Monday, April 2, 2001 |
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
Opening and Keynote (Prof. Dave Farber)
(Predicting the Unpredictable - The FCC and the Future of Telecommunications and the Internet)
Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia University)
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM |
Quality of Service
Heiner Stüttgen (NEC CCRLE)
- On the efficiency of voice over integrated services using guaranteed service
- Maarten Buchli (Alcatel Bell), Danny De Vleeschauwer (Alcatel Bell), Jan Janssen (Alcatel Bell), Annelies Van Moffaert (Alcatel Bell), Guido Petit (Alcatel Bell)
- Dimensioning Links for IP Telephony
- Ian Marsh (SICS), Olof Hagsand (Dynarc), Anders Andersson (SICS), Bengt Ahlgren (SICS)
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM |
Addressing, Accounting and Deployment
Henry Sinnreich (WorldCom)
- IP Telephony Accounting and WAN Deployment Experience
- Sven Ubik (CESNET)
- Attribute Based Addressing for SIP
- Vlasios Tsiatsis (University of California, Los Angeles), Jyh-Cheng Chen (Telcordia Technologies), Prathima Agrawal (Telcordia Technologies), Mani Srivastava (UCLA)
- Internet Telephony Traversal across Decomposed Firewalls and NATs
- Jiri Kuthan (GMD Fokus)
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
Ralf Steinmetz (Darmstadt University of Technology)
- ECLIPSE Feature Logic Analysis
- Gregory Bond (AT&T Labs - Research), Franjo Ivancic (University of Pennsylvania), Nils Klarlund (AT&T Labs - Research), Richard Trefler (AT&T Labs - Research)
- Centralized Conferencing using SIP
- Kundan Singh (Columbia University), Gautam Nair (Columbia University), Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia University)
- An Adaptive Mechanism for Real-time Secure Speech Transmission over
the Internet
- Alessandro Aldini (University of Bologna), Roberto Gorrieri (University of Bologna), Marco Roccetti (University of Bologna)
- Instant Messaging and Presence for Network Appliances using SIP
- Arjun Roychowdhury (Hughes Software Systems), Stan Moyer (Telcordia Technologies)
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM |
Faculty Club
(Faculty Club)
Tuesday, April 3, 2001 |
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
Quality of Service II
Georg Carle (GMD Fokus)
- Adaptive Delay aware error control for Internet Telephony
- Catherine Boutremans (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne), Jean-Yves Le Boudec (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne)
- Performance Analysis of Measurement-Based Call Admission Control on Voice Gateways
- Feng Cao (CISCO INc.), Hanling Fang (Cisco), Mary Conlon (Cisco)
- A Simulation Analysis of Aggregation Strategies in a WF2Q+ Schedulers Network
- Rosario Garroppo (University of Pisa), Stefano Giordano (University of Pisa), Saverio Niccolini (University of Pisa), Franco Russo (University of Pisa)
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM |
Speech Quality
Wilhelm Wimmreuter (Siemens)
- Conversational Speech Quality - The Dominating Parameters in VoIP Systems
- Hans W. Gierlich (HEAD acoustics GmbH), Frank Kettler (HEAD acoustics GmbH)
- Impact of Packet Loss Location on Perceived Speech
- Lingfen Sun (University of Plymouth), Graham Wade (University of Plymouth), Benn Lines (University of Plymouth), Emmanuel Ifeachor (University of Plymouth)
- Modeling the effects of burst packet loss and recency on subjective voice quality
- Alan Clark (Telchemy)
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM |
Multiparty Sessions
Jiri Kuthan (GMD Fokus)
- Scalable Floor Control in Conferencing Environments: The RBone Approach
- Dirk Trossen (Nokia Research)
- An Example of Using Presence and Availability in an Enterprise for Spontaneous, Multiparty, Multimedia Communications
- Hyong Sop Shim (Telcordia Technologies), Chit Chung (Telcordia Technologies), Michael Long (Telcordia Technologies), Gardner Patton (Telcordia Technologies), Siddhartha Dalal (Telcordia Technologies)
- Easy Accessible Voice Gateway between Mbone and ISDN/PSTN Networks
- Linqing Liu (University of Bern), Torsten Braun (University of Berne)
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM |
Interworking and Feature Interaction
Gregory Bond (AT&T Labs - Research)
- Interworking Internet Telephony and Wireless Telecommunications
- Jonathan Lennox (Columbia University), Kazutaka Murakami (Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies), Mehmet Karaul (Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies), Thomas La Porta (Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies), Anand Kanagala (Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies)
- An Open Source H.323-SIP Gateway as Basis for Supplementary Service Interworking
- Ralf Ackermann (Darmstadt University of Technology), Vasilios Darlagiannis (Darmstadt University of Technology), Manuel Goertz (Darmstadt University of Technology), Martin Karsten (Darmstadt University of Technology), Ralf Steinmetz (Darmstadt University of Technology)
- An architecture for three challenging features
- Pamela Zave (AT&T Laboratories)