CS3134 Homework #3
Due on October 28, 2003 at 11:00am
There are two parts to this homework: a written component worth
10 points, and a programming assignment worth 10 points. See
the homework submission
instructions on how to hand it in and for important notes on
programming style and structure.
Note: parts in red are
Written questions
- Doubly-linked, doubly-ended lists are fairly versatile data
structures, but there's one major problem with them: scanning
through them is still a tedious process -- for example, if you
want to get to the middle of a linked list, it takes N/2 steps,
even if you know what the value of N is. Compare this to an
array, where going to the middle always takes one step. Let's
see if we can come up with a better way.
Imagine a doubly-linked list not only with "next" and
"back" pointers, but with a "nextnext" pointer that points to
the element after the next element. This enables us to
skip through the list a bit quicker if we're scanning for a
particular position, or if we have an ordered list and know
approximately where our contents are.
- (2 points) Assuming we have a list with such a
"nextnext" pointer, how much time (absolute, not big-Oh) do
we save for accessing the 50th element in a 100-element list
over a traditional doubly-linked list?
- (1 point) Does the time saved above realize into a
change in the big-Oh complexity for this access process as
compared to a traditional doubly-linked list? Why or why
- (2 points) If we want to insert a new item in the middle of this list, what references
do we have to modify? How about delete? You can just list
each of the references, the new value for each, and a brief
explanation, or you can give psuedocode for each and
explain why the psuedocode works. Also,
list the boundary conditions and explain briefly how we'd
address them (you don't need to write out the references or
psuedocode for this).
- (3 points) Write out a jumpTo method that would
belong in the new list class that takes one parameter: the
index of the element we're looking for, and returns the Link
element corresponding to that index (e.g., 5 would return
the 6th item). Make sure you try and make this
jumpTo as efficient as you can given this variation
on the doubly-linked list. Express how many steps it would
take (absolute, not big-Oh) for this search to run if we
look for an index i in a list of n items.
(Your code doesn't have to compile, but the syntax should be
reasonably close to Java).
(Trivia: this is the basis for a special data structure
called a skip list, which is a cross between a tree and
a linked list. It's a pretty cool data structure; do a Google
search if you're curious about it.)
- (2 points) The book lists the code for the merge
part of mergesort on page 281. It's iterative, as it's a bit
quicker that way, but the code is convoluted. Write out the
psuedocode to do merge recursively. Be as precise as
you can: in particular, make sure specify the parameters to the
method call, and illustrate the stopping case(s) and the
recursive case(s). What's the complexity of the recursive
Programming problem
In this exercise, we're going to add some functionality to the
DoublyLinkedList class that was provided in the book (page 226;
you can download a copy here).
There are three subparts to this assignment. For each, make
sure you modify the tester program to demonstrate the new
(3 points) Implement a method that splits the doubly-linked
list into two separate lists. To do this, build a method
called split that takes a long as a parameter and
returns a new object of type DoublyLinkedList. The method
should search for the first instance of the supplied long, and
split the list (or, to be more precise, reassign references)
such that the found element should be the first element of the
new DoublyLinkedList, and the element before it should be the
last element of the old DoublyLinkedList. If that element
doesn't exist, the method should return null. Make
sure to take boundary conditions into account. Your algorithm
should do the search in O(N) time and the actual splitting in
O(1) time (e.g., you should not be actually copying the data
itself around).
(5 points) Implement a recursive insertion sort for this
doubly linked list. To do this, create a method in the
DoublyLinkedList class called recInsertionSort that
takes no parameters. This method just needs to, in turn, call
to another (private) method called recInsertionSort
that takes two parameters: a reference to the first Link to be
sorted recursively, and a reference to the last Link to be
sorted recursively. Neither method returns any values. (Note
that having two methods with the same name is legitimate Java
syntax; it differentiates them by the parameter names. This
is an OO concept known as overloading.)
The strategy is as follows: a list of n elements can be
insertion-sorted by first recursively sorting 0...n-1,
and then inserting n in the correct spot amongst the
(now sorted) n-1 elements. The stopping case is one
Link, which of course is inherently sorted by definition.
(2 points) Implement a recursive count method, called
recSize, that takes no parameters and returns an
integer containing the total number of elements in the
doubly-linked list. Use a strategy similar to the previous
You must implement programming #2 and #3 recursively, not
iteratively, to get any credit. You can check to make sure your
methods are recursive by seeing that the sort only needs one or two non-nested loop constructs,
and the count doesn't need any loop constructs at all.