- 仮設 [かせつ] /temporary/provisional/fictional/hypothesis/supposition/
- 住宅 [じゅうたく] /resident/housing/
- 被災地 [ひさいち] /area struck (by some disaster)/location of a disaster/
- 一行 [いっこう] /line/row/troupe/party/
- 古ぼける [ふるぼける] /to look old/to become musty/to wear out/
- 全家屋 [ぜんかおく] /entire house/entire building/
- 区外 [くがい] /outside the ward/
- 流出 [りゅうしゅつ] /discharge/outward flow/
- 空き地 [あきち] /vacant land/
- 読経 [どきょう] /sutra chanting/
- 焼香 [しょうこう] /incense stick/
- 満たす [みたす] /to satisfy/to ingratiate/to fill/to fulfill/
- Summary: It has been three years since the earthquake in Hanshin,
and the group called "Soul Flower Ghost Summit" has come to Kobe's
Nagata ku driving their ancient van. It is an area where two out
of every three houses was broken, and 117 people died. Of a
population of 130,000, 40,000 have been living in temporary
housing and have been unable to return home. On a street that is
just pre-fabricated housing and open land, you can hear chanting
and the smell of incense permeates the area.
- 核 [かく] /nucleus/kernel/
- 震災 [しんさい] /earthquake disaster/
- 以来 [いらい] /since/henceforth/
- 避難 [ひなん] /taking refuge (vs)/finding shelter/
- 避難所 [ひなんんしょ] /shelter/
- 演奏 [えんそう] /(music) performance/
- 聴く [きく] /to hear/to listen/to ask/
- 活動 [かつどう] /action/activity/
- 本人 [ほんにん] /the person himself/
- 正確 [せいかく] /accurate (an)/punctuality/exactness/authenticity/veracity/
- Summary: The core of "Soul Flower" is Takashi Nakakawa, 31 years
old, and three other members. In the three years after the
earthquake, they have continued their lifestyle of visiting
shelters and performing their music. The number is greater than
100, even the group themselves can not correctly count how many
times they have done it.
- 礼拝堂 [れいはいどう] /place of worship/a chapel/
- 闘犬 [とうけん] /fighting dog/
- 一声 [ひとこえ] /a voice/a cry/a shout/
- 太鼓 [たいこ] /drum/tambourine/
- 鳴る [なる] /to sound/to ring/to resound/to echo/to roar/to rumble/
- 合いの手 [あいのて] /interlude/accompaniment/sideshow/strain of music/
- 楽器 [がっき] /musical instrument/
- 三味線 [さみせん] /three-stringed Japanese guitar/shamisen/
- 朝鮮 [ちょうせん] /Korea/
- 民謡 [みんよう] /folk song/popular song/
- 万国 [ばんこく] /all countries/the whole world/universal/all nations/
- 労働者 [ろうどうしゃ] /labourer/worker/workman/
- 炭鉱 [たんこう] /coal mine/
- 闘争歌 [とうそうか] /song for fighting/
- 貝殻 [かいがら] /shell/
- 貝殻節
- 子守歌 [こもりうた] /lullaby/
- 水平 [すいへい] /water level/horizon/
- 水平歌
- Summary: Today's stage is Nagata Ku's "takatori kyoukai" place of
worship. With eyes like a fighting dog, Nakakawa says "Thank you!
We are Soul Flower Ghost Summit!" and strange music for a rock
band begins. There are bells, and taiko drums, and a woman's voice
leads "call and response." For instruments, there are samisen
from okinawa, taiko drums, accordions and clarinets. All sort of
old folk musicy songs. How do they find this very strange and old
kind of music?
- 客席 [きゃくせき] /guest seating/
- 大勢 [おおぜい] /many/crowd/ - only works with PEOPLE!
