Configuration Instructions
Note: Columbia Email By Phone assumes that the Tomcat is started in
the jakarta-tomcat-version/bin directory. The Java root directory
will be there so to reach the vxml/WEB-INF directory, it will be ../webapps/vxml/WEB-INF.
You may have to change some configurations if a different servlet container
is used. More specifically, changes to web.xml and the properties
files in the WEB-INF directory will probably have to change.
Modify WEB-INF/poolman.props in the vxml directory to point to the
correct database and JDBC driver
More specifically, modify the following parameters as necessary:
db_driver.1 is the name of the JDBC driver used
db_url.1 is the url the database is located at (i.e. if the database were
on a different host, then you would change the url from localhost to the
hostname of the computer is it on)
db_username.1 is the username used to connect to the database
db_password.1 is the password used to connect to the database
Modify WEB-INF/classes/edu/columbia/cs/util/AudioImpl.c and change const
char *mpg123 to point to the mpg123 binary
If JSPLoader is to be used for testing, the jspdir and serverurl parameters
of in WEB-INF/classes/apps/email/util of the vxml
directory should be modified accordingly.