいぞん] /existence/being/
- 脅かす [おびやかす] /to threaten/to coerce/
- 原子力 [げんしりょく] /atomic energy/
- Summary: If those 100 million people eat a diet centered on
meat like the west does now, at the current level of production
of grain we it is estimated that will need four Earths. If the
level of consumption of oil products surpasses the level of
consumption in the west, then the daily consumption rate will be
six times greater than the daily production rate.
isn't just food and resources. How do things
like the decrease of forests, the destruction of the ozone
layer, and global warming, effect the destruction
of the climate and environment? Don't things like dioxin,
chemical substances, disturbed internal secretions chemical
substances (environmental hormones), and genetically engineered
foodstuffs have a chance to threaten our existence? Are atomic
power and fusion ok?
The risky culture born by wealth.
- 富 [とみ] /wealth/fortune/
- 分配 [ぶんぱい] /division/sharing/
- 分担 [ぶんたん] /apportionment (vs)/sharing/
- 成果 [せいか] /results/fruits/
- 負 [ふ] /negative/minus/
- 財 [ざい] /fortune/riches/
- 跳ね返る [はねかえる] /to rebound/
- 対応 [たいおう] /interaction (vs)/correspondence/coping
with/dealing with/
- 創造 [そうぞう] /creation (vs)/
- Summary: These things point to the new question of how do we
allocate the risk of not sharing the wealth? The German
sociologist Ururihi Beck calls the risk culture of modern
fruits which become "negative wealth" and bounce back, and calls
for a new politics that can respond to it.
- 産業 [さんぎょう] /industry/
- 収入 [しゅうにゅう] /income/receipts/revenue/
- 治安 [ちあん] /public order/
- 配分 [はいぶん] /distribution (vs)/allotment/
- 対立 [たいりつ] /confrontation/opposition/antagonism/
- 要因 [よういん] /primary factor/main cause/
- 調整 [ちょうせい] /regulation (vs)/adjustment/
- Summary: According to him, in traditional industrial societies
how to distribute revenue, work, public security are basic main
causes of antagonism and different sorts of political systems
exist for the purpose of regulating them.
- 巡る [めぐる] /to go around/
- 加わる [くわわる] /to join in/to accede to/to increase/to gain
in (influence)/
- 受け止める [うけとめる] /to catch/to stop the blow/to react
to/to take/
- 仕組み [しくみ] /devising
- 分析 [ぶんせき] /analysis (vs)/
- Summary: The risk society includes the controversial problem of
distributing "negative wealth". But in order for us
to properly take that, he has analyzed that we do not yet have a
political system that will not give birth to this problem of
negative wealth.
- つまるところ /in other words/つまり/
- 身の回り [みのまわり] /one's personal appearance/personal
- 捕われる [とらわれる] /to be captured/to be apprehended/to be
seized with/
- 政策 [せいさく] /political measures/policy/
- 維持 [いじ] /maintenance (vs)/preservation/
- 追求 [ついきゅう] /investigation (vs)/close enquiry/pursuing
- 強固に [きょうこに] /firmly/
- Summary: Why? In other words, there is no mistake that we are
only obsessed with our personal property and the present. Many
countries policies and systems are only really driven by the
goal of maintaining or pursuing luxury and the easy life.
- 祖先 [そせん] /ancestor/
- 繁栄 [はんえい] /prosperity/
- 成し遂げる [なしとげる] /to accomplish/
- 進化 [しんか] /evolution/progress/
- 過程 [かてい] /process/
- 獲得 [かくとく] /acquisition (vs)/possession/
- 持続 [じぞく] /continuation/
- 互恵 [ごけい] /reciprocity/mutual benefit/
- 信頼 [しんらい] /reliance (vs)/trust/confidence/
- 共感 [きょうかん] /sympathy/response/
- 感情 [かんじょう] /emotion(s)/feeling(s)/sentiment/
- Summary: Sixty hundred thousand years ago when we split from
our chimpanzee ancestors the reason that we prospered was
due to process of evolution we acquired language and developed
an integrated culture that allowed us to pass on information. What
allowed that language and culture to blossom like a flower was
the feelings that people had of continuing mutual benefit a
trust in each other, and sympathy for each other. This exactly
are the things that are "bonds".
- 歩み [あゆみ] /walking/
- 長期 [ちょうき] /long time period/
- 岐路 [きろ] /forked road/crossroads/
- Right now the path of humans and the earth has gone on for a
long time, and is standing at a crossroads where we must decide
if it can continue or not. What should we do?
- 発想 [はっそう] /expression (music)/conceptualization/
- 隣人 [りんじん] /neighbour/neighbourhood/
- 転換 [てんかん] /convert/divert/
- Summary: From the center of oneself one must become free. From
the neighborhood to the Earth, to the Planet, to the future
generations, the consciousness of our interdependencies spreads
and becomes stronger. If we turn towards that, especially the
advanced countries that have almost all of the policies, should
slowly work hard for change. Perhaps, that is the only way that
a road to a bright future in the year 2000 can open.
Dave Evans
Last modified: Sun Feb 20 15:57:39 EST 2000