- 再訪 [さいほう] /visit again?/
- 身を揺する [みをゆする] /to shake (move) one's body (to music, etc.)/
- 口ずさむ [くちずさむ] /to hum something/to sing to oneself/
- 告げる [つげる] /to inform/
- 満月 [まんげつ] /full moon/
- Summary: There is a crowd of older people who have lost their
homes and moved to the shelters tonight. That day, they were
visiting the people in Nagata who have become used to this
lifestyle. The silently sitting crowd started to move with the
music, hum the tunes, and clap their hands when the music
started. They only sang one original song. Nakakawa said it was
the one they wrote that year in February in kobe. Right after the
earthquake, in the earthquake-struck area, they sang the song
"Night of the Full Moon."
- 港 [みなと] /harbour/port/
- 焼け跡 [やけあと] /scorch marks, burns/
- 包む [つつむ] /to wrap/to pack/to do up/to cover with/to dress in/to conceal/
- 乾く [かわく] /to get dry (vi)/
- 躍る [おどる] /to dance/to jump/
- 踊る [おどる] /to dance/
- 囲む [かこむ] /to surround/to encircle/
- 吐く息 [はくいき] /breathing?/
- Summary: (Song lyrics) The wind is blowing from the port, as if
threatening to cover the scorch marks. I'm so sad, I have to
smile. Dry winter night. The song can be heard. Dancing until
morning without sleep. Gather around the campfire, our white
breath is dancing.
- やわらか
- 傍ら [かたわら] /side/beside/while/nearby (a-no)/
- 呟く [つぶやく] /to mutter/to murmur/
- Summary: As the gentle song envelopes the place of worship, the
older people start to cry. "I've become energetic. It was very
fun." When the performance ended, the 68 year old lady next to me
mumbled "Thanks. Please come back again." Here and there older
people are bowing their heads to the group members.
- 主役 [しゅやく] /leading part/leading actor (actress)/
- 脅す [おどす] /to threaten/to menace/
- 掛ける [かける] /to wear/to put on/to hang/to begin to (aux)/to cover/to make a phone call/to multiply/to sit down/to turn on (a switch)/to play (a record)/to pour (water)/
- 表情 [ひょうじょう] /facial expression/
- 緩い [ゆるい] /loose/lenient/slow/
- 緩まい
- 涙もろい [なみだもろい] /Easy to shed tears/
- 精神 [せいしん] /mind/soul/heart/spirit/intention/
- Summary: Even when people say that "it was a good performance"
Nakakawa's expression is not relaxed. "Recently, old people have
started to cry a lot more (it has become easier for them to shed
tears.) They have continued living in temporary housing for three
years, and maybe this has caused them some emotional pain. I say
that they can't continue to be surrounded by temporary housing."
- 追う [おう] /to chase/to run after/
- ひたすら /nothing but/earnestly/single-mindedly
- 窮状 [きゅうじょう] /distress/wretched condition/
- 被災者 [ひさいしゃ] /victim of (some disaster)/
- 粗末 [そまつ] /crude (an)/rough/plain/humble/spend recklessly/
- Summary: The TV program "Cool" is following Nakakawa, and in
front of the camera they single mindedly talk about the wretched
condition of the earthquake victims. "The place we visited two
days ago, it is in an inconvenient place out in the mountains, and
only old people live there. People treat them like they don't
even think they are human!"
- 援助 [えんじょ] /assistance (vs)/aid/support/
- 税金 [ぜいきん] /tax/duty/
- 倒産 [とうさん] /bankruptcy (vs)/insolvency/
- 去る [さる] /to leave/to go away/
- Summary: "I will not allow bankrupt banks (banks that made bad
investments in reality in the 80s) that do not give any public
assistance to the earthquake victims to freely spend my (tax)
money. Well, I don't really pay tax anyway, but... (smile)"
After the TV cameras go away, he laughs like mad.
- 正義 [せいぎ] /justice/right/righteousness/correct meaning/
- 味方 [みかた] /friend/ally/supporter/
- 主役 [しゅやく] /leading part/leading actor (actress)/
- 媒介 [ばいかい] /intermediary/media/
- Summary: "Since we are doing this kind of activity, it seems
like we are fighting on the side of justice, but I don't like it.
