Tuning F0 Extraction Ranges

Setting reasonable values for UPPERF0 and LOWERF0 for each speaker is important because anything outside of that range wil be automatically considered as unvoiced and the f0 will not get extracted, and the resulting voice output will sound "hoarse" as a result of inappropriate devoicing. We have observed this especially using the STRAIGHT vocoder. It is safe to set a very wide range and it seems that many people do this, however it is also common advice to not set the f0 range wider than it has to be for that speaker, so that the f0 extraction does not mistakenly bring in f0 values from background noise, or produce aliasing errors. We have found using BURNC data that we could not hear much difference between a voice trained on one speaker with a wide f0 range vs. a tighter range, most likely because that data does not contain background noise, but there may be more of a difference depending on your data.

Here are some relevant threads from the hts-users mailing list:
Tuning F0 parameters
Someone using a very wide F0 range
Another wide F0 range and advice to adjust it

Using the Reaper F0 Extractor to Pick your F0 Range

We chose the Reaper F0 extraction tool because it does not require you to set an initial F0 range for extraction, but you could use any f0 tool and just start by setting a very wide range.

REAPER: Robust Epoch And Pitch EstimatoR

Speech lab students: our reaper installation is here:

See the --help output for how to run it on a sample of a speaker's audio (make sure it is a decent amount) and output the f0 output in ascii format. Then, also under build, you can plug in your f0 output filename into f0_minmax_hist.py and run it, which will output the min and max f0 values extracted by reaper, as well as a histogram of the f0 distribution, so that you can select a sensible f0 range that excludes outliers.