LECT: topics: 1 intro 2 more intro and more search what is AI search as problem solving 3 a little more intro; a lot more search uniformed search methods search space for palindromes (HURRICANE POSTPONED LECTURE 4) 4 informed search methods Note: game playing (Chapter 5) is optional (but interesting!). Also note that we will come back to constraint satisfaction problems (chapters 3 and 4 have some on this) when we look at temporal constraint networks/reasoning (a type of knowledge representation). (See lecture 7, below) 5 finish informed search methods how to design yer own heuristic function! more on palindrome search/heuristics 6 (search for adversarial game playing - a little) Intro to knowledge rep wumpus propositional logic search for proofs intro to temporal logic 7 introduction to machine learning i.e., search for meta-solutions i.e., self-building knowledge base 8 more on temporal reasoning search to satisfy constraints example applications 9 constraint satisfaction problems in general video on genetic programming 10 knowledge representation concepts entailment, inference, monotonicity, etc. first-order logic 11 first-order logic examples: Wumpus, others 12 inference in first-order logic unification 13 rule-based expert systems Knowledge Representation Rhapsody 14 last day on logic: resolution, more examples midterm review ** MIDTERM EXAM ** (Oct 28) 15 midterm solutions a last few things about logic details of homework #3 -- handed out today 16 finish HW3 details and midterm solutions intro to planning 17 finish planning -- STRIPS logic intro to uncertainty and probability 18 intro to belief networks 19 belief networks: general inference algorithms applications 20 more on machine learning: (for HW #5 in particular) concept learning find-S advertisement for S00's W4771 (machine learning) 21 finish up belief networks natural language processing (NLP) it is an example application of most basic AI techniques: search constraint satisfaction machine learning uncertain reasoning planning etc. 22 more NLP philosophy of AI 23 overview of AI applications 24 Summary Final exam review FINAL: W4701 TUE. 12/21/99 1:10 p.m. 1127 MUD
email: evs at cs dot columbia dot edu