We are not the heros. If we can act as mediators and let people
know about the victims of the earthquakes, then that is good
- 階段 [かいだん] /stairs/
- 校庭 [こうてい] /campus/
- 道端 [みちばた] /roadside/wayside/
- 舞台 [ぶたい] /stage/
- Summary: The landing of a school's staircase that has been
converted into a shelter. A garden. Tents in a public park. The
side of a road. By the side of drinking place (well, water pump,
etc.) where pre-fab housing and temp. housing has gone up. The
stage, made out of beer cases. For three years, Nakakawa's group
has been performing only in these kinds of locations.
- 終始 [しゅうし] /beginning and end/from beginning to end/doing a thing from beginning to end (vs)/
- 一貫 [いっかん] /consistency/coherence/integration/8.333 lbs/
- 終始一貫 [しゅうしいっかん] /From the beginning to the end consistently/
- 出演料 [しゅつえんりょう] /fee for performing?/
- 出費 [しゅっぴ] /expenses/disbursements/
- 自腹
- 震災 [しんさい] /earthquake disaster/
- 救援 [きゅうえん] /relief/rescue/reinforcement/
- 看板を掲げる [かんばんをかかげる] /to hoist a slogan/
- 労組 [ろうくみ] /labor union/
- 政党 [せいとう] /(member of) political party/
- 主催 [しゅさい] /organization (vs)/sponsorship/
- 叫ぶ [さけぶ] /to shout/to cry/
- 演説 [えんぜつ] /speech/address/
- 淡々 [たんたん] /disinterested/plain/light/
- Summary: From the beginning to the end, there is something that
has not changed. Without taking a fee for the performance, they
pay for the expenses out of their own pockets. They drive
themselves there, and unload their own instruments. Even though
they have adopted the slogan of helping the earthquake victims,
they do not appear at labor union or political events. Even
though they shout out their slogan, they do not give a speech.
They simple come to perform. (? I think?)
- 広場 [ひろば] /plaza/
- 憑く [つく] /to possess/to haunt/to attach to/be obsessed with/
- 連中 [れんちゅう] /colleagues/company/a lot/
- 狂気乱舞 [きょうきらんぶ] /be wild with joy/
- Summary: This is a story from last fall, about Asiya's temporary
housing sections's fall festival. In a plaza between pre-fab
housing, when the group started playing music, older men and women
started to dance as if possessed, younger people started to break
dance, and really old people started to clap their hands and sway
their bodies to the music. Everyone became wild with joy.
- 開く [ひらく] /to open (e.g. a festival)/
- 会場 [かいじょう] /assembly hall/meeting place/the grounds/
- よこす /to send/to forward/
- 歩み [あゆみ] /walking/
- Summary: "There are lots of charity concerts and festivals, but
they are all in distance event halls, and people like us can't
go. Then, all it is is giving money. Nakakawa (is nice enough
to) come here from afar." said a 24 year old earthquake victim
that we met.
- 収入源 [しゅうにゅうげん] /source of income/
- 高速道路 [こうそくどうろ] /highway/freeway/
- 高速道路料 [こうそくどうろりょう] /Fee to use the highway/
- 料金所 [りょうきんじょ] /tollgate/
- 立往生 [たちおうじょう] /standstill/stalling/stranding/
- Summary: But, no matter how many times you circle around this
kind of earthquake struck territory, you will not find someone
with money that can sell a record. (? I think someone like a
distributor for soul flower?) It is said that there are even
people who run out of money, don't pay the $12 in highway tolls
and have caused a standstill at the toll gates.
