Device Control - Internet Toaster Project


Huwei Zhang
Columbia University
503 West 121th Street, Apt#43D
New York, NY 10027


Home networking has become popular in USA. The most popular home networking protocol is x10 [1], which has a lot of products in the market today. Also there is a big demand for controlling home appliances from internet.
In addition to that Session Initiation Protocol(SIP)[2] for setting up, controlling sessions has become popular in the field of internet telephone calls and electric appliances. With its feature of signaling message, it is suitable for controlling devices from remote environment.
The goal of this project is to monitor and control X10 lights and appliances remotely using SIP. After adding support for SUBSCRIBE and NOTITY in the device gateway, the gateway can periodically poll the status of the X10 device or get messages from the X10 device. The gateway issue NOTIFY request to the subscriber if the status of the X10 device is changed. In the client side, the SIP clients can also send subscription and notification to other clients when they go online or go offline.


In the SIP client and server system, clients send SIP messages to servers and get response from servers. SIP messages has header information, which includes tags for controlling method, client properties and the body, which include the state information to subscribe to a device gateway.
To subscribe the states of a device with SIP message, "SUBSCRIBE" method is used. , which was proposed in the draft of the ietf group.

In this project, I have implemented the following features in SIP clients, which are developed and tested on sun Solaris machine.

  • GUI for subscription for the event of the device/client
  • GUI for device control which support for subscription and notification
  • "SUBSCRIBE" handler for sending and handling subscribe request and response
  • "NOTIFY" handler for sending and handling notify request and response


    System Structure

    System structure is shown in the following figure. The CM11A(x10 adapter) is connected to Unix workstation(sun) via serial line and other CM11A adapters through power line. Electric appliances are connected to CM11A. SIPUA(SIP User Agent) works on the Unix workstation and client programs such as siptc and sipc work on other Unix workstations.

    Fig. System Structure

    Software architecture

    The software architecture is as follows: SIPC, SIP client program for SIP, compose the the SIP messages which contains the header information and content, and send the SUBSCRIBE request to the sipua. After receiving the SUBSCRIBE request, sipua calls OnIncomingRequest() function and passes SUBSCRIBE commands to the function. Then the function calls x10 APIs and gets data according to the request. If the x10 API is successful, OnIncomingRequest() returns the response to the client with state of the device. Otherwise, OnIncomingRequest() returns the error response. If the state of device is changed, the sipua will notify the client with current state.

    Program Documentation

  • System requirements
    Required OS: Solaris, Linux
    Required Software: sipua,libsip++,x10 API
    Required Hardware: x10 Adapter(CM11A,LM465,RR501)
  • Files related to SIPC API
    stateparser.tcl           parser for the configuration XML file
    subparser.tcl             parser for the subscription XML file
    gui_subscribe.tcl         GUI for sending subscription
    gui_device.tcl            GUI for device control
    gui_notify.tcl            GUI for notification
    controller_subscribe.tcl  handler for sending and handling SUBSCRIBE request and response   
    controller_notify.tcl     handler for sending and handling NOTIFY request and response   
    Other files               configuraton files in directory XMLFile/ 

    StateParser API

  • This parser support for geting the state information from the device configuration XML file.

    SubParser API

  • This parser support for geting the subscrption information from the XML file which store the subscription record.

    AddressBook API

  • Features added to the AddressBook API
    - Column 1: "Subscriber", indicate whether the client in this entry subscribe for our status
    - Column 2: "State", show the current status of the user/device if we send the subscription for such states. 


