CS3134 Homework #0
Not to be submitted
There are a few things you should do in order to be ready for the class.
Ensure you have a CUNIX account. It's preferable (although
not absolutely required) that you have an "extended
instructional" account, as it has fewer limitations as to what
you can do on CUNIX. See http://www.columbia.edu/acis/accounts/Student_Accounts.html
for more details.
Make sure you can log onto newcunix.cc.columbia.edu;
this is the new computing cluster capable of running the
latest version of Java. Note that you cannot telnet to
newcunix; you must use a secure telnet-like protocol called
ssh. If you want the ability to ssh from a Windows box at
home, you can use a free tool like Teraterm Pro (http://www.columbia.edu/acis/software/teraterm/)
or PuTTY (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/).
Write, compile, and run a test "hello world" program in Java.
(This exercise is left to the reader.)
That's it! Once you've done the above, you're ready to develop
on the CUNIX cluster. You do not have to, however; I've
assembled a resources page (http://www.columbia.edu/~cs3134/resources.html)
that has links to Windows development tools. However, you
will be expected to test your code on newcunix, as we
will be grading it there. If you have problems, visit one of
your TAs ASAP; the first few weeks are a perfect opportunity to
meet them during office hours and make sure you're off the
ground and running, as you won't have time later in the semester
to debug account and Java issues.