We have a speech lab installation here:
And we have trained models (so far, only for Amharic) here:
To train a model for a new language, please follow the instructions on
their Github
Make sure your lexicon is in the correct format,
abandonando a b a n d o n a1 n d o
One word per line, with the phonetic pronunciation following it, separated by spaces.
To run an existing model (e.g., for Amharic) to get pronunciations for a list of OOV words, do the following:
/proj/tts/tools/g2p-seq2seq/installation/bin/g2p-seq2seq --decode your_OOV_wordlist --model /proj/tts/tools/g2p-seq2seq/models/babel_amharic/out
The output is your words followed by the predicted pronunciations.