  • Features of SUBSCRIBE GUI
    SUBSCRIBE GUI is a interface for the subscription, which contain:
    - The sipurl to send the subscription
    - The events to subscribe at this sipurl
    - The expiration for this subscription
    Definition of related function:
    Function name: proc Gui_Subscribe::main{} Description: Function for invoking SUBSCRIBE GUI from main menu Function name: proc Gui_Subscribe::init {} Description: Initialize the parameters for a new subscribe Function name: proc Gui_Subscribe::new {sipURL l_event package} Description: Manage the GUI for a new subscription Parameter: sipURL The sipurl to send the subscription l_event The events to subscribe package The package for the subscription Function name: proc Gui_Subscribe::create {sipURL l_event package} Description: Create the GUI for a new subscription Parameter: sipURL The sipurl to send the subscription l_event The events to subscribe package The package for the subscription Function name: proc Gui_Subscribe::updateExpire {s} Description: When expire scale changed, sync the the display of time Function name: proc Gui_Subscribe::subscribe {flag} Description: Call Controller_subscribe{} to handle the subscribe flag 1 -- indicates subscribe 0 -- indicates unsubscribe Function name: proc Gui_Subscribe::display {sipurl message icon} Description: Create interface for displaying subscribe message Parameter: sipurl The sipurl of the response message detail information for this error icon icon for this type of error
  • Features of Controller_Subscribe API
    Controller_Subscribe is the API for handling SUBSCRIBE, which support:
    - Sending SUBSCRIBE request 
    - Handling SUBSCRIBE response
    - Handling SUBSCRIBE request
    - Sending SUBSCRIBE response
    Definition of related function:
    Function name: proc Controller::subscribe {sipurl expire l_event package l_authen} Description: Function for composing and sending SUBSCRIBE request Parameter: sipurl The sipurl to send this subscription expire Expiration for this subscription l_event Events to subscribe package The package for the subscription l_authen The username and password for the subscription Function name: proc Controller::subscribeAuthen{call_id} Description: Create the interface for the authentication for subscription call_id The call_ID for the unauthorized subscription Function name: proc Controller::subAuthenOk{call_id} Description: Collect userName and password before send subscribe with authentication info Parameter: call_id Call-ID for the subscription which need authentication Function name: proc Controller::subAuthenClear{call_id} Description: Clear the userName and password field in the authentication window Function name: proc Controller::getAuthenInfo{sipurl} Description: Retrieve the saved username and password from subscribe.xml Parameter: sipurl sipurl for the subscribe record Function name: proc Controller::subscribeHandle {l_argu} Description: Handle SUBSCRIBE request Parameter: l_argu The argument list of the SUBSCRIBE request Function name: proc Controller::subscribeResponse {call_id cseq code reason l_nheader content} Description: Send response after receiving SUBSCRIBE request Parameter: sipurl The sipurl of the response call_id The call_id for this SUBSCRIBE response cseq CSeq for this response code Code for this response reason Reason for this response l_nheader Message Header for this response content Content for this response Function name: proc Controller::subscribeResponseHandle {l_argu} Description: Handle the response for SUBSCRIBE Parameter: l_argu The argument list of the SUBSCRIBE response Function name: proc Controller::onlineQueryAll {} Description: Send the query to update the subscription for all users/devices which doesn't expire in the subscribe list Function name: proc Controller::updateSubscribeXML {subURL contact call_id cseq package expire l_event username userpass} Description: Update the subscribe records in the subscribe.xml Parameter: subURL The sipurl of the record to update in subscribe.xml contact The contact information for the subscription call_id The call-ID for this record cseq Call sequence number package Package for this subscription expire The expiration for this record l_event Events information for this record username The user name for this record userpass The user password for this record Function name: proc Controller::writeSubscribeBook {SubscribeBook} Description: Write the record to the file subscribe.xml Function name: proc Controller::updateWatchXML {requrl presentity package call_id cseq contact expire} Description: Update the records in the watch.xml Parameter: requrl The sipurl of the user who subscribe for our status call_id The call-ID for the SUBSCRIBE request cseq Call sequence number contact Contact info for the SUBSCRIBE request expire The expiration of the SUBSCRIBE request Function name: proc Controller::writeRequestBook {RequestBook} Description: Write the record to the file watch.xml Function name: proc Controller::initBook {book} Description: Initialize the file for "subscribe.xml" or "watch.xml"


