Use this script:
Run it as follows, using Praat:
praat /proj/speech/tools/speechlab/praat_scripts/extractStandardAcoustics2.praat /path/to/your/file.wav
0 0 75 500
The values 75 500 are a default pitch range.
$ESTDIR/../festival/bin/festival -b /proj/tts/examples/syltimes2.scm '(define myutt (utt.load nil "/path/to/your/file.utt"))' '(define allsyls (utt.relation.items myutt "Syllable"))' '(display (syltimes allsyls))'
This will output a pair in parentheses of (numsyllables numseconds).
Alternately, if you need the exact lengths of each syllable in the utterance, you can use syltimes3.scm instead of syltimes2.scm which will output the start and end times of each syllable.
Under datasel/subsets/, longest_* are different-sized subsets of the longest utterances. e.g. longest_15_min.txt is 15 minutes worth of the longest utterances in the corpus (female speakers only). Other similarly-named files are subsets based on other features.
Under datasel/scripts are some of the scripts used to create those subsets.
/proj/tts/data/english/brn/datasel/docs contains a few python scripts related to making subsets.