Synthesizing New Utterances Using Existing
Synthesizing a new set of utterances using HTS-engine
This assumes you already have produced fullcontext .lab files for the
utterances you want to synthesize.
- Drop your .lab files
into data/labels/gen.
- Modify data/scp/gen.scp to point to your new gen
- Re-run step $ENGIN only.
- The new utterances will be
in gen/qst001/ver1/hts_engine. Nothing that was already
there will get overwritten.
Synthesizing utterances with HTS-engine from the command line
Synthesizing a new set of utterances using SPTK
Synthesizing a new set of utterances using STRAIGHT
Synthesizing utterances from the Festival REPL
[[TODO]] you need to load the voice into Festival
Synthesizing new utterances from a Clustergen voice
Under yourvoicedir, run:
./bin/do_clustergen cg_test tts tts_test
tts_test will be the name of the directory where the
synthesized .wav files will go
(under test/). is the name of the
data file of utterances that you want to synthesize.