Ph.D. Candidacy Exam Paper List
Internet Quality of Service
Weibin Zhao
Journal Papers:
Conference Papers:
Journal Papers
IEEE Network Magazine:
IEEE Transaction on Networking:
Computer Networks:
Global Internet:
X. Xiao and L. M. Ni,
"Internet QoS: A Big Picture",
IEEE Network Mag., Mar./Apr. 1999
E. W. Knightly and N. B. Shroff,
"Admission Control for Statistical QoS: Theory and Practice",
IEEE Network Mag., Mar./Apr. 1999
B. Teitelbaum et al., "Internet2 QBone: Building a Testbed for Differentiated Services", IEEE Network Mag., Mar./Apr. 1999
C. Dovrolis and P. Ramanathan,
"A Case for Relative Differentiated Services and the Proportional Differentiation Model",
IEEE Network Mag., Sept./Oct. 1999
R. Rajan et al. "A Policy Framework for Integrated and Differentiated Services in the Internet", IEEE Network Mag., Sept./Oct. 1999
D. D. Clark and W. Fang,
"Explicit Allocation of Best Effort Packet Delivery Service",
IEEE/ACM Trans. Net., Aug. 1998
S. Jamin, P. B. Danzig, S. Shenker and L. Zhang,
"A Measurement-based Admission Control Algorithm for Integrated Services Packet Networks (Extended Version)",
IEEE/ACM Trans. Net., Feb. 1997
S. Floyd and V. Jacobson,
"Random Early Detection Gateways for Congestion Avoidance",
IEEE/ACM Trans. Net., Aug. 1993
R. Guerin and V. Peris,
"Quality-of-Service in Packet Networks: Basic Mechanisms and Directions",
Computer Networks 31 (1999) 169-189
I. Stoica and H. Zhang,
"Providing Guaranteed Service Without Per Flow Management",
C. Dovrolis, D. Stiliadis and P. Ramanathan,
"Proportional Differentiated Services: Delay Differentiation and Packet Scheduling",
L. Breslau and S. Shenker,
"Best-Effort versus Reservations: A Simple Comparative Analysis",
I. Stoica, S. Shenker and H. Zhang,
"Core-Stateless Fair Queueing: Achieve Approximately Fair Bandwidth Allocations in High Speed Networks",
D. D. Clark, S. Shenker and L. Zhang,
"Supporting Real-Time Applications in an Internet Services Packet Network: Architecture and Mechanism",
D. D. Clark
"The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols",
V. Jacobson and M. J. Karels
"Congestion Avoidance and Control",
M. May et al.,
"Simple Performance Models of Differentiated Services Schemes for Internet",
INFOCOM'99, pp. 1385-1394
A. Terzis et al.,
"A Two-Tier Resource Management Model for the Internet",
Global Internet'99
K. Nichols, V. Jacobson and L. Zhang,
"A Two-bit Differentiated Services Architecture for the Internet",
RFC 2638, July 1999
S. Blake et al.,
"An Architecture for Differentiated Services",
RFC 2475, December 1998
K Nichols et al.,
"Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers",
RFC 2474, December 1998
V. Jacobson et al.,
"An Expeditd Forwarding PHB",
RFC 2598, June 1999
J. Heinanen,
"Assured Forwarding PHB Group",
RFC 2597, June 1999
B. Braden et al.,
"Recommendations on Queue Management and Congestion Avoidance in the Internet",
RFC 2309, April 1998
B. Braden,
"Integrated Service in the Internet Architecture: an Overview",
RFC 1633, June 1994
S. Shenker et al.,
"General Characterization Parameters for Integrated Service Network Elements",
RFC 2215, September 1997
S .Shenker et al.,
"Specification of Guaranteed Quality of Service",
RFC 2212, September 1997
J. Wroclawski,
"Specification of the Controlled-Load Network Element Service",
RFC 2211, September 1997
P. Ferguson and G. Huston,
Quality of Service: Delivering QoS on the Internet and in Corporate Networks,
Wiley Computing Publishing, 1998
I. Foster and C. Kesselman,
The GRID: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1999