- 連続 [れんぞく] /serial/consecutive (vs)/continuity/occurring in succession/continuing/
- 汁粉 [しるこ] /sweet red-bean soup/
- 豚汁 [とんじる] /pork soup/
- 携える [たずさえる] /to carry in one's hand/
- 口座 [こうざ] /account (e.g. bank)/
- 口座を開く [こうざをひらく] /Open a bank account/
- 基金 [ききん] /fund/foundation/
- 炊出し [たきだし] /emergency rice feeding/
- 収益 [しゅうえき] /earnings/proceeds/returns/
- 寄付 [きふ] /contribution (vs)/donation/
- 団体 [だんたい] /organization/association/
- Summary: On the third year anniversary of the kobe earthquake,
we went around for three days with foodstuffs in our hands. From
the earthquake (something about moon) "Soul Flower Fund" that was
opened, emergency rations are given out to the earthquake
victims. Including the proceedings of a fund-raising concert given
outside of the earthquake struck region donated by about a
thousand people, there remains about 5,000,000 yen. Instead of
calling them a band, it might be better to call them a "Musical
volunteer organization."
- 実際 [じっさい] /practical (a-no)/actual condition/status quo/
- 募る [つのる] /to invite/to solicit help, participation, etc/
- 設営 [せつえい] /construction (vs)/
- チラシ /handbills/flyers/
- 貯金 [ちょきん] /(bank) savings (vs)/
- 貯金をはたく [ちょきんをはたく] /to spend one's savings/
- Summary: Actually, we have met many young people that became
volunteers. Keiko Hamada, 24 years old, is a part-time worker
living in Tokyo. (No career minded job.) A year after the
earthquake, she went to one of the concerts in Tokyo, and
understood that they were recruiting volunteers. Without changing
things, she went to kobe, and while living in a tent for a month
in public park, helped with things like building for concerts, and
giving out pamphlets. She commutes over and over to kobe,
emptying her savings, and helping with festivals for the people in
temporary housing, and preparation for bazaars and so on.
- 切っ掛け [きっかけ] /chance/start/cue/excuse/motive/impetus/occasion/trigger/
- Summary: She went as far as to say: "Nakakawa changed my life.
He gave me the chance to stand up for myself."
- 激震 [げきしん] /severe earthquake/
- 襲う [おそう] /to attack/
- 仲間 [なかま] /group/circle of friends/partner/associate/
- 寛ぐ [くつろぐ] /to relax/to feel at home/
- 暗闇 [くらやみ] /darkness/the dark/
- 滅茶苦茶 [めちゃくちゃ] /(uk) absurd/unreasonable/excessive/messed up/spoiled/wreaked/
- 惨状 [さんじょう] /disastrous scene/terrible spectacle/
- 映し出す [うつしだす] /to project, close up (display on tv, etc.)/
- Summary: The morning the severely violent earthquake attacked,
Nakakawa was in his Osaka house, near Kyoto, relaxing with the
band members. In the dark, while cleaning the disheveled room,
they turned on the tv, and saw the terrible scene at kobe.
- 肉親 [にくしん] /blood relationship/blood relative/
- 悲嘆 [ひたん] /grief/sorrow/anguish/
- 暮れる [くれる] /to get dark/to end/to come to an end/to close/to run out/
- 悲嘆に暮れる [ひたんにくれる] /to be overcome by grief/
- 修羅場 [しゅうらじょう] /a scene of carnage (bloodshed)/
- 罵声 [ばせい] /boos/jeers/
- 悶悶 [もんもん] /worrying endlessly/anguishedly/
- 逡巡 [しゅんじゅん] /be hesitant or irresolute/
- Summary: People who have lost their family and homes, and are
darkened by grief are everywhere there. We want to do something,
we have to do something. But, at such a scene of disaster, is it
ok to play things like music? Wouldn't we be awash in boos, and
have rocks thrown at us? Nakakawa was worrying endlessly and
- 基本 [きほん] /foundation/basis/standard/
- 民族 [みんぞく] /people/race/nation/
- 中堅 [ちゅうけん] /main body (of troops)/center field/center fielder/nucleus/backbone/mainstay/
- Summary: Before the earthquake, Soul Flower published two CDs
with Sony. Based on "Psychedelic Rock" of the 60s, they made
music that mixed racial music from around the world, Japanese
folk music, okinawa music, and ainu music. Certainly we all have
our own personal music taste, but they did events like public
performances, CD publishing, etc, but didn't pass the level of a
normal run of the mill band. "It would be nice to be able to sing
together with grandma and grandpa" finally the last encouragement
came from, partner at the time and also band guitarist, Hideko
Itami, 35 years old.
