The maximum packet length in the network is 1500 bytes. Voice calls use RTP over UDP and generate packets every 50 ms. Based on this information, estimate a reasonable bucket size for voice traffic. Hint: Note that the packets generated by different phone calls are not guaranteed to be evenly spread out over the 50 ms interval.
The HTML page generated as a reply to the submission should display all the entered information (note: some fields might not be filled by the user). Also, send back a message via email (to the email address provided by the user, if any), that contains: 1- the HTML input page, 2- the cgi-script in C, 3- the java script, 4- the reply form (if not all automatically generated by the cgi-script) and 5- the data submitted by the user. The email should be sent by your cgi-script (you may need to use the unix command system(3S) or popen(3S)).
Provide the URL where the page can be tested.
(The necessary material will be covered in the Apr. 14 lecture.)