HTS Installation and Demo Errors and Solutions
- Error about x2x not being found: The scripts expect a
different directory structure for SPTK than the one which is
actually there. I fixed this with a new directory in my SPTK folder
called installation/bin where I just copied all the binaries right
into the bin/ instead of the way they are originally, which is
e.g. bin/x2x/x2x
- Even easier than having to copy / symlink stuff into
installation/bin is to
mkdir installation
configure --prefix=/path/to/installation
make install
(this is for SPTK.) Everything will be there after that.
- HGraf X11 error when you run make for HTS (installation,
not demo): for ./configure you should instead run ./configure
- delta.c:589: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault:
11 when compiling SPTK: The fix was to change bin/delta/Makefile
"CC" from "gcc" to "clang" and doing the top-level make again.
- Installing ActiveTcl with Snack: had to install it with a
.dmg instead of the usual compile. The files got installed to
General (Mac and Ubuntu)
- Error: HTS voices cannot be loaded. When running the demo.
This was fixed by installing an older version of the hts_engine
instead of the latest one: Version 1.05, which can be found
- Note that this was for HTS-2.2. With HTS-2.3, I also
encountered errors related to using wrong versions of dependencies.
Follow the README and be extra careful that everything is the right
- /usr/bin/sox WARN sox: Option `-2' is deprecated, use `-b 16'
/usr/bin/sox WARN sox: Option `-s' is deprecated, use `-e
signed-integer' instead.
/usr/bin/sox WARN sox: Option `-2' is deprecated, use `-b 16'
In step WGEN1 of the demo, change $SOXOPTION
from '2' to 'b 16' in Then,
in, look for all invocations of sox
and change the option -s to -e signed-integer.
This fixes it.