XCAP Server
Anurag Chakravarti
Computer Science Dept.
Columbia University
New York, NY 10027
Programming environment
- The XCAP Server is developed in Java using jdk1.5 and jaxp interfaces.
- Tomcat 5.5 has been used to provide the servlet interface for the xcap server.
- Linux 2.6.9-22.0.1.EL Red Hat has been used for testing
- SIPc XCAP client has been developed in Tcl/Tk
- XCAP client has been developed in C++
- For XPATH traversal Saxon 8-b has been used
- For xml SAX parsing in TCL, tclXMl has been used
- For xml DOM parsing in TCL, tDom has been used
- Tk has been used for widgets and UI
Test Environment
- Unix machines running Linux 2.6.9-22.0.1.EL Red Hat having public IPs
- SIPc and C++ client used to send XCAP requests
- From both inside and outside the Columbia network
Installation Guide
- Install tomcat
- Copy the xcap.jar file to tomcat webapps
- Set the webapps web.xml to reflect the XCAP
Server servlet specification
- Copy the following to the tomcat bin directory
- Finally you should have a directory structure like:
- tomcat-5.5/jakarta-tomcat-5/build/webapps/xcapserver/WEB-INF/web.xml
- tomcat-5.5/jakarta-tomcat-5/build/webapps/xcapserver/WEB-INF/classes/xcap.jar
- Resolving external libraries
- Start the tomcat server with your configured port