  • Features of Controller_Notify API
    Controller_Notify is the API for handling Notify, which support:
    - Sending NOTIFY request 
    - Handling NOTIFY response
    - Handling NOTIFY request
    - Sending NOTIFY response
    Definition of related function:
    Function name: proc Controller::notify {requrl event} Description: Compose and send NOTIFY request Parameter: requrl The sipurl to send notification event The event to notify the receive Function name: proc Controller::notifyHandle {l_argu} Description: Handle NOTIFY request Parameter: l_argu The argument list of the NOTIFY request Function name: proc Controller::notifyResponse {call_id cseq code reason l_nheader content} Description: Send response after receiving Notify request Parameter: sipurl The sipurl of the response call_id The call_id for this NOTIFY response cseq CSeq for this response code Code for this response reason Reason for this response l_nheader Message Header for this response content Content for this response Function name: proc Controller::notifyResponseHandle {l_argu} Description: Handle the response for NOTIFY Parameter: l_argu The argument list of the NOTIFY response Function name: proc Controller::onlineNotifyAll {} Description: Send the notification to all the users who is watching us after we returning to online event Function name: proc Controller::offlineNotifyAll {} Description: Send the notification to all the users who is watching us before we go to offline event Function name: proc Controller::getNotifyList {} Description: Get the list of users that we should send notification before offline or after go online
  • Installation instructions to build SIPC
    This operation is done in Solaris(muni)
    % make -f makefile.unix exe
    % sipc 
  • Configuration files for SIPC API
    user.xml          config file for the events that a user support in SUBSCRIBE
    x10.xml          config file for the events that a lamp support in SUBSCRIBE
    x10.conf         config file for the device control commands that a lamp support
    subscribe.xml     xml file for storing the subscription to other user/device
    watch.xml         xml file for storing the user information who subscribe for our status
  • SIP Message Format
    The message format for subscribe are as follows. In these example, client is from and server is
    Subscribe Request from client to server
    (Subscribe on/off/dim/bright event)
    05/09/2001 18:45:01.165871
    Sent to:
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
    Contact: sip:hz80@
    Expires: 3600
    Date: Wed, 09 May 2001 22:45:01 GMT
    Call-ID: 994419756@
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Event: x10
    Content-Length: 160
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <subscription expire="3600">
    <event event="on"/>
    <event event="off"/>
    <event event="dim"/>
    <event event="bright"/>
    Authorization needed -- User need to provide authentication information
    05/09/2001 18:47:29.416447
    Recv from:
    SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
    Call-ID: 994419757@
    Cseq: 1 SUBSCRIBE
    Date: Wed, 09 May 2001 22:47:29 GMT
    Server: SIPUA-Columbia-University/1.0
    Content-Length: 0
    WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=""
    Subscribe Response from server to client after authentication:
    (Subscribe for on/off/dim/bright events)
    05/09/2001 18:47:45.310652
    Recv from:
    SIP/2.0 200 Update Former Subscription
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
    Call-ID: 994419758@
    Cseq: 1 SUBSCRIBE
    Date: Wed, 09 May 2001 22:47:45 GMT
    Server: SIPUA-Columbia-University/1.0
    Content-Length: 63
    Content-Type: application/xml
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    Notify Request from server( to client
    (Subscribe for on/off events)
    5/09/2001 18:57:18.732172
    Recv from:
    NOTIFY SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
    CSeq: 2 NOTIFY
    Contact: sip:lamp@
    Date: Wed, 09 May 2001 22:57:18 GMT
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Call-ID: 438155611@
    Content-Length: 69
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    Subscribe Request from client( to 
    05/09/2001 18:57:16.440096
    Sent to:
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
    Contact: sip:hz80@
    Expires: 3600
    Date: Wed, 09 May 2001 22:57:16 GMT
    Call-ID: 483156511@
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Event: presence
    Content-Length: 144
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <subscription expire="3600">
    <event event="online"/>
    <event event="offline"/>
    <event event="idle"/>
    Subscribe Response from client( to 
    5/09/2001 18:57:18.369220
    Recv from:
    SIP/2.0 202 Accepted
    Contact: sip:hz80@
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
    Call-ID: 483156511@
    To:; tag=49380864971.
    Content-Length: 69
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    Notify request from client( to 
    5/09/2001 18:57:18.732172
    Recv from:
    NOTIFY SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
    CSeq: 2 NOTIFY
    Contact: sip:hz80@
    Date: Wed, 09 May 2001 22:57:18 GMT
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Call-ID: 483156511@
    Event: presence
    Content-Length: 69
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    Sample Subscribe Records in "subscribe.xml" ( 
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <cseq>{1 SUBSCRIBE}</cseq>
        <cseq>{1 SUBSCRIBE}</cseq>
    Sample Subscribe Records in "watch.xml" (
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <cseq>{1 SUBSCRIBE}</cseq>
  • Error handling
    The error code for the SUBSCRIBE response is as follows:
    - Code 400 "Error XML Content"
    - Code 404 "Device Not Found" 
    - Code 500 "Events Not Found" 
    - Code 501 "Not implemented"
  • Acknowledgements
    Thank you for continuous advise from Prof. Schulzrinne and PhD Xiaotao Wu. 

    Task List

    Huwei Zhang: Implementing the subscription and notification in the SIP user agent.


  • [1],X10 Protocol
  • [2],Session Initiation Protocol(SIP)
  • [3],SIP Library with C++ interface Kundan Singh,Columbia University, 1214 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10027
  • [4],Device Message Protocol(DMP) An XML based format for Wide Area Communications with Networked Appliances, IETF Internet Draft.

    Last updated: 05/09/2001
    By Huwei Zhang