- dtstart - specifies the beginning of the first period of the
- dtend - specifies the ending time.
- duration - the duration of the period.
- freq - indicates the type of recurrence rule. No parameters
other than dtstart, dtend, and duration SHOULD be specified unless freq
is present. The freq parameter takes one of the following values: daily,
to specify repeating periods based on an interval of a day or more;
weekly, to specify repeating periods based on an interval of a week
or more; monthly, to specify repeating periods based on an interval
of a month or more; and yearly, to specify repeating periods based on
an interval of a year or more. These values are not case-sensitive.
- interval - contains a positive integer representing how often
the recurrence rule repeats. The default value is "1", meaning every
day for a daily rule, every week for a weekly rule, every month for
a monthly rule and every year for a yearly rule.
- until - defines an iCal COS DATE or DATE-TIME value which bounds
the recurrence rule in an inclusive manner. If the value specified by
until is synchronized with the specified recurrence, this date or date-time
becomes the last instance of the recurrence. If specified as a date-time
value, then it MUST be specified in an UTC time format. If not present,
the recurrence is considered to repeat forever.
- byday - specifies a comma-separated list of days of the week.
MO indicates Monday; TU indicates Tuesday; WE indicates Wednesday; TH
indicates Thursday; FR indicates Friday; SA indicates Saturday; SU indicates
Sunday. These values are not case-sensitive.
- bymonthday - specifies a comma-separated list of days of the
month. Valid values are 1 to 31 or -31 to -1. For example, -10 represents
the tenth to the last day of the month.
- byyearday - specifies a comma-separated list of days of the
year. Valid values are 1 to 366 or -366 to -1. For example, -1 represents
the last day of the year (December 31st) and -306 represents the 306th
to the last day of the year (March 1st).
- byweekno - specifies a comma-separated list of ordinals specifying
weeks of the year. Valid values are 1 to 53 or -53 to -1. This corresponds
to weeks according to week numbering as defined in ISO 8601 [14]. A
week is defined as a seven day period, starting on the day of the week
defined to be the week start (see wkst). Week number one of the calendar
year is the first week which contains at least four (4) days in that
calendar year. This parameter is only valid for yearly rules. For example,
3 represents the third week of the year.
- bymonth - specifies a comma-separated list of months of the
year. Valid values are 1 to 12.
- wkst - specifies the day on which the workweek starts. Valid
values are MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA and SU. This is significant when a
weekly recurrence has an interval greater than 1, and a byday parameter
is specified. This is also significant in a yearly recurrence when a
byweekno parameter is specified. The default value is MO, following
ISO 8601 [14].