- 丸裸 [まるはだか] /nude/utterly stark naked/wearing only one's birthday suit/
- Summary: Even if you perform your own songs before earthquake
victims that are not fans, there is no meaning. So, they chose
folk songs, and popular songs from the past that older people
would know also. It is also impossible to use electric guitars in
the areas they are in recently that do not have electric power.
For that reason, samisen are used instead of guitars, accordions
are used instead of shinsa (what are these?) and taiko drums are
used instead of drums.
- 踏み入れる [ふみいれる] /to walk in on/to tread upon/
- 充満 [じゅうまん] /being filled with (vs)/teaming with/pregnant with/
- 焦土 [くろち] /?pronounciation? scorched earth/
- 倒壊 [とうかい] /destruction (vs)/collapse/
- Summary: It has been two months since first setting foot on the
earthquake struck area, "it feels like standing buck nekkid in front
of people." The area is teeming with the smell of scorched
earth. There are destroyed buildings and houses, no words come.
- 難民 [なんみん] /refugees/
- 殺気 [さっき] /thirst for blood/
- 殺気立
- 本番前あ [ほんばんまえ] /rehearsal before real performance/
- 振り向く [ふりむく] /to turn one's face/to turn around/
- 楽団 [がくだん] /orchestra/band/
- Summary: Once they were visiting a school that had been turned
into a refuge. In a corner of the campus that, like in a refugee
camp, people had near murderous intent, while rehearsing for the
show, a young boy grabbed Nakakawa's arm. When he turned around,
it looked like a young boy that had lost his home. "Hey mister,
you have a nice band, really have a nice band."
- 躊躇 [ちゅうちょ] /hesitation/indecision/
- Summary: At another park, earthquake victims that have gathered
and are listening to okinawa folk songs. As they dance, their
self doubt and hesitation change. Why is it that these people
have accepted Nakakawa?
- 復興 [ふっこう] /revival/renaissance/reconstruction/
- 体験 [たいけん] /personal experience (vs)/
- 歌謡曲 [かようきょく] /popular song/
- 光景 [こうけい] /scene/spectacle/
- 悲惨 [ひさん] /misery/
- 押しつぶされる
- 瞬間 [しゅんかん] /moment/second/instant/
- 保つ [たもつ] /to keep/to preserve/to hold/to retain/to maintain/to support/to sustain/to last/to endure/to keep well (food)/to wear well/to be durable/
- 付け加えると [つけくわえると] /additionally/in addition/
- Summary: Masumi Kaneda, a 38 year old volunteer for the
geography renaissance who lost her restaurant in Nagata-ku to an
earthquake, had this experience. She lost her house, and was
living in a public park in a tent one evening, and she heard
someone start to play a guitar and accordian. People gathered
around the campfire, and all sang pop songs and folk songs.
The scene from "Full moon night" itself can be found all over at
earthquake struck areas. "More than people accepting, when we are
confronted by a terrible reality, there is a moment when we are
just crushed mentally. I feel that music is one way to continue
to keep a balance. On top of that, Kaneda added: "Nakakawa and
his band try earnestly to understand what it is that earthquake
victims want. That feeling is expressed (jiin-to?)"
- じーん
- 流行 [りゅうこう] /fashion (vs)/vogue/prevalence/
- 発売 [はつばい] /sale (vs)/
- 同社 [どうしゃ] /the same firm/
- 見送る [みおくる] /to see off/to farewell/to escort/to let pass/to wait & see/
- 浮かれる [うかれる] /to make merry/to be festive/
- 自主 [じしゅ] /independence/autonomy/
- 規制 [きせい] /regulation/
- 自主規制 [じしゅきせい] /Self regulation, self imposed policy/
- Summary: It is five months after they have started to visit the
earthquake struck regions. This is the story of them trying to
release "Renaissance Song", the song that became popular right
after the Kanto earthquake. Nakakawa (and the same company, Sony)
gave up on trying to sell a "Hanshin" version of the song with a
change of one lyric to "In Tokyo's Nakata there is money. In
Kobe's Nakata there are songs." According to Sony records,
"People might not think we are being serious about the
earthquake" and did not publish it, exercising that kind of self
regulation. But Nakakawa says "Everyone in earthquake struck
areas were really excited about it."
