SungHoon Seo's Publications

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ABC^2: A New Approach to Seamless Mobility between Cellular Networks and WLAN

Taehwan Choi and SungHoon Seo. ABC^2: A New Approach to Seamless Mobility between Cellular Networks and WLAN. Technical Report TR-07-12, The University of Texas at Austin, 2007.






  author=	{Taehwan Choi and SungHoon Seo},
  title=	{ABC^2: A New Approach to Seamless Mobility between Cellular Networks and WLAN},
  institution=	{The University of Texas at Austin},
  year=		2007,
  month= 	"December"
  number=	"TR-07-12",
  bib2html_pubtype = {Tech Report},
  bib2html_rescat = {},
  bib2html_funding = {},

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