According to the Computer Science course description: COMS W3203 - Discrete Mathematics: Introduction To Combinatorics and Graph Theory (3.0 pts.) Prerequisites: Any introductory course in computer programming. Mathematical induction, counting arguments (permutations and combinations, elementary finite probability, generating functions, recurrence relations, inclusion-exclusion principle), and topics in graph theory (isomorphism, planarity, circuits, trees, and directed graphs).
Discrete Math serves as a useful bridge between introductory CS theory and higher-level logic- and math-intensive CS material, especially Computability and Programming Languages and Translators. No special mathematical skills are required beyond high-school algebra and introductory Computer Science skills (e.g., a first-semester CS course).
Janak J Parekh
Office: 608 CEPSR (the building immediately west of Mudd)
Office hours: Monday, 4:30pm-5:30pm
Aaron Roth
Office: MRL
Office hours: Wednesday, 4:30pm-5:30pm
Classroom: 327 Mudd
Class time: MW 5:40-8:50pm, May 24th through June 30
Registrar info, including call number, is available here.
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Rosen, Kenneth H. Discrete Mathematics and Its
Applications, 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill, 2003. ISBN: 0-07-293033-0. The book can be purchased from Morningside Bookshop, located on the southwest corner of 114th and Broadway. Note that you need to go down the stairs on 114th to the computer section. The regular Columbia University bookstore does not have the book, so don't go looking there. Alternatively, here's Amazon's link to the book. (If you buy the book from anywhere else, ensure it's the fifth edition.) Finally, here's the publisher's link to the book. (I apologize in advance for the cost, but it seems all discrete math textbooks cost this much nowadays...) |
There are three major components to a grade in this course: homeworks, midterm, and the final.
The midterm and final will be administered in-class after a shortened lecture, and will not be cumulative. They will also be similar in size.
While there is no numerical grade attached to class participation, as neither participation nor attendance is strictly required, it's in your interest to make an acquaintance with me, especially if you're on the "borderline" between grades at the end of the semester. I may also give some bonus point opportunities on homeworks; these are added up after the curve at the end of the semester.
I'm a strong believer in the "reasonable person principle" as pioneered by Professor J.L. Gross. Among other things, a reasonable person catches up with material should they miss class, explains answers on homeworks or exams, and does not cheat (more on this later).
Homeworks will generally consist of a number of problems from the textbook. You're generally allotted one week for each homework due to the more intensive summer schedule. I generally make homeworks due by classtime, so you don't have an incentive to skip out on the next lecture, but this may vary when appropriate.
Because of the very short nature of the first summer session, lateness will not be tolerated. Submit whatever you have by classtime; late homeworks will not be graded, and will be given a zero. I will only make exceptions for medical or family concerns; get in touch with me as soon as possible if this is the case.
One word: don't. All homeworks and exams in this course are intended to be done by yourself, and with the help of the textbook, teaching assistants, the instructor. You're allowed to discuss problems with classmates, but only in general terms, and you must specifically avoid discussing any solutions.
Moreover, you'd be amazed how easy it is to detect plagiarism or cheating in both written and programming assignments. Cheaters don't spend tremendous amounts of time masking their copy, because that defeats the purpose and it would be simpler to do the homework themselves. Invariably, therefore, they get caught. An infraction is a zero on the assignment or exam and a referral to your academic dean. See this page for more details.
You must also resist the urge to copy material from the web. Obviously, there are many Discrete Math courses out there, and while I put every effort into making my homeworks reasonably unique, there are likely to be similar approaches elsewhere. While I obviously can't forbid you to look at other slides or text material, any evidence of plagiarism from other sources will merit similar consequences.
I love feedback! Feel free to come to me during office hours, or make an appointment to discuss anything you like or don't like about the course. I can't always promise that I'll resolve your issues (such as randomly dropping a homework grade), but I do promise I won't take it out on you. I'm here to help you learn and get the most out of the class.