- 交渉 [こうしょう] /negotiations/discussions/connection/
- 末 [すえ] /end/close/future/finally/tip/top/trivialities/posterity/youngest child/
- 専属 [せんぞく] /exclusive/attached to/specialist/
- 契約 [けいやく] /contract/compact/agreement/
- 解除 [かいじょ] /cancellation (vs)/rescinding/release/calling off/
- 駆り立てる [かりたてる] /to encourage, to motivate/
- 一体 [いったい] /one object/one body/what on earth?/really?/generally/
- Summary: Nakakawa got permission to break his exclusive contract
with Sony and sell his records himself. Even though his record
"Ajeel Chindon" was not being distributed by a major company, he
sold about 30,000 discs. What could it have been that has
motivated Nakakawa to this point?
- 行政 [ぎょうせい] /administration/
- 取材 [しゅざい] /interview/
- 担当 [たんとう] /(in) charge (vs)/
- 硬派 [こうは] /tough elements//hard-liner/conservative/
- 記者 [きしゃ] /reporter/
- 争う [あらそう] /to dispute/to argue/to be at variance/to compete/
- 連合 [れんごう] /union/alliance/
- 赤軍 [せきぐん] /Red Army/
- 中継 [ちゅうけい] /relay/hook-up/(on TV) "recorded earlier"/
- Summary: Nakakawa's father, Tooru, 65 years old, was a reported
in charge of the hard-liner political interviews at the Daily
Newspaper in the Osaka home office. Nakakawa had a childhood
where they always fought over who would be the first to read the
newspaper, and Nakakawa watched reruns of the red army labor union
and the (some guys name incident) on the television.
- 強いる [しいる] /to force/to compel/to coerce/
- 転校 [てんこう] /change schools/
- Summary: Because of a job transfer, Nakakawa was forced to move
from his neighborhood in Osaka. From kindergarten to middle
school, he was made to change schools twice each time.
- 同級生 [どうきゅうせい] /classmate(s)/
- 無視 [むし] /disregard (vs)/ignore/
- 殴る [なぐる] /to strike/to hit/
- 刈る [かる] /to cut (hair)/to mow (grass)/to harvest/to clip/to shear/to reap/to trim/to prune/
- 不可解 [ふかかい] /mystery/baffling/inexplicable/incomprehensible/
- 校則 [こうそく] /school regulations/
- 疑問 [ぎもん] /question/problem/doubt/guess/
- 芽生える [めばえる] /to bud/to sprout/
- Summary: After changing schools, for about a year Nakakawa would
be tormented by his classmates by being ignored. He would be
struck by his teacher without a good reason. Because of
mysterious school regulations about hair not passing one's ears,
his hair would be sheared in class with clippers. Questions
started to bud in his youthful heart about home and japanese
groups. (I think societal groups.)
- 引き裂く [ひきさく] /to tear up/to tear off/to split/
- 苦痛 [くつう] /pain/agony/
- 孤独 [こどく] /isolation (an)/loneliness/solitude/
- 癒す [いやす] /to heal/to cure/
- Summary: On the other hand, the real hardship of Nakakawa's
younger years was when he was torn from his friends every time he
had to move. He even went as far as to cry in front of his
parents "I want to be left behind alone!" By finding the music of
John Lennon and The Rolling Stones, he was able to heal the deep
feelings of isolation of that time.
