The following topics should be added as time goes.
Those that extends the CORBA events. (CORBEA, TAO system and most recent
papers mentioned in plan 4.)
CORBA Event Service for real-time applications. (more on Douglas's site.
His TAO system.)
Composite and Correlative Event Service
Scalability (passive vs. active, central vs. de-central>
Performances(???Masharing, OS related?)
Paper read:
18. Event Notification Protocol - ENP Surendra Reddy ( After reading Surendra Reddy's paper, I feel there is a kind of choice
between whether to set up a specific notification protocol (ENP, SIP) or
treat them as concept and apply it to different areas or existing protocols.
Thinking of writing an essay.
Dr. Schmidt's site of papers on CORBA event. (very useful)
Other readings
24. Book: Advanced CORBA Programming with C++ by Michi Henning &
Steve Vinoski. Read Chpt1-3, chpt20, and related chpts.
Write out my thought for #2.
More on Douglas' papers. His TAO system and add it as an example of extended
event services for CORBA.
Adam’s Internet draft titled ‘Scenarios for an Internet-Scale Event Notification
Service (ISENS)’ mentioned about 16 ISENS protocols (new and old). I am
to put focus on these protocols.
eager to read AOL instant messaging standard and other five proposals submitted
to IETF by June 25.
OMG had a Request for Proposal in 1997 on Notification Services. Found
papers collected for this RFP at
and search for key word 'Notification'. Skim them.
Started to organize event system types and models, pros and cons, and various
Skim through all the papers on Adam’s paper/system list. Purpose is that
starting with something we can find, we abstract from these papers models
of event system, classify systems according to models. For topic lack of
resource, keep a re-visit list and re-visit them when finding more sources.
Search from the site for most recent Internet draft on event