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SungHoon Seo and JooSeok Song. Energy-Efficient Vertical Handover Mechanism. IEICE Transactions on Communications, E92-B(9):2964–2966, IEICE, 2009.
For integrated WLAN/cellular networks, we propose an energy-efficient vertical handover mechanism that both improves the energy efficiency of the mobile nodes and reduces the WLAN frame overhead.
@article{seo2009eev, title={{Energy-Efficient Vertical Handover Mechanism}}, author={SungHoon Seo and JooSeok Song}, journal={IEICE Transactions on Communications}, volume={E92-B}, number={9}, pages={2964--2966}, year={2009}, publisher={IEICE}, keyword={vertical handover, energy efficiency, WLAN, cellular network}, abstract={For integrated WLAN/cellular networks, we propose an energy-efficient vertical handover mechanism that both improves the energy efficiency of the mobile nodes and reduces the WLAN frame overhead.}, bib2html_pubtype = {International Journal}, bib2html_rescat = {}, bib2html_funding = {}, }
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