Command: "./infostip > "
Optional Input: ""
1. Location-of-match-files: Path to the folder containing the .match files. (eg. /Path_to_folder/ )
2. Match-file-prefix: Match files should be named in the format prefix.chromosome_no.match (eg. ABC.1.match). Here the prefix is "ABC.", chromosome_no is "1". Enter "prefix." in the command line input.
3. No-of-chromosomes: Number of chromosomes on which you want to run the method.
4. Sequencing-budget: Number of individuals you want to select from the population to sequence.
5. Optional Input - No-of-SNPs: Specify this parameter if you want to consider only shared regions having number of SNPs greater than the value you specify here.
1. Individual Picked: Individual ID of the individual picked.
2. Utility: Total length (in bp) of the shared region that an individual shares with all unsequenced individuals across al chromosomes.