The schedule is subject to change.
Session | Date | Topics | Assignment |
1 | 02/02 | Course logistics; Internet review (interfaces, architecture, protocols) | |
2 | 02/09 | Internet review (layering, network evolution, traffic, reality) | |
3 | 02/16 | Internet standardization (ITU, 3GPP, IETF); regulation | |
4 | 02/23 | Internet access technology (landline: DSL, cable) | |
5 | 03/02 | Internet access technology (wireless: cellular, Wi-Fi, satellite) | |
6 | 03/09 | Regulation (common carriers); network neutrality and the open Internet | |
7 (midterm) | 03/23 | midterm (in class) solution | |
8 | 03/30 | Location-identifier separation and new Internet architectures (HIP, LISP, ICN, SDN/NFV, P2P) | |
9 | 04/06 | Audio: characteristics, coding, QoE | |
10 | 04/13 | Open Internet | |
11 | 04/20 | Audio: characteristics, coding, QoE | |
12 | 04/24 (Mudd 644) | Audio: encoding, quality, packet loss; video: color, human perception | |
13 | 04/27 | Video: lossless and lossy coding (JPEG, MPEG, H.264); IPv6; VoIP: architecture, protocols (RTP, SIP, XMPP, webRTC) | |
14 | 05/04 | Network security: privacy issues; classical and post-firewall approaches | |
Project demos | 05/07 | Room 644 Mudd | |
Final exam | 05/11 | ||
Report due | 05/15 |
Classes marked with (*) may be rescheduled due to travel, typically to the following week.