- 精を出す [せいをだす] /do hard work/
- 前後 [ぜんご] /around/throughout/front and back/before and behind/before and after/about that (time)/longitudinal/context/nearly (suf)/approximately (suf)/
- 壁 [かべ] /wall/
- 崩壊 [ほうかい] /collapse (vs)/decay (physics)/
- 変革 [へんかく] /change/reform/revolution/upheaval/(the) Reformation/
- 嵐 [あらし] /storm/tempest/
- 吹き荒れる [ふきあれる] /to blow violently/to sweep over/to devastate/
- 天皇制 [てんのうせい] /the Emperor System/
- 文献 [ぶんけん] /literature/books (reference)/
- 読み漁る [よみあさる] /Search for books/
- Summary: He got tired of waiting for his high school graduation,
ran away from home, and while working part time jobs in Osaka, he
worked very hard to lead the life of a band. Right around the
time when he made his pro debut, the death of the Showa Emperor,
and the collapse of the Berlin Wall showed the violent tempest of
change that was sweeping over the world. Nakakawa started to
search for and read lots of literature about the Ainu, Imperial
system, discrimination against the Burakumin and Okinawan people.
- 理不尽 [りふじん] /unreasonable (an)/irrational/
- 同情 [どうじょう] /sympathy/compassion/sympathize (vs)/pity/feel for/
- 怒り [いかり] /anger/hatred/
- 後 [のち] /afterwards (a-no)/since then/in the future/
- 駆り立てる [かりたてる] /to spur on/
- Summary: Sympathy for people who were made to suffer pain
for irrational reasons. A hatred of treating people roughly. The
things that later spurred Nakakawa on to help the earthquake
victims came from within him.
- 業界 [ぎょうかい] /industry/business/
- 自立 [じりつ] /independence (vs)/self-reliance/
- 我慢 [がまん] /patience (vs)/endurance/perseverance/tolerance/self-control/self-denial/
- Summary: Nakakawa believe that the thing that suppresses
individual independence in schools and the music industry is the
same way of looking at society as a "village culture." He can't
stand it. He also does not like political groups. (?)
- 抜ける [ぬける] /to come out/to fall out/to be omitted/to be missing/to escape/
- 愕然と [がくぜんと] /in terror/in amazement/
- Summary: Last year, a vocalist that has been with the band for
ten years left. Before that, the drummer also quit. When
Nakakawa tried to make a solo album, when he asked two longtime
members they declined, saying "You don't like anything outside of
Soul Flower." Nakakawa was shocked.
- 落ち込む [おちこむ] /to fall into/to feel down (sad)/depressed/
- 突っ走る [つっぱしる] /to run swiftly/
- Summary: "I depressed for a while. What did they think that I
came here to do?" As he raced about, there were friends that
could not keep up. (?) He slowly noticed that he came to be
- ふらり /aimlessly/
- 寝床 [ねどこ] /bed/
- 布団 [ふとん] /bedding (Japanese style)/futon/
- 潜り込む [もぐりこむ] /to slip into/to crawl into (under)/to conceal oneself (under)/
- Summary: Recently one night Nakakawa aimlessly wandered alone
over to the house of Kensaku Ishimaru, a volunteer that he met.
In the evening, a little drunk, he got into bed, and exclaiming
"it's cold!" he got into the same futon as Kensaku.
- 寂しい [さびしい] /lonely/lonesome/solitary/desolate/
- Summary: "I would like to understand myself more. I'm not
really such a strong person. (?) Isn't it that I am lonely?"
- 抱える [かかえる] /to hold or carry under or in the arms/
- 相変わらず [あいかわらず] /as ever/as usual/the same/
- 不敵 [ふてき] /daring/fearless/intrepid (an)/bold/tough/
- 浮かべる [うかべる] /to float/to express/to look (sad, glad)/
- 癒える [いえる] /to recover/to be healed/
- Summary: While carrying that thought under his arm, does
Nakakawa plan to continue visiting the earthquake struck regions?
When asked that, as usual Nakakawa smiles a daring smile, and says
this: "I'll keep going until the earthquake victims tell me that
they do not need me anymore." Until the victims of earthquakes'
wounded hearts heal, you will be able to hear him. (?)