Areas of Research
Databases, Information
Retrieval, Web Search: distributed search over text
databases, information extraction, event identification in social
media, text mining, social media mining for public health
Columbia University Database Research Group
Contact Information
Some Current and Past Research Projects
- Social media and public
health: Adaptive
information extraction from social media for actionable
inferences in public health
(SocialNLP '21
Findings of
EMNLP '20 paper,
LOUHI '20 paper,
EMNLP '19 paper,
W-NUT '19 paper,
LLD '19 paper,
paper, CDC MMWR '14
- Information
extraction at Columbia (IP&M
'17 paper, CIKM '15
paper, EDBT '15 paper,
JCDL '14 paper, PVLDB '13 paper, DBRank '11 paper, WebDB '10 paper, ICDE '09 paper, SIGMOD Record '08 paper,
ICDE '08 paper, TODS '07 paper, SIGMOD '06 paper)
- Event identification in social media (September '13 IEEE Data
Engineering Bulletin paper, WSDM '12 paper, JASIST '11 paper, ICWSM '11 paper (a), ICWSM '11 paper (b), WSDM '10 paper, SSM '10 poster)
- QProber, a system
for automatically classifying and searching "hidden-web" text
databases (TOIS '08 paper,
TODS '07 paper, ICDE '05 paper, SIGMOD '04 paper, TOIS '03 paper, VLDB '02 paper, March '02 IEEE Data Engineering
Bulletin paper)
- RANK, top-k
query processing (over relational databases: TODS '02 paper; over
web-accessible databases: TODS
'04 paper; over multimedia databases: TKDE '04 paper)
- Snowball and
QXtract, building blocks for efficient information
extraction (ICDE '03 paper
[errata], WebDB '03 paper, DL '00 paper)
- SDARTS, a protocol
and toolkit for metasearching (JCDL
'02 paper, JCDL '01 paper)
- GeoSearch, a
geographically-aware search engine (CIKM '03 paper, VLDB '00 paper)
Ph.D. Students
- Eugene
Agichtein (graduated 5/2005; first employment: Postdoc
Researcher, Microsoft Research; current employment:
Professor, Department
of Computer Science, Emory University)
- Pablo
Barrio (graduated 10/2015; current employment: Staff
Software Engineer, Google)
- Hila Becker
(graduated 10/2011; current employment: Director, Software
Engineering, Google)
- Nicolás Bruno (graduated 5/2003; first employment:
Researcher, Microsoft Research; current employment:
Gray Systems Lab, Microsoft Research)
- Wisam
Dakka (graduated 11/2008; first employment: Software
Engineer, Google; current employment: Co-Founder, Meemo)
- Panagiotis Ipeirotis
(graduated 9/2004; current employment: Professor,
School of Business, New York University)
- Alpa Jain
(graduated 9/2008; first employment: Scientist, Yahoo! Labs;
current employment: Principal Software Engineer, Google)
- Giannis
Karamanolakis (graduated 8/2022; current employment:
Applied Scientist, Amazon Alexa AI)
- Amélie Marian
(graduated 9/2005; current employment: Associate Professor, Department of Computer
Science, Rutgers University)
- Ioannis Paparrizos
(graduated 7/2018: Honorable Mention, KDD 2019
Dissertation Award; first employment: Postdoc Scholar,
University of Chicago; current employment: Assistant
Professor, Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, The Ohio State
- Gonçalo
Simões (co-advised
by Helena
Galhardas) (graduated 6/2016; current employment: Senior
Software Engineer, Google)
- Keyang Xu
Selected Professional Activities
Teaching and Advising: Office Hours for Spring 2025
Biographical Sketch
Luis Gravano is a Professor of Computer Science at Columbia
University. Luis joined Columbia in 1997. At Google, he was a
Senior Research Scientist in 2001 (on leave from Columbia) and a
Visiting Faculty Researcher in 2018-19 (on sabbatical from
Columbia). He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from
Stanford University in 1997. He also received an M.S. degree
from Stanford in 1994 and a B.S. degree from the Escuela
Superior Latinoamericana de Informática (ESLAI), Argentina, in
1991. His research interests are in databases, information
retrieval, and web search. Luis is a recipient of an NSF CAREER
award. He has received multiple best paper awards, including at
the ACM SIGMOD 2006 and IEEE ICDE 2005 conferences.