Hassan H. Malik
I was a PhD student in the Department
of Computer Science at Columbia
University in New York City, advised by
Professor John Kender.
He is a great teacher!
My PhD research focused on investigating novel techniques to mine, cluster, and
classify high-dimensional data, with a focus on document and image collections.
I now work as VP, Head of Text Metadata Services at Thomson Reuters in NYC, where I lead a corporate research and development group that develops and maintains platforms and products that extract and resolve named entities, classify documents, extract facts and events, and enable entity-centric content analysis and decision support for use cases in financial, legal, scientific and other domains. Prior to joining Thomson Reuters, I was a Research Scientist in the Integrated Data Systems department at Siemens Corporate Research in Priceton, NJ. In the past, I managed a large engineering team at Liberty Travel (now Flight Center) in Mahwah NJ, and also worked as a senior member of enginering team at Tibco Software in Palo Alto, CA.
- Malik, H.H., MacGillivray, I., Olof-Ors, M., Sun, S., and Saroha, S.,
"Exploring the Corporate Ecosystem with a Semi-Supervised Graph",
In Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2011), Glasgow, UK.(pdf)
- Malik, H.H., Bhardwaj, V.S., and Fiorletta, H.,
"Accurate Information Extraction for Quantitative Financial Events",
In Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2011), Glasgow, UK.(poster paper pdf)
- Malik, H.H., and Bhardwaj, V.S.
"Automatic Training Data Cleaning for Text Classification",
In Domain Driven Data Mining Workshop (ICDM 2011), Vancouver, Canada. (pdf)
- Malik, H.H., Fradkin, D., and Moerchen, F.,
"Single Pass Text Classification by Direct Feature Weighting",
In Knowledge and Information Systems, Volume 28 (1), July 2011.(link) (code)
- Malik, H.H., Kender, J.R., Fradkin, D., and Moerchen, F.,
"Hierarchical Document Clustering using Local Patterns",
In Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Volume 21 (1), July 2010.(link)
- Malik, H.H.,
"Improving Hierarchical SVMs by Hierarchy Flattening and Lazy Classification",
In Large-Scale Hierarchical Classification Workshop (ECIR 2010), Milton Keynes, UK. (pdf)
- Dejori, M., Malik, H.H., Moerchen, F., Tas, N.C., and Neubauer, C.,
"Development of Data Infrastructure for the Long Term Bridge Performance Program",
In Proceedings of Structures Congress (Structures 2009), Austin, Texas, USA.(link)
- Malik, H.H., and Kender,
"Classifying High-Dimensional Text and Web Data using Very Short Patterns",
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Data Mining (ICDM 2008), Pisa, Italy. (Full paper as TR-046-08)
- Malik, H.H., and Kender,
"Instance Driven Hierarchical Clustering of Document Collections",
In From Local Patterns to Global Models Workshop (ECML/PKDD 2008), Antwerp, Belgium. (pdf)
- Malik, H.H., and Kender,
"Classification by Pattern-Based Hierarchical Clustering",
In From Local Patterns to Global Models Workshop (ECML/PKDD 2008), Antwerp, Belgium. (pdf)
- Malik, H.H., and Kender,
"Optimizing Frequency Queries for Data Mining Applications",
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Data Mining (ICDM 2007), Omaha, Nebraska, USA. (Full paper as TR-026-07)
- Malik, H.H., and Kender,
"High Quality, Efficient Hierarchical Document Clustering using
Closed Interesting Itemsets",
In Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2006), Hong Kong. (Full paper as TR-046-06)
- Malik, H.H., and Kender,
"Clustering web images using association rules, interestingness
measures, and hypergraph partitions",
In Proceedings of the 6th
international conference on Web engineering (ICWE 2006), Palo Alto,
California, USA. (pdf) (Dataset1) (Dataset2)
- Malik, H.H.,
"Efficient Algorithms for Clustering and Classifying High Dimensional Text and
Discretized Data using Interesting Patterns",
PhD Thesis. (pdf)
Patent Applications:
- Malik, H.H., MacGillivray, I., Olof-Ors, M., and Hatch, C.,
"Entity Fingerprints", Winner: 2011 Thomson Reuters Top Inventor Award ($10,000),
U.S. Patent Application US1 - 13/213,324, filed August 2011.
- Malik, H.H., and Olof-Ors, M.,
"Association Significance",
U.S. Patent Application US2 - 13/107,665, filed May 2011.
- Malik, H.H., Bhardwaj, V.S., and Fiorletta, H.,
"Representing Information From Documents",
U.S. Patent Application US1 - 13/097,619, filed April 2011.
- Malik, H.H., and Olof-Ors, M.,
"Automatic Data Cleaning For Machine Learning Classifiers", Finalist: 2011 Thomson Reuters Top Inventor Award,
U.S. Patent Application US1 - 13/046,266, filed March 2011.
- Malik, H.H., and Kender, J.R.,
"Data Classification and Hierarchical Clustering",
U.S. Patent Application 20100174670, filed June 2010 (link) and International Patent Application PCT/US2008/007308, filed November 2008.(link)
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