It is in the interest of Infocom and its attendees that material presented at Infocom has not been published elsewhere. Also, reviewing the same material twice wastes scarce reviewer resources. Waiting for Infocom reviews can significantly improve a potential journal submission and avoids that two different sets of reviewers make similar recommendations.
Given these motivations, the following policies hold:
All papers submitted to IEEE Communiations Society for review must be an original work.
An attendee at an IEEE Communications Society meeting (conference, workshop, or symposium) or a purchasers of an IEEE Communications Society Proceeding rightly presume that technical papers are not presented or published elsewhere. In addition, it is unprofessional to request reviewers to evaluate papers that are simultaneous being considered for publication elsewhere.
Accordingly when a paper is submitted to an IEEE Communications Society conference, it may not have been published or be under consideration for publication by any other meeting.
In cases where there is signifiant similarity between two papers, the author(s) should disclose the existence of the earlier paper when submitting the new paper for review.
See also IEEE Policy and Procedure #6.3.1
Manuscripts submitted for publication to IEEE Transactions, Journals, Letters, or to the Proceedings of the IEEE should be original, previously unpublished work not currently submitted to any other publication.
The IEEE assumes that the material submitted to its publications is properly available for general dissemination to the readership of those publications. It is the responsibility of the authors, not the IEEE, to determine whether disclosure of their material requires the prior consent of other parties and, if so, to obtain it. If authors make use of charts, photographs, or other graphical or textual material from previously published material, the authors are responsible for obtaining written permission to use the material in the manuscript.