class MGCPGateway

This class represents a transport connection between the agent and the gateway from the agent's perspective


  • int port;
    MGCPGateway port
    This port should be known to Call Agent

  • String packetString;
    received datagram from the Call Agent

  • long randomId;
    is used as a connection ID.
    generated at "CRCX" command from Call Agent
    and is checked at "MDCX" and "DLCX" commands whether a connection ID contained in
    received packet is the same as one generated at "CRCX" command from Call Agent

  • ArrayList CommandHeader;
    array for containing Command(i.e. "CRCX", "MDCX", "DLCX"), Transaction Id, caller Id and version info

  • Vector yetAckList;
    List which keeps transaction ID waiting an acknowledge from Call Agent and
    which is composed of Retransmission objects

  • Vector transactionIdList;
    all transaction IDs which are not acknowledged until now

  • String CallId, ConnectionId, retConnectionId;
    Call Id, connection Id made at "CRCX", received connection Id in "DLCX" and "MDCX" respectively

  • String Mode;
    Communication Mode for example, recvonly for "receive only", sendrecv for "send/receive etc...

  • Sdp localSDPInformation, remoteSDPInformation;
    Local and Remote SDP information

  • connectionOptions localConnectionOptions;
    parameters used by the Call Agent to direct the handling of the connection by the gateway

  • RTPAgent agent;
    JMF RTP Agent

  • String responseCode, transactionId, responseComment, responseSDP;
    information for compose response datagram

  • boolean connectionEstablished, wrongCommand, received, duplicateId, sameConnId, presentSdp, receivedParameters;
  • when a "MDCX" or "DLCX" command is received, a connection doesn't exists (connectionEstablished value is false),
    replies NOTOK to Call Agent
  • if wrong command is received, wrongCommand is set true
  • the same Transaction Id is received, duplicated is true
  • If Command is "MDCX" and "DLCX", sameConnId should be true
  • if the datagram contains SDP information, presentSdp is true
  • when Call Agent sends connection options, receivedParameters is set to true


  • public MGCPGateway(int port)
    this constructor initializes the port that can receive PDUs from Call Agent.

  • public synchronized void retransmissionCall (String response)
    checks whether the acknowledgement of response which is datagram is received. If not, it retransmit the response

  • protected void execute ()
    this is main method of MGCPGateway

  • protected DatagramPacket receive (DatagramSocket socket)
    receives datagram from Call Agent and returns it

  • protected void initializeStruct (DatagramPacket Packet)
    All data structures are initialized whenever a datagram is received from Call Agent

  • protected void parseHeader (String packetString)
    MGCP header information is parsed based on the command received from MGCP Call Agent

  • protected void processAck (StringTokenizer headerTokenizer)
    This method processes acknowledgement received from Call Agent.

  • protected void parseParameterSDP()
    Parameter and SDP information are parsed in this method

  • protected void parseParameterL()
    Parsing parameters used by the Call Agent to direct the handling of the connection by the gateway

  • protected void parseSDP()
    If SDP information exists within datagram, this is the processing method,
    this method is called by parseParameterSDP() if received datagram contains SDP information

  • protected void callProcessRoutines()
    RTP interface methods are called in this method as the command it received

  • protected String composeResponse()
    Compose the response datagram to send to Call Agent

  • protected void composeHeader()
    Compose response header and this method is called by composeResponse()

  • protected void composeSDP()
    Compose the SDP information using information returned by RTP Agent

  • public void responseToCA (String returnString)
    Send the response to Call Agent