Hotel |
Location |
Phone |
Rates |
The Milburn Hotel |
242 West 76th St. |
212-362-1006 |
$169 (studio for two), $185, $205 (1 bed room) |
Sheraton Towers Hotel |
7th Ave and 52nd Street |
212 581 1000 |
$289, $199-$259 |
Radisson Empire Hotel |
44 W 63rd Street, near Lincoln Center |
212 755-4400 |
Columbia University rate ($239-$259), regular rate ($329) |
Lucerne |
Upper West Side. 201 W. 79th Street |
212 875 1000 |
$155 (Columbia), $200 (Non-Columbia) |
Mayflower |
15 Central Park West |
212 265 0060 |
$165 (Columbia), $200 (Non-Columbia) |
Ellington Hotel |
610 W. 111th St. (extended walking distance) |
212-864-7500 |
$135 |
International House |
500 Riverside Drive (close to campus) |
212-316-8473 |
Guest suites $105 (single), $135 (double) only few available (10-12) |
Theological Seminary
Columbia East Campus |
on campus |
